Yeah, it's standard, otherwise Rhys is a no-brainer. I don't love the mayor in this deck because he's so conditional, and I thought about essence but I figure by the time he's out I should already have enough tokens, and he doesn't turn the tokens I already have into 6/6s, otherwise I'd probably play a copy or 2.
Hey guys, I need some help cutting this down to 60 cards. Here are possible cards I want in the deck can you help with finding the numbers? Hero of Bladehold Viridian Emissary Blade Splicer Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Deceiver Exarch Brutalizer Exarch Archon of Justice Roc Egg Stonehorn Dignitary Sun Titan Frost Titan Phantasmal Image Acidic Slime Birds of Paradise Garruk's Horde Llanowar Elves Mausoleum Guard Unruly Mob Avacyn's Pilgrim Boneyard Wurm Hollowhenge Scavenger Kessig Cagebreakers Splinterfright Tree of Redemption
I've been actually trying out a few different uses for splinterfright, and I have a few decks with different colors. I might try U/G next, but that seems the obvious route so I was trying to be creative. Also, lavamancer is there to use noncreatures that get dumped in my graveyard because they don't do anything for me. There are only 2 so I don't end up wasting them like you said.
You are right about all of these things. I'm not sure if I'm gonna change it though, I sort of gave up after a bit, because it seems to me that the entire plan of this deck just isn't that solid. I feel like straight blue black or blue red control would work better, probably blue black.
I dont think this works, sorry to say. I'm pretty sure that the leviathan bounces iona and the servant back to your hand too, because all 3 of them enter the battlefield and then the leviathan's ability triggers, bouncing everything but itself.
Hmm, im liking plow under- and it reminds me that primal command could be good here too- didn't think of dumping lands on top of library and killing them later.
ah, found it- I'm not a huge fan of it- it can pump dudes and it can do it twice, but i really don't know if its worth a slot in here- I think i'd rather just have more dudes.
Hmmmm- why no islands- you should have some way to play flash other than with a gemstone caverns...
Lemme know what you think and help with sideboard is appreciated.
oh wow- im good at reading cards... never mind that then. Thanks for the catch.
Here- I decided to build it for modern, not legacy, but the idea is there- it would work better with consultations and tutors, but I think there are better legacy decks out there, and probably better modern ones too but what the heck. Anyway, take a look:
I think leveler is much better than a bunch of your 4 CMC cards in there. Also- I think this should be pure combo rather than some combos and some attempts at a slow mill. The slow way will never be fast enough- you should just play ponder/preordain/brainstorm etc. to dig up the combo fast, a few tutors like you have, the combo itself, and protection for the combo. I'll take a crack at it and post back.
I feel like if I do add lead the stampede, it might want to be instead of zeniths though, which could hurt the mana acceleration.
hmmm, lead the stampede is a pretty good idea- I don't know what travel preparations is- it isnt in the gatherer so maybe you have the name wrong. I'm not sure about the colorless producing g/w land- the buff is nice, but it's costly and i feel like with all the double white i need the white sources more.
Also- I'm worried about this being weak to board sweepers, any suggestions to remedy that would be appreciated.
The 22 innistrad cards are missing until launch (and who knows if the reveal of the rest of the set will alter the decklist, it quite possibly will). Any recommendations would be great. I didn't really look too much into good noncreature spells. None came to mind as necessary given fiend hunters as removal, but if there's anything I missed let me know. Sideboard advice is also appreciated.
Do you guys think that I need prodigal sorcerer in here for the 1 turn faster win or not?
Nicely done surewhynot- I had the same idea a while back before NPH came out so it's missing some of the good stuff you have, but here it is if u wanna see what I thought of:
thanks for the suggestion!
I'm am 95% sure that works- the way I see it, Emrakul goes to the graveyard and is then shuffled into it's owner's library, much like how tokens go to the graveyard and then are instantly exiled as a state based effect. I think that if it were a replacement effect such as "if emrakul would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, shuffle it into its owner's library instead," then it would not work.
21-40 of 158 items