I definitely have to agree with leaving in all the things he said to take out, for all the reasons you said. Also, the Nest Invaders and Predators are 2-3 for 1's. Even if they kill the invader, you still have the token to act as mana acceleration if you need it. I have a deck similar to this, and one thing that I've found helps me out alot is Broodwarden. I know that the tokens aren't one of your win conditions, but with the rate at which I know that deck can put them out, you can simply drop the Broodwarden and swing for the win. Or, you can cripple their defense, then sack the remaining guys for mana for a second main phase fatty. Another possibility you might entertain is Summoning Trap. You have 5 fatties that you could instant speed during their end step in to, or at the very least get a hatcher, predator, or bird. You could put 2 or so in instead of 2 All is Dust. I personally prefer 2 instead of 4, but I can understand your reasoning either way. Also I've had pretty decent luck with Growth Spasms in decks like this. Nets you both a basic land and a token. It's also not likely to get countered, and can act as another form of mana ramp.
All in all, not bad. It seems like it might have a problem against Jund though. Once they realize what's going on and start killing your mana producers, it seems like your mid game is crippled severely.
I had a friend that ran a deck fairly similar to this. He wasn't running the bolts, but I do think their a good addition. A couple possibilities instead of the stagger shocks would be maybe O-Rings or Journeys, or even possible Luminarch Ascension. For a deck that is playing around defense, Luminarchs seems good, and if it gets online, the game tends to end fairly quickly.
I'm not a personal fan of the Hand of Emrakul. For just one more mana you could go with an Ulamog's Crusher. 1 more power, toughness, and annihilator for just 1 more mana. Other than that, it seems pretty solid. I do like the fun that can be had with a warcaller, canopy cover, and primal cacoon though, lol. If there's not a wrath or consume the meek, it'll end things pretty quick. The best about it, lol. Is that the one doing everything is actually just sitting there and looking pretty :).
Personally I like to keep at least one Ulamog in the mix. It basically single-handedly kills Jund, this much I know from experience.
Another possible use for Silence, is using during their upkeep. If you think they might have an O-Ring or something for Amrakul. Pop that during their upkeep, and it's either counter or scoop usually. I rarely get to actually attack with an Amrakul. People tend to just enter their scoop phase and go on to the next game, lol.
I run a deck that is quite similar to this, and I find it to be quite effective. I admit that I didn't think of Bloodchief Ascension until I saw it in your deck. In the version I run with though, I actually found that I don't really need Mind Rot and Mind Sludge. If you have 4 Duress, Mire's Toll, and Inquisition of Kozilek, they'll generally either be on top deck mode, and/or sitting on a card they don't dare play.
Omnath can work, but I often find that he is a lightning rod, or a path magnet if you don't have any way to protect him. I have a deck similar to this, though I focus dualy on the ability to both hard cast and summoner's trap into them. I run 4's of Llanowar, Arbor elf, and Treespeakers, in addition to 4 explore's and visionaries. As far as creatures I run with, I run with 1 of each of the legendary 3, 3 It That Betrays, and 2 Khalni Hydras. I often find myself with trap mana no later than turn 4, which I promptly do on my opponents end step if their not running blue with negate mana up. Long story short, I like It That Betrays, because one swing with it for me, and it makes it that much easier for me to hard cast the rest of my Eldrazi, including the ability to trap more often. The combo of elves, temples, eye of ugin, and traps, with vine's of vastwood to protect all but Amrakul, has proven particularly resilient and frustrating for my friends.
All in all, it looks pretty solid. A friend of mine made a deck similar to it. One thing we did to speed up the possibility of the turn 3 Polymorph is to add rampant growths. It requires a fairly specific setup of cards to go off on turn 3, similar to the explore method, but we found it quite effective. Also, I don't know if you thought of this or just decided against it, but Wind Zendicon can work well as a 1-drop creature on the island that cast it. It was one of the two 1-drop creature methods we had to setup for the turn 3.
Have you considered at all using Raging Ravine's instead of the refuges? As far as mana goes it accimplishes the same thing, but the fact that it can be the seventh attacker can be relevant.
I have a version similar to this, and my question for you is this. How well does your deck handle mass removal/control decks? Your version is admittedly more resistant to Consume the Meek than most, but alot of your power comes from your 4-5 drops. How well has it performed in games where your Ant Queens and Siege Gang Commanders either get countered or Doom Bladed?
Have you considered the Legendary Eldrazi for it? The annihilator pretty much causes a scoop if they don't have the removal they need in the one turn they have to do it.
Another thing you might consider is what would become a very big Predator Dragon. Looking at your enchantments though, I don't think you quite need 4's of the Beastmaster Ascension and Raid Bombardment. I understand full well their purpose as a win condition, but you also want to have one available, and only one. You would rather be drawing your token generators than have your hand overflowing with Raids and Ascensions. I have a deck using a similar strategy, and I was able to get by quite nicely with only 3 ascensions and 2 raid bombardments. Another possibility, if you're focusing on spitting out tokens, is to transform all of them into 4'4's with Hellion Eruption. Anyway, just throwing a couple things out there for you.
Rapacious one isn't bad, as long as you can keep the board clear for it. The six mana can be a little intensive though. If you want to add a little more hand control, you could also add something like Inquisition of Kozilek. It's another way to keep things out of your opponent's hand, including creature's, which your Duress' can't touch. The two used together can really devestate a hand.
From what I am seeing, your deck will do basically what you said it will. I played against a version similar to this, and I watched it as the tournament went on. This deck will likely beat Jund and Grixis, and it eeked out a win against my black control, but I saw it get absolutely smoked against Blue/White control. On a side note though, have you thought about putting in any TukTuk's? As we all know, the base 1 power is nothing, even with haste, but it's something people are afraid to kill, and can often get in there time and again, unless it gets pathed, which still nets you a land at least.
My suggestion is that you could possibly lose a few of your mana. If you look at your mana curve, the better part of your deck is 1's and 2's. You could probably afford to drop 4 lands and add 4 cards. Glorious Anthem or Honor the Pure work well for enhancing, but Elite Vanguard can work as well. HE's not exalted, but he's a 2/1 for 1. Drop him first turn, 2nd land on 2nd turn and 2 Akrasan Squires, and you're got a 4/3 swinging on 2nd turn. Anyway, just tossing out ideas. Plz Rate my Exalted deck, named Exalted Agro
Another thing you might consider is Island Sanctuary. If you can make a lot of your things invincible, then you just need to stall, and with Island Sanctuary you can do just that. You would be looking at some very long games, but it could work.
You have a lot of stuff putting tokens into play, is there a reason you don't have Doubling Season?
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