He's going for T2. Rancor is nowhere near T2, lol.
I see what you're trying to do, and I asked myself a lot of the same questions that you've probably asked. I've been playtesting a deck similar to this for the past few months, and placed well in the 2 constructed tournaments I've done since Shards rotated out. Here's the link to it. I hope it helps in some way. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=90041
I think you're off to a good start. Here's a version that I've run with. I've done 2 constructed tournaments since Shards rotated out, and made top 16 in both. I don't know if it'll help at all, but here's the link to the deck I use. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=90041
If you're running black, Ichor Rats works well for getting at least one counter on your opponent. Then you can proliferate all you want.
If you're going to so blatantly ignore the "No more than 4 of any nonbasic land" rule, then you may as well just have 60 Memnites.
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=90041 Elf mana w/ Titans into Eldrazi. Taken to 2 tournaments where I placed 13/143 (Kentucky State Championship, and top 8 (Scars of Mirrodin Game Day.) & Exp 6
With shards rotating out, I definitely agree with this. One of the big problems with decks like this, is that you need very specific mana in the early turns to go with what's in your hand. Some of the red/green and/or green/white should work just as well. As with all dual lands though, there is the chance that they'll show up later and come into play tapped anyway, but I think it helps the early game-mid game, which is where this deck is expected to excel.
If you want fetch in that case, pending your money situation, just go with Verdant Catacombs.
Splinter Twin is the red enchantment he's referring to.
I like the mill package, but if you're running black, I really recommend including either some Leyline of the Voids, or at least Suffer the pasts. This deck works fine until you come up against the legendary eldrazi. It's a pretty common deck archetype now, so I'd recommend sideboarding at least some sort of answer for them.
If you're running Boros Agro, I'd definitely say toss in 4 Arid Mesa's. It'll help thin your deck, and make sure you have the colors of mana you need for your 1W and 1R two drops.
I suppose it's feasible enough, seems a little greedy for my tastes, even with both being 4 of's, but if it happens, it's certainly powerful.
Yeah, it's true that if you have both out, you can use one to activate the other...but that just seems pointless. Coming into play tapped on the off chance that you might have both, and be able to do something useful with them...
I think you forgot to up your Goblin Ruinblaster count up to 4. 1 seems pointless, lol, and you're sitting at 57 cards. Just an assumption though.
I also don't really see the point of Precursor Golem in this deck. I get that it's a golem deck, but he seems to be there just to...be there. With no spells targeting spells, I definitely think you could make better use of that slot somehow.
I might suggest tossing in some Stirring Wildwoods. It seems a natural fit with the way your deck runs, especially since they can be an indestructible blocker with reach that can also participate in your Overwhelming Stampede Turn.
I really like the way this build works. Mana acceleration in red is just a pain in the ass, lol. Accelerating into Koth, Elemental Appeal, flinging the 7/1 elemental Token, or the other 7/1 token from a fetch land accelerated Zektar Shrine. Not to mention Assault Strobe, lol. Double Strike on Arc Runner, Kiln Fiend, or the 7/1's, just all around painful. Very nice build.
I understand that smite seems good in a defender deck, but my friend and I built a deck similar to this. Even with all your defenders, and Rage Nimbus being able to block flying, I recommend Condemn instead. It's a more consistent form getting it off the board, if not killing it. It also serves as a way for you to deal with an indestructible attacker. My friend and I also played with Lightmine Field, and we found it to be sort of iffy at best. We found Luminarch Ascension to be much better in that spot. It's not so much a defense, but it's an alternate win condition when/if your Vent Sentinel's get targeted. As far as removal, I generally like Condemn, as I said, along with Lightning Bolt. Anyway, just my 2 cents, but there it is.
I don't think Bushwhacker works the way you think it does. It worked with something like Bloodbraid, because you actually cast it without paying it's mana cost, which allowed you to pay the kicker. Unless I'm mistaken, you can't pay the kicker cost if it pops up off the Genesis Wave. If I'm wrong, then your deck works fine, as long as your Genesis Wave resolves, but if I'm right, you may want to take another look at it. Your plan could be to Genesis Wave for big and have the Bushwhacker in hand, but that mode seems fairly iffy, and if that is your plan, then I would recommend putting all 4 in the main deck.
Why is Celestial Colonnade in there? I'm not seeing any way to actually activate it. Other than that though, it looks pretty decent.
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