Hehe thanks :D. I wish the Pacts weren't like $5 each or I'd make this deck for an upcoming extended game.
Thanks hipponox :). Yea you got the strategy right. There's maybe 1 card that I can think of that counters the combo, and that's Magosi (tap and skip your turn). You can't even cast Negate to cancel their pact... Hive Mind would force your opponent to copy your Negate, allowing them to counter your first Negate. It's a tricky thing to get around Lol. No, I didn't come up with it, but I thought the combo was amazing so I made my own version of it Lol. I make sure to let people know when I didn't think of the combos myself.
May want to look into some non-basic lands there that add G or W.
Ah thanks for that enigma. Changed it :).
Good call. Changed in Caller of Gales for the Cosi's. What would you suggest to mainboard for Thada? I thought about that fact too actually. Artifact hate is very specific for mainboard Lol.
Good idea with Bloodghast. Will mainboard him later.
If Retaliator Griffin is your main card you should probably have more than 1 of them.
Yea, I agree. Howling Mine or Font of Mythos or both. They're perfect for this kind of deck.
Thanks guys, all good calls. I'll add in another Omnath and try to fit Joraga Warcaller.
Well the point of generating all the mana is to use with Omnath, Locus of Mana. Since green mana doesn't leave your mana pool while he's in play, you can just pump your mana pool full of green mana every turn and make him bigger and bigger. That's the general idea anyway Lol.
It's not like you can't hard cast Archive Trap Lol. In my Jacerator deck I run 3 and I hardcast it more often than not. It's still a good card.
Blistering Firecat isn't T2 legal. I would add Zektar Shrine Expedition and possibly Quest for the Pure Flame. Both would be nice for some later game damage boost.
Yea, that's very true AEthercraft. Sometimes I feel like one of the few on here Lol. Hey Blightning; you going to make a version of Jacerator? It went 6-0 in nationals 2009 and it's one of the few decks that can take Jund down on a regular basis. I'm currently building a version of it myself :) Amazingly fun deck. Check my profile, third page, if you've never seen it before.
A lot of people run this actually; it's quite common to see. Look in my profile, first page, for my discard / burn deck. Might help give you ideas. It's standard legal.
I would also suggest Armored Ascension. It's an amazing card for mono-white.
Armored Ascension. It's be single best card in standard legal for mono-white agro decks.
Hey, thanks for the comment :). Trust me, I can't wait until Worldwake is out Lol. Having a 1 drop ally is going to be amazing. People are going to be making mono-white ally decks like crazy in 2 weeks Lol. Yea, Flashfreeze is mainboard because if you aren't going against mono-black vampires, you pretty much are going against green or red or both. Thanks for the +1 :D.
The main problem I see is a lack of draw mechanic. Maybe use the classic turbodraw build since this is using artifacts anyway? Howling Mine / Font of Mythos would speed up your chances of getting the combo out in a given game.
Thanks for the thoughts Boris. I'm definitely going to add Reliquary Tower in here, but I don't know what lands to remove for it. I'm guessing 1 Plains and 1 Island? About Sunspring Expedition... I haven't been able to play it yet in any of my testing. I like the idea of keeping it to allow for some breathing room (don't forget; turbofog decks only carry 8 fog effects, so once I use them they're gone). Gaining 8 life allows me to use less of my fog cards so I can keep them for more dire situations. Not sure on this one yet, but like I said, I haven't even gotten to play it while playtesting yet. If I do get rid of it, I'll try to get another copy of Day of Judgment and Time Warp. Baneslayer is an issue for me for two reasons: 1) This deck is meant to win by mill, not damage. 2) Cost is a problem for me Lol. I'm keeping the Sphinx of Jwar Isle in sideboard in case I need to switch to damage-dealing mode; I'm not willing to dish out $50 for a single card. Path to Exile is standard, but I'm not that interested in using it. It's actually going to be trade bait for the more important cards of this deck, like Day of Judgment and Jace.
Thanks for the call on Flashfreeze. A lot of people mainboard them; I'll let it stay in sideboard though. I've watched a lot of videos of turbofog games and against things like Jund people tend to take a bit of damage, even with the fog effects. Probably over half the videos I've seen the decks had Sunspring Expedition in the mainboard, and used it quite effectively. I've seen a few people use Reliquary Tower but I just wasn't sure if it was worth it. What two land cards should I replace for two Reliquary Towers?
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