8 fog effects is standard for turbofog decks. The key is in the card draw. Just need some help with whether Flashfreeze should be mainboard or sideboard and whether I should try to use the +2 life white lands from Zendikar.
Hehe thanks. That's why it's so fun to play. Watching people across the table from me rage is part of why I play magic. Still want advice on Flashfreeze and my mana base though Lols.
You could just steal their deck and run away if you don't want them to have any cards :D. Looks interesting though. Kind of jundish with more emphesis on discard. Have you playtested it yet?
You may have heard this a lot on this website but... try to cut your cards down to 3 and 4 of each card rather than 1 and 2 of each. Pick a specific combo / win condition and cut down the cards to only those that help your specific combo / win condition. You may also want to scale back to 60 cards (although RoughneckBarbarian might disagree). Just some general thoughts.
I would go with slightly less creature control and slightly more early discard (maybe swap a few Paths to sideboard for some Duress?). That way you have more balance between the two main types of control. Also if you're going to be using a lot of discard as control, you may as well toss in a Megrim or two ;). Interesting deck idea though. +1
Interesting idea. Have you playtested this? I'd be curious to know how it works. I like how you use Sage Owl and Ponder to stack your deck, making it easier to Djinn into one of your big creatures ;). Very cool.
With the borderposts I have enough mana.
I would find room for Eldrazi Monument. It's perfect for this kind of thing.
Sure np ;). Best of luck to you man.
Just ignore the trolls :). Yea, people do U/R a bit often, but that doesn't mean it's no good. One thing I would do is find a spot for Swerve. It's an extremely entertaining card :). You can probably get rid of Cancel and add in Double Negative as well. If you want to go more conventional, try Grixis control (U/R/B). At my local card shop a Grixis control deck gets first place quite often (it totally destroyed my U/W deck).
Yea, I was looking for a spot for Quest for Ancient Secrets in here but decided it wasn't really needed. This deck has plenty of fog effects. With only 8 and a minimal amount of draw (I don't own Jace, Font of Mythos, or Howling Mine yet) I get enough fog type cards to make it work. When I'm drawing 5 cards every upkeep I don't need to have more than 8 copies. I also originally made this Bant colors and used Fog / Tanglesap but I felt I really didn't need the third color. Quest of Ancient Secrets will go into the sideboard though.
$6? That is actually a lot less than I expected, so I can probably trade for them. Sadly I can't run Counterspell since this is a Type 2 deck (says in description). Also, the main win condition is mill, so I need the retarded amounts of forced draw and Archive Traps to stay in. Luminarch Ascension just happens to be a perfect card to abuse for Turbofog, but in this deck it's kind of an alternate / backup win condition. Most often it would be used to pump out chump blockers while I mill. Thanks for the comments :) This is what I'm changing: -2 Planar Cleansing +2 Day of Judgment
Nice deck man. I like this a lot. If I may make a suggestion for sideboard; some of the cheap haste / sacrifice at end of turn creatures. Adds more burn and protects you from cards like Telemin Performance, which would insta-mill this at it's current build. +1 for Swerve ;)
Looks good Lol. Only thing is 4 Jace. With the draw you'll have a ton of everything in your hand, but only 1 Jace allowed on the field at a time.
Indeed there is. http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=195403
Yea, it's nowhere near ideal but I happen to own two of them already and Day of Judgment is a bit expensive :(.
I'm glad I could help :)
Yea, on top of the already existing 3 card combo Lol. Not going to happen without some heavy forcing it seems. Anyway, I gotta go to sleep now Lol. Got class in the morning. If you don't mind, could you take a look at one of my decks for me Roughneck? I could use your expert opinion ;). It's the "Type 2 Fogless Turbofog" deck in my profile. Thanks xD. And sorry for spamming up your deck's comments section Zeus! +1 for tolerating the spam.
You could use the always popular Intruder Alarm / Elemental Mastery to infinitely untap a mana producing creature. Still makes the combo totally unrealistic. Not sure there's going to be an overly simple solution Lol.
You may want to look into Wall of Reverence for this deck. You currently have half of an amazingly broken combo and Wall of Reverence is the other piece Lol.
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