I actually haven't found playing Trostani to be that big of an issue. When you look at the mana base, only those 3 Gavony Townships and the 1 mountain don't produce the necessary white or green mana. As for the number of Gavony Townships, I tried two of them, and just didn't see them often enough, and with 4 Farseek and 3 Borderland Ranger, I am rarely color or mana screwed. Both midrange and control are actually better matchups than youthink. Rakdos's Return is a bit of a problem. That is the reason for the 1 Witchbane Orb, and only the 1. More than 1 is useless, since the first one will always land and stick, since Jund has no way to remove it, save for Vraska. I can also go threat for threat with midrange, while using my own incremental advantage, produced by my creatures, and the flicker effects, to win in the end. Gavony also proves to be a game-breaker in the long run. As for control, Cavern of Souls into Conscripts often ends things. They rely so much on their planeswalkers, and his ability to borrow them, in case they try to ultimate is invaluable. And as for Entreat, I've found Fiend Hunter, and Mizzium Mortars to be all the answers I need. Control hardcasts Entreat a lot more than they used to, and 1 Fiend Hunter knocking them down to, say 1 angel from 2, makes the race winnable with my life gain. That, with the flicker effects and mortars out of the board, and it's not a huge issue. I do appreciate the input though. Feel free to respond back to this.
Thank you. I spent a fair bit of time trying to make soulbond and double strike work, but I kept getting destroyed by Blade Splicers and Huntmasters. So I just decided to make that deck, lol. It's been working out well for me, lol.
The deck does seem good Have you thought of Daybreak Ranger, in addition to the Huntmasters, Mayors, and Garruks? I ran a deck with Huntmasters, Garruks, and Daybreak, and it was pretty devastating in an agro-based format.
Somebody noted this above, and I think I'll ask it too. What do you do against planeswalkers? Liliana, or god forbid Karn, can really wreck your day. I don't know if it's something you've come up against, but I figured I would throw it out there.
I'm curious as to what that deck does against a turn 1 creature like Stromkirk Noble.
Yeah, I ended up putting the Doom Blades in the main. My friend put up a good case for it, and it's worth testing at the very least. As for the artifacts, I have 3 copies of Shatter in the side board. I could go up to 4 if I took out the Nihil Spellbombs, also adding a 4th Arc Trail.
You referred me to this because of my Vampire deck. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=268373 Though your build isn't standard, I find myself able to handle the threats as they come. One in particular though would require the side board to defeat. I can answer all but Paladin en-Vec with the main deck, in one fashion or another. My only answer for him though comes in the form of Ratchet Bomb, unless I am able to steal a creature with Olivia,and use it to get in the way, lol.
I do want to thank you for your comment, and it's no problem about the length. Starting at the top, I was considering a couple of Ratchet Bombs, to go with the Arc Trails, so I elected for them for the token/werewolf matchups. Dismember is always good, so I added a couple of them. I did consider the Bloodlord, but I also wanted to keep the curve on 4and under, making the build fast. On that same note, Crossway Vampire was one I strongly considered in place of the Bloodcrazed Neonate. I elected for the 2 drops, in the scenario that I can go creature turn 1, creature turn 2, Pay the life on turn 3 to Gut Shot a blocker, into either of my current 3 drop creatures, both of which end up with bigger creatures. Curse of Stalked Prey is one I also considered, but I turned it down because it's bad for tempo. I'd rather play a creature on turn 2, especially if I didn't get the turn 1 Stromkirk Noble draw. Nihil Spell Bomb is one I forgot about, but it's far from irrelevant at this point. Again, thank you for your comments, and feel free to follow up with another one, as the sideboard is relatively final. Also note, that a friend talked me into Doom Blades main, to kill Wurmcoils and such, especially since a single Bloodline Keeper can keep said Phyrexian Crusader busy with tokens chump blocking all day long.
I can see and understand the birthing chain, but I think Birthing chain requires a lot of time. I do like that you have some early defenses, but I think your strategy as a whole is dependent on your pump spells, which you only have 6 of.. I might run a full compliment of 8, or try to work in more actual card drawing.
You're missing the most powerful ability of the eye of ugin, lol. The fact that it lowers their cost is all fine and good, but the ability to just fetch Eldrazi from your deck, say the end of your opponents turn, then turn around and cast them on your turn, is incredibly powerful, and will usually quickly lead to the end of the game.
Small edit, saying that it's the fastest form of consistent mana. In this example, I'm excluding Lotus Cobra.
Clearly you've never played with the Treespeaker before. It's only flaw, is if you go to level it once, and it dies. If it lives to level however, it is the fastest form of mana ramp. If the Treespeaker lives to level, you can immediately follow up with something like Everflowing Chalice for 1, or an Explore, possibly dropping another land. Doing the math, both of those scenarios leave you with 5 mana showing, 6 if you have another land on turn 3.
I like your elf package, but I think your eldrazi package is a bit overdone. I've always loved the legendaries, and after a lot of playtesting, I find that they are the only one's worth playing. Alternate fatties you could consider would be Darksteel Colossus, Blightsteel Colossus, or Primeval Titan. The titan especially is absolutely brutal, especially if you go with a backup plan of an Eye of Ugin or 2. The ability to just put them on top and then Call of the Wild is incredibly powerful, but it never hurts to have a backup plan, lol. Primeval Titan coming into play, fetching up Gaea's Cradle and Eye of Ugin is pretty devastating.
Thank you for the compliment. It's gone through it's evolutions, lol. I do like yours though, Something I might recommend though, is some of graveyard recursion. Your deck is resistant to most types of removal, except for mass removals, such as Wrath of God or Damnation. Other then that though, it does seem enjoyable, and frustrating for most other casual decks, lol.
The deck looks solid to be sure, nice and resilient. I'd love to have a go at it with my own elf deck of choice. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=90041
Lol, thanks man. I'll ask him.
I know this isn't a real comment, and I hope you'll excuse it, lol. I looked through your decks, looking for an archtype that a friend of mine wants to make, and I was wondering if you could help me with it. He wants to make a ninja deck, the expected U/B version and I was wondering if you could throw one together for me.
Yeah...So very many things wrong with this deck, that I'm not even going to waste any more time other than saying, only 4 of each card in a deck, not counting basic lands.
All those colorless Eldrazi with no Eldrazi Temples or Eye's of Ugin?
I've never been all that pleased with Joraga Treespeaker as a whole, if only because you can play it turn one, and have it die in response to leveling it on turn 2, leaving you just 2 lands going into turn 3. Especially in a deck with Vengevine though, I would swap those out for Fauna Shaman. Discard something to fetch Vengevine, then discard Vengevine next turn to get Vengevine, and at some point play 2 guys in the same turn and get back all your hasty Vengevines.
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