When Scars rotates in, you should swap out the Celestial Mantles for True Convictions.
Looks decent enough if you don't mind spending hundreds of dollars on the land base, and then a couple hundred more on the planeswalkers.
It does seem to me, that with that much fire, the game could very well be over. However, if you can resolve a cloak and a fiend, nothing short of a board wipe will kill it, unless they deal with the cloak first. Then, you can cast your fire freely, almost uncaring if it gets countered, since Kiln powers up with the cast, not the resolution of each instant and sorcery.
You might consider Whispersilk Cloak, instead of the boots, since most of your strategy is based on attacking with Kiln Fiend. Creature removal could really mess you up.
Another card for your deck just occurred to me. Wouldn't it be that much more enjoyable if all of your Voices were singing a Glorious Anthem?
That's actually a pretty cool theme. There are of course newer cards that work better than some of your enchantments, but I like the way you managed to focus everything on and around the voices.
I think Dragonmaster Outcast fits pretty well in this deck. He works for the exact same reason that Scute Mob does, especially if you drop him with the 6 lands you need already in play, with an Emerge Unscathed in your hand to protect him at least once.
Personally, not a fan of all of the 1 of's. That makes it seem unpredictable at best.
I think it's a solid mid-late game deck, but I don't think there's quite enough ramp to be reliably fast.. 6 1 drop mana producers, 2 cultivates, 1 Oracle, and 4 Garruks. If you don't get one of those 1 drops in a starting hand, your effectively sitting on nothing till turn 3-4. Once shards rotates out I think it'll pace and curve out well enough though.
Eldrazi Monument gives flying!
No spells seems to me like it might be vulnerable to removal, but it does look like a pretty solid batch of creatures.
Those are the two spots that I am really looking to replace. I'm trying to avoid more legendaries though. Hopefully Scars will add another fatty to the mix, and if not, I'll prolly toss in another Emrakul and Ulamog.
That is a pretty brutal looking deck. One thing to consider though, is maybe Vines of Vastwood instead of Giant Growth. I didn't check up the rules on the 1 mana cost, but if kicker doesn't count, then Vines would work well in that spot. Another suggestion would be Emerge Unscathed instead of Brave the elements. Since only 2/5 of your creatures are white, it might be more useful. Anyway, just my 2 cents, solid deck either way.
I've seen alot of mana ramp eldrazi decks that use overgrown battlements, and for the part it works. The only problem though, is when they start killing your battlements. All the defenders in the world won't help your mana ramp if your battlements eat doom blades and smothers. If your defenders stick though, your curve is pretty solid and I was always a personal fan of Summoning Trap. (Side Note) Drop a comment on my elf eldrazi ramp deck. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=90041
He's running conscriptions, not monuments. Though I do agree with him. With a build like this, you don't really go for that much removal or disruption. Push the 4 slimes into the side board, along with the omnaths. Fill their spots with at least 2 Garruks and some eldrazi monuments. I would also knock the Treespeaker count down to 3 so you can put in a 4th warcaller. Your mana curve is fine, so you don't really need the 4th. Another warcaller however, is generally devastating. In addition, if you main deck eldrazi monuments, you won't need the pummets in the board, since the monument gives flying. Other than that, it looks pretty good.
If you're playing Spawnsire, I recommend putting together some sort of sideboard, lol.
For the lesser Eldrazi, I'm a personal fan of Artisan of Kozilek. If you end up with a Predator of Kozilek or Nest Invader in the graveyard, you can get a 3-4 for 1 on a single hard cast.
Thank you for the compliment. As I said, I generally found the ramp in this deck to be faster and more efficient that others I've come across. Turn 1 Llanowar/Arbor into turn 2 Archdruid, note this does leave me briefly vulnerable to a removal spell on the Archdruid. If the Archdruid lives though, and I don't miss a land drop, that makes 6 mana on my turn 3, which is enough for a titan or a trap. I've generally been doing the Titan, even if I have a trap in hand, because if they can counter the titan, they probably can't counter the trap that follows up for free.
This is effectively a repost of a deck that I already posted and deleted, but I wanted to use it as a bit of a discussion topic. I've come across version after version of green mana ramp, some with Joraga Treespeakers, some with Everflowing Chalices, and some with Nest Invaders and Pedators of Kozilek. I freely admit that this version is vulnerable to something like Consume the Meek, but I've found it to generally be faster than the decks running the aforementioned cards. Anybody can feel free to comment on my words/deck, but I'm basically looking for knowledge from experience from what other people have played against.
I agree with Turtles, for a build like this, I would run 4 ofs for both of your key combo combo pieces, in addition to explores, rampant growths, and either harrow or cultivate. You're effectively running a mana ramp into combo pieces, so you want to get your lands and vampires in as fast as you can.
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