Oh. And if you have any ideas for my Super Friends deck, I'd be very happy to hear them.
I'll be honest here. I've never used snapcaster so I am not the best person to ask about him. Stonehorn Dignitary is pretty good, so that should get maybe 2 slots in the sideboard. Grand Abolisher... I'm kind of iffy on him. Pretty much the only deck that he'd be a must have is against U/B control and they run removal through the roof. The other thing is that your planeswalkers give you enough protection against control since they don't run anything that can touch them. So... I'd leave your sideboard open for some other things. You'll want your 4th Day of Judgment in the sideboard if its not mainboard. You'll also want maybe a 3/3 split on Celestial Purges and Timely Reinforcements. Flashfreeze should be at about 3-4 depending on how heavy WRR is in your area. I'm also going to have to mess your pretty looking land base up. 24 is the bare minimum for a control deck. I've seen as much as 27. Moorland Haunt is a 2 of in this deck along with Ghost Quarter. If you do not have Ghost Quarter in the main, then it should be in the side.
Oh. Think Twice is THE source of draw for blue decks nowadays.
If you're going to run ponders, you run 4 of them. Cut it down to 2-3 Dissipates. Tezzeret's Gambit is kind of meh; try cutting it for some other source of draw and throw a contagion clasp in. A control deck should never run 20 land. Especially with planeswalkers. Try more like 24 minimum. Your creature base is really strong, but I find spellskite kind of lacking. I guess for stalling the game its okay. I would rather use Midnight Haunting, Lingering Souls, or Moorland Haunt to stall. 2 Day of Judgements is nowhere near enough. Especially for a control deck. The metagame for standard nowadays consists of almost complete aggro or midrange. You need more ways to deal with creatures. Sideboard: Consider Timely Reinforcements, Celestial Purge, Flashfreeze, Surgical Extraction, among other things.
Thank you. I take great pride in this deck and will use it to troll EVERYONE at FNM. Tournaments just got a whole lot more fun for me. Anything you'd change about this? Sure.
Thank you. Its probably one of the better planeswalker based decks I've made. Although there are a few changes that I can make to it now.
Makes sense. Anything else that this deck could use?
Updated with more threats to make the deck much harder to deal with.
What about Kor Firewalker? Shut down target red deck?
This looks pretty scary. So... The idea behind this is to clear the field repeatably I'm guessing? And to get damage through while forcing opponents to discard? Seems pretty mean. I guess I would have to play against it first before I truly knew how powerful it was though. Not to bug you or anything, but I was wondering if you would help me with my EDH deck. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=288477
I personally like GIlt-Leaf Archdruid because it screws up an opponent and gives you card draw.
Well, the deck is actually under $100 if you don't play the swords. So its an easily affordable deck. I didn't even think about a combo with shapesharer and evil twin, I was just going for clone effects. Especially nice to get rid of all the dang pesky legendaries.
Yeah. The only downside is its not an optional effect. The problem with this deck is EDH is almost always multi-player and when people see the kind of card advantage I can generate, I'm usually a target.
Unblockable and the fact that I draw cards is a pretty good bonus. Ninjas aren't specifically focused on assassination, they're also focused on sabotage and I accomplish that with lots of field control and discard.
I played werewolves in FNM with what was most likely the optimum build. Cut the Villagers and Outcasts, cut the Daybreaks down to 2, and ironsmiths and more removal. Traitorous Blood should be more of a sideboard thing. For removal you will be wanting more Brimstone Volleys and a set of Incinerates. Traitorous Bloods are sideboard for control decks and the like that only really have big stuff (like titans and sphinxes) to worry about. Also, you will be wanting a set of Ancient Grudges in the sideboard and probably some Autumn's Veils and Nihil Spellbombs to go against control decks.
This deck is stupidly reliable and amazing... Damn. I need to figure out how to make a Dragonstorm or Grapeshot deck like this.
Olivia is really solid in here, she really makes it work in my opinion. The mana to activate her abilities is ridiculously easy to a hold of. I've debated Sphere of Suns because it would go well with Glissa, but the Emissaries make the early game much easier against aggro. I think I'll test both to see which work better... Any other suggestions?
Well... This deck looks pretty good. Seems like it could deal with a lot of things in Standard right now. Personally, I think you should take out the Swiftfoot Boots (you have a lot of creatures anyways, some of which have Hexproof already) to put in... 2 Day of Judgments? As well as more mana leaks to stop your swords/flails/Angelics from being destroyed. Honestly, I think there are a lot of better things that you could replace the boots for, that would make this even harder to deal with. I'm trying to make a deck to deal with much of standard right now as well, do you think you could take a look at it and tell me what you think? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=273388
You need some kind of board wipe spell in here for aggro. I like life's finale because it clears the field and it lets you search through their library to find threats, but its a bit late game for a good solution to aggro. I don't really recommend copperlines over rootbounds because, unlike the rootbounds which are guaranteed to enter untapped, copperlines are not as good late game.
Elesh Norn + Godhead of Awe + someway to pump your people up. Destroys entire decks if you pull it off. You might also want ways to counter stuff like Obliterate such as Mindbreak Trap and Time something a rather. Another cool combo is Planar Portal and Beacon of Tomorrows for infinite turns, as well as Mindslaver with Buried Ruins (and the other artifact retrieval land). Future Sight will let you plan ahead as well. Also, Austere Command and Cryptic Command are amazing. The big thing to be focusing on for EDH, are more global effects and reusable effects. Draw spells aren't really all that great when you can instead use stuff like Blue Sun's Zenith and Rhystic Study to keep you ahead of your opponents. Hope this helps. Oh and by the way, the Zenith cycle from Besieged should go into almost every deck that you can fit them into. Along with the Command cycle.
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