I'd certainly sideboard in more champions against removal heavy decks, but I don't know if I'd maindeck them, especially since you have emerge unscathed if you need more protection. Depending how budget you are going, you could go for wurmcoil engine to top off your curve.
I know it takes too long, that's the problem. It's why I built pyromancer ascension instead of this. Oh, and good thing time vault + voltaic key is extended legal and time vault isn't banned in legacy and restricted in vintage. Oh wait, it is :D
Wow, that's actually funny about your suggestions- I have 2 wilt-leaf lieges, but they went into my knight tribal, and my 3 overruns are in squirrles, plus I don't think they are that great in here especially with 3 green cost. My ajani is also in knights- this deck took a bit hit when I built that. I wish I had dauntless escorts, but I don't, and while I don't have gaea's anthem, I think I have 2 glorious anthems, but I don' t really love it- this isn't quite weenie enough for them. I also have 3 honor of the pures, but those are also in knights.
hmmm, you're right that's why I put gideon in- thank's for reminding me. And yeah, longbow is also archer flavor but not technically tribally significant, so I could switch that out, but I do also love the deathtouching pingers. I think I'll pull out the sagittars- they are pretty expensive and not that good.
I have, and I don't plan to. First of all, I don't have any. Secondly- it's slow and 5 blue is tough with only 10 blue sources (i probably should add land, and I wish I had scalding tarns). I also already have snakeforms which also cantrip, and sigils can deal with fatties. So really putting everything at 1/1 for 5 blue is often irrelevant- it'll only happen past the point where I'm either dead or already have control of the board. If I was gonna add anything right now it would be basilisk collars for some deathtouch, which works just as well as making stuff 1/1, especially with a sharpshooter in the mix.
Yeah, that's why I made it quickly then gave up on it... I also feel like colossus probably just works better in the existing polymorph archetype anyway.
hmmm, I'd run slagstorm over pyroclasm if only for the second option of 3 to the face to turn on ascension. And you are playing red in standard- lightning bolt stays. I dunno about ob nix- seems like most of the time you want your ascension to already be on by turn 5, and you don't want to be topdecking lands at that point anyway so he probably won't do a ton.
This doesn't need galvanizers- it needs either faster or better early game control. I'd go for the latter with some mana leaks and go for the throats.
I'm pretty sure that's usually just win more, and propagators don't do much without the combo- there are often better ways to spend the mana. The singleton is mostly as a backup plan to fetch with a turbine. I'll consider it though.
works flavorfully, but too bad that was before tribal :( What should I take out for it? Gideon perhaps cuz he doesn't fit the theme and its mostly for the lols anyway?
Nice idea- I didn't see decimator plus bloodchief before. Not sure on inkmoth nexus- you're 3 color so the mana base is already pretty thin, and how often do you really kill people with poison, and the damage from nexus, I believe, does not cause loss of life because it's poison instead so it won't set up your ascension? Put in 2 more scalding tarn instead to help with your hedron crabs. Also, too bad this is standard or blightning would be godly in here. You could go for burning inquiry though to throw off their hand and get in for 6 with ascension up, although you already have tome scour for a cheap hit like that. Ember hauler could be a good way to get in for 2s to activate also. I worry about consistency here, as you seem pretty weak without an ascension in play, so I would probably throw in some preordain since you are already in blue, and perhaps mana leaks to keep a more control theme.
Sure, I make decks like that all the time, although after drawing a few test hands it seems to me you could cut a few creatures in favor of even more lands so you make sure you go off as soon as oracle hits play.
Oh, and do you really love glint hawk that much? your thopters and archangels already fly and the lenses are like extra evasion, so I think you could at least drop a couple- i might go for a 2 and 2 split with ardent recruit if you insist on 1 drop white creatures.
honestly, key and clasp were just because I couldn't think of anything much better- if you don't feel you have room for them, they probably aren't necessary. With your current list they're mostly just useful if you have an overseer out, so not all that helpful alone, which makes them less worthwhile.
I'm still on the fence about plague myr- I used to have them instead of the birds, but that was too slow. Maybe you are right and I should have both, just so I have some more backup infect creatures in case I don't get my wolves. You think I should drop 4 plains or only 2 and a couple other things?
imo silverskin armor isn't that good- too slow. I get that you're trying to turn ur white creature guys into artifacts so they get access to ur pump, but I think it takes away from ur focus a bit too much and you would be better served with other cards. I'm assuming you are trying to keep this in standard, so here's what I think: Lose the armors and most of your white creatures, if not all of them (maaaaaybe keep archangels) add in some copies of emerge unscathed- it's really quite good as it can stop a removal on an overseer and then make one of your dudes unblockable the next turn if all their blockers share a color. Also put in some journey to nowhere for a bit of removal, I'd say 2 maindeck, maybe more sideboard. Get some white artifact removal for sideboard too- revoke existence leonin relic-warder if you want it on a body (won't get pumped tho). Maybe throw in a voltaic key to untap steel overseers, although contagion clasp might be a better idea, as it can double for removal and the proliferate will add counters too. I feel like there's a lot of other stuff you could do that I'm not thinking of, like maybe a stoneforge mystic equipment package, but that's my 2 cents for now.
fastbond, gladeheart and oracle- I like the interaction there, dunno if you've looked at MBS yet, but I'd throw in green sun's zenith for consistancy on hitting those creatures you need. Although, in this case, the reshuffling is kind of a bad thing. Also, how much do you need 4x liege and 4x baloth? While you're in fastbond territory anyway, you may as well grab concordant crossroads as an additional oldschool enchantment to enable even speedier wins with hasty crowds of tramply baloths.
This deck is interesting, but I think it wants some removal instead of the shadow- I'd rather kill stuff than race stuff, and it would let you drop the blue (steady progress isn't great anyway for an aggro-oriented poison like this- i'd again prefer removal or maybe some buff, which can often act like removal. Disruption like some thoughtseizes could help too- ur in black, so use it.
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