I can agree with that logic, put that way. I don't know for sure if you'll have mana fixing problems either way, but I'll concede the point.
Infinite Hasty 8/8's. Something about that seems fundamentally wrong in casual, lol. I do still recommend switching out the Skyshroud Elf for something like either Quirion Elves or Druid of the Anima. Both of them do effectively the same thing, but better.
He'd be pretty decent for both of us, lol, little better for me since I'm running 16 forests. If he's tapping for at least 3+ though, he's brutal enough in his own right.
I'm surprised you don't have any Memnites in there. Also, I think given the fact that your curve tops out at 3, you could probably safely go down to 20 lands, or given your scheme, 21 lands, adding in 3 of 1 additional card, Memnite, maybe Glint Hawk, something of the sort.
I don't know if I like Elvish Archdruid in a build that only has 6 elves total. For starters though, I do recommend Druid of the Anima, Quirion Elves, and Noble Hierarch, any of which could easily replace the the Skyshroud Elf, and/or the Archdruids. The Noble Hierarch's don't tap for the red you might need, but it's still a 1-drop that can tap for any of the other 3. Another thing you could consider in something like this is something like Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, or Essence Warden, giving yourself infinite life along with the infinite creatures created by your Intruder Alarm/Godsire combo, something that could buy you time until you find/drop your Pandemonium and win the game. Presence of Gond could also make for some interesting synergy with your Stonybrook Schoolmasters, giving you another potential way to combo off. Anyway, just throwing a few ideas out there, take them how you will, lol.
The current standard format includes Zendikar, Worldwake, Rise of Eldrazi, M11 Core Set, and Scars of Mirrodin. Anything from a set before Zendikar, not counting those reprinted and whatnot, isn't standard legal.
Or how about Priest of Titania, lol. Her combine with Archdruid can lead to some pretty rediculous ramp.
I did consider the Wurmcoil Engine. My only problem with it, is that it is "just" a fatty. The Titans also fetch any land I want, which can be Temple/Temple, Temple/Eye, Tectonics, or Forests if I see Tectonics on the other side. As for the Eldrazi themselves, they pretty much speak for themselves. As good as the Wurmcoil Engine is, I find it less appealing than the Titans themselves, and running any more than 9 fatties would risk cluttering up my opening hand with fatties. It's true I want to see the fatties, lol, just not more than maybe 2 six drops or bigger in my opening hand. Hope that all made some semblance of sense, lol.
We actually didn't end up buying any of the Titans as singles. I pulled one at the pre-release, got 2 in boxes, and lucky in a pack. Here though, it costs about $40/per to buy em alone. As for the rest of the cards, it goes about like this. Elvish Archdruid: $4/per Emrakul, the Aeons Torn: ~$10-$15/per Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre: ~$8-$10/per Kozilek, Butcher of Truth: ~$7/per Eldrazi Temple: $4/per Eye of Ugin: ~$5-$7/per Garruk Wildspeaker: $4-$6/per Summoning Trap: $2-$4/per These are some rough estimates based on my local area, but they should be fairly accurate. If anybody has some assuredly accurate prices, feel free to post them.
Don't get me wrong, I'd totally swap out the Sylvan Ranger for either old school Wood Elves or Fyndhorn, lol. At least for my other deck. I'd totally pay 3 instead of 2 for a forest into play untapped :D, or for another quadruplet of 1 drop tap for greens. Totally fair right, lol?
And Fyndhorn Elves is from as far back as Ice Age and Master Edition.
Thank you very much for the comments and the compliments. Both Phantomspectre and I have been fine-tuning this deck for quite some time, and we're really liking the way it flows now, almost regardless of what I'm against.
Lol, all good. I made the mistake on the sideboard itself. I also forgot to comment on the Harrow and Cultivate recommendation. The reason I don't run the spell version, as it the common build out there, is because of the control matchup. They'll throw a mana leak at your Cultivate, your Explore, Harrow, or Growth Spasm, and there's not much you can do about it. I ramp with creatures, which puts them in a tough spot, even for the U/B matchups. If they counter one of my creatures, lets say a turn 2 Elvish Archdruid, they risk a summon trap when they're probably tapped out. Countering that druid, just to have me trap into a Titan or worse is hardly worth the risk, lol, thus making my creatures slightly more likely to resolve. This also forces their entire game plan onto the "destroy my creatures". That is easily solved with my sideboard. I can take out 4 Doom Blade targets, and throw in maybe 4 Vines, or 4 lands in the form of Tectonic Edge. They're spending their time killing creatures, rather than putting pressure on my life total, which means I can just ramp straight to six mana with whatever is available, and go off that way.
My bad on that, was supposed to be 4 Vines, and just the 4th fog, lol. I must have been really tired when I reupdated that sideboard. Anyway though, that much is fixed now. As for the single copy of Kozilek, I find that it's not necessary to have more than 1. I only fetch him up if I need the card draw, often times to try and find a fog, or if I don't yet have the mana to fetch up either Ulamog or Emrakul. You are also wrong about my being defenseless against artifacts. Nature's Claim is a 1 mana answer for it. I don't normally care about my opponents life total, so I find it works better for me than Naturalize. Against any artifact decks, say quest for example, I'm either exploding into an Eldrazi, which is going to make them scoop, or a Titan, which will make short work of the 4 additional life I give them. Oh, and as for the Vines of Vastwood, they're actually in there for the control matchup as well. There are times where I would rather have my 16 mana ramp creatures, not counting Sylvan Rangers, and there are times when I would rather have the Vines, usually boarding out the Overgrown Battlements. For example, it can be used as a 1 mana counter spell for a removal spell, or a pump spell by a B/G infect deck. It's a pretty versatile card, but got booted out of the main for now, only because of how common the blitz agro decks are becoming. Thanks on the congrats, it caught me quite off guard, lol.
If he were going that far back, lol, he may as well toss in a Black Lotus and a Mox Emerald. Let's all try to keep it standard, lol.
This deck is for Standard Tournaments, otherwise I might consider it, lol.
I don't know what the standard tournaments are like where he is, but I've noticed a severe decline in white decks, with the exception of 1 or 2 white weenie decks. I have seen almost no Baneslayer Angels since Shard rotated out. On that note, I don't think he needs the plummets in the main, at least as far as my meta game is concerned. I can see the usefulness of both the Ascetiscms and Vengevines, and of the two I would say the Vengevines, but their not as good unless you have 4 of them, and Fauna shamans to pitch to fetch more, thus giving you more haste. His metagame might be different from mine, but that's my 2 cents.
I've come across quite a few elf decks like this at tournaments, and I have to confess their a pain to face, lol. The second they untap with an Archdruid and a Copperthorn Scout, they could just go off, as I'm sure you've noticed. Tap any mana producers you have for mana, cast what you want, then attack with the Copperthorn, untapping everything else, which you can then use to either buff with Ezuri, or cast more in your 2nd main phase. The most devastating thing to do in your 2nd main, is of course either an Eldrazi Monument, or Garruk and untap 2 lands, putting him at 4 loyalty, which sets up for the overrun next turn for the win. This deck is explosive, resilient, and generally frustrating, lol.
Yeah, the past couple of times I've gone to tournament, it's been pretty heavy with the different tri-colored control decks, mainly U/B/G and U/B/R. This deck handles itself nicely against them, but has some problems against the few blitz agro decks that are out there. It's for that reason that the Overgrown Battlements have made their appearance. They help to keep the Goblin Guides, Students of Warfare, etc...at bay. The little time they buy is usually enough to get to six, the magic number, lol, and explode from there.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised and flattered, lol. I use this sight mostly as an archive for my decks to update as I need, lol. I guess I'll start by saying thanks to all the people who marked like, and Phantomspectre, my primary playtest partner and deck tech partner.
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