I just realized that you made wolfbriar elemental work... I usually think of it useless in a deck that is majority wolves. Anyways, here's the link to my wolf deck if you would like to take a look. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=145130
You don't have to have blue in your deck, you could just get a Leyline of Anticipation and hope it starts in your hand.
I would take out the lodestone myrs and put in at least a couple of thrummingbirds.
Something like Psychic Miasma would work if you want to go the discard route. Otherwise you could use stuff like lightning bolt and deathmark.
If you want to go that route, you could always sideboard him along with some control. That would really mess someone up if you sideboarded into a different kind of deck.
Finally... This looks like a real Sorin deck! Although a few doomblades wouldn't hurt either, even if they're in the sideboard.
I understand why you're using blue... but why green? 6 slots just for extra mana ramp... I'm not sure it's worth it. You would be better off going with some more control.
Maybe... but I don't think they'll return to Kamigawa next block. It will probably be a new plane.
Birds of paradise would be useful if you can fit them in.
I don't quite understand Sorin in this deck; he only really works in late game control.
I was thinking of standard, sorry. A lot of the cards you have are very old so that was why I was wondering.
There is no way you'll get the cards you'll need if you only have 1 or maybe 2 of each. What I was thinking though is that against an aggro deck like... goblins, you won't have enough early protection to defend yourself. Hoardsmelter Dragon is the ultimate answer against artifacts, other than him I don't really know much else about anti-artifact other than the standard naturalize-like spells.
Actually I take that back, Skittles and Hand of the Praetors make infect, along with Ichor rats. In fact, Ichor Rats + Septic Rats or Rot Wolves would be a sure way to get the bonuses quickly.
You're welcome. This looks a lot more playable now. My only other suggestion is more Tempered Steels.
I don't think you need 4 Stoneforge Mystics, their only use would be to get Livewire Lash... Then again I don't know if you need for Livewire Lashes if you can search for them. I don't know... Your deck is very well made.
I don't know... I'm thinking you could drop a few preordains and Commandos and maybe put in only a couple of thrummingbirds.
throw in 2-4 myr galvanizers in place of some of your planeswalkers... you don't need 4 of both.
More myr propagators so you can get infinite myr tokens with the infinite mana galvanizer trick.
Yeah... Skittles was my first mythic that I actually drew as well. I would say Nim Deathmantles and Corpse Curs to keep him on the field.
Contagion Engine + Everflowing Chalice would make for massive proliferation.
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