don't need to splash blue- just go monoblack control: -2 cadaver imp -4 tainted strike -4 phyresis +3 go for the throat +2 duress +3 inquisition of kozilek +2 grasp of darkness
seconded on kor outfitter as back up with a mystic when you are questless, and drop the DoJ for either those or more kor skyfisher
Oh, and haunting echoes is rather random- I guess it makes sense with your targeted discard so you can just clean out their deck of their bombs, but it's rather high cost and not always going to be helpful, and you won't be decking them anyway.
Well you're clearly going for budget standard, so let me see: I don't like mire's toll or psychic miasma- you should have some removal instead of those, like go for the throat, doom blade, grasp of darkness, or disfigure, or a combination of them. I can see that nihil stone is supposed to be your finisher, but that runs into a fundamental problem with discard. If you don't get the quest until after they are handless and just playing whatever they are topdecking, it's not going to ever get counters unless you sign in blood them and then play your discard. And you only have 3 of them, so without it you don't really have a good kill. I would suggest rethinking that, maybe with some big creatures like massacre wurm or something. You could also use some board sweeping, so grab black sun's zenith, slagstorm, or pyroclasm if u don't wanna spend the money. Burst lighting could help if you want a pyromancer ascension burn kill as plan b, but I'm not entirely sure what pyromancer ascension is doing in this deck- by the time it's going off and you are copying your discard, they won't have anything left to discard. Also, back to your nihil stone activation in late game problem, you could go for burning inquiry. And dark tutelage could help with some consistency with your draws.
I would not go -4 nighthawk- it's a very strong card, and I have no idea why you think that taking them out would limit lifeloss- if you mean take out lacerators, I would be inclined to aggree- pulse trackers and seers should be enough 1 drops, especially since there are situations in which you will 1st turn lightning bolt a mana dork or something too.
Well... I have a bunch of random theoretical decks on my page you could look at- my favorite project of those would probably be wolflash- I really want to get that to work. Also any of my decks tagged with -Real are decks I actually have, so input on those would be nice.
Hehe, yeah that's the plan
I would get rid of the steel walls, perhaps in favor of bloodchief ascension. Your mana curve is also quite high, so I would drop some corrupts, and maybe put in some form of acceleration like everflowing chalice.
I don't think so- the two cards fill totally different slots- crossbow infantry is almost as conditional, and it is a 2 drop with 1 toughness instead of a 1 drop with 2 toughness
and btw, ignore what I said about feast and famine over body and mind- forgot body and mind was mill 10 :D
you are playing red... where are the 4x lightning bolt? my list
This just standard? I like the list- maybe inquisition of kozilek over duress but looks solid.
im not saying i need something that searches for brigid, just that it would be nice if she was an elf for the harbinger to grab.
complicated and impractical... I like it. Throw in fastbond and or oracle of mul daya for added speed. Good call with realms uncharted- if you put in the extra lands per turn cards bump up to 4 of them. I don't know how commited to trade routes you are, but I would dump it in favor of some lair lands like darigaaz's caldera. I might have to make my own crazy version of this and get back to you.
Probably a good call sir- I will miss having those being an archer slot but finding doyens is good- too bad it can't also get brigid
dont have any curiosities, too lazy to bother, and if niv stays in play for any legitimate amount of time its basically gg anyway.
and looking at sideboard more closely for the first time, invisimancer isn't a half bad idea, I'd play feast and famine over body and mind b/c the discard will proc ascension and I'd rather pro black than blue. I'd bump crusaders to the board with the thrummingbirds, drop the ornithopters, and maybe put inkmoths in side in case they have something that totally hoses ascension and you need to go infect primary, at which point you'd switch out the mill and ascension for the infect. So to sum up my changes Main Deck: -3 crusader +3 mana leak SB: -3 ornithopter +3 crusader -4 body and mind +2 feast and famine +2 inkmoth nexus And when they obsolete the ascension I'd board: -4 crab -4 ascension -3 tome scour -2 tar pit +3 crusader +2 sword +3 thrummingbird +2 nexus +3 collar
Unless my understanding of infect's interaction with bloodchief ascension is flawed, I would avoid the crusader- sure its good for defense, but i think infect damage doesn't cause loss of life, so there is no way this guy could cause your opponent to lose 2 life to put a counter on the ascension. This means that while it serves to protect your jace and could supplement the poison counters doled out by decimator, it doesn't function well in relation to your main strategy and will only help your plan b, which you will probably lose with anyway because most of the deck is plan a. I think it's more important to strengthen your plan a and stop their plan a, hence mana leaks, sea gates, etc. IMO pull out the crusaders for mana leaks, 14 creatures should be fine, especially with bolts and tar pits as alternate 2+ damage sources.
Also, I'm not sure inkmoth nexus is a fit for this deck- it seems to me people have been misusing it a lot. Imo it needs either to supplement existing infect or be an alternate wincon in control with good amounts of proliferate. This just has contagion engine, which isn't enough proliferate to warrant inkmoth, and your blightsteel is either going to be gg when it hits the board with or without inkmoth, or it will get exiled and any inkmoth damage won't matter. I guess it could do something if you are in a race and you can only get 8 of your trample damage through, and I guess you can tezzy it to a 5/5 which is some nice tech, but you might be better off going for more colored mana. I guess you're only 2 color so its probably fine, and realizing the tezzy interaction made me reconsider a bit so you can keep it, but it's something to think about. I dunno, I've just been seeing it a lot in places where it shouldn't be, so I'm ranting.
I feel like jace could be tough to protect with your current creature package not having more than 2 toughness- if you want to keep him, you probably need sea gate oracle, which would also help fill the preordain slot. I still am a big fan of preordain, although you do want your first turn to be an ascension or a hedron crab or a pulse tracker or a creeping tar pit most of the time, so maybe oracle will be better for you. As for mana leak, it would be nice to have, as would inquisition of kozilek, but I don't see an easy way to fit it without sacrificing ascension activatiors, which you probably want to avoid. You could pull pulse trackers, as you already have a gazillion 1 drops, especially if you do want to go for preordain. You might be able to get away with pulling an island or a mountain too, since your curve is quite low with 19 one drops.
121-140 of 158 items