Most of the infect creatures are small. A resolved Javelineer can kill a plague stinger before it can attack, or a turn 2 blight mamba. If he makes it to the mid game though, he'll easily overrun an infect deck.
2 Nissa Revane's is generally the standard for an elf deck. I'm not entirely sure what you could take out, but you could consider 1-2 of the axes for it, or maybe one, and a giant growth.
Well, what the plan would be in that scenario, is to get at least one high tide in the loop, and maybe the gauntlet, depending on how late game it is. Then you tap your mana to cast something, lets say it's the great whale. If you tap 7 lands to cast it, you produce 14 mana with just the high tide in effect. Then you untap the lands. Then, lets say you cast Peregrine Drake. Tap 5 lands, produce 10 more mana, use 5 of it to cast the drake, and again untap your lands. You've now got 12 mana floating. Depending on how full your hand is, you can rinse and repeat, generating more mana with each spell. Then, you cast upheaval, returning all permanents. Follow that up by using all of your floating mana to spill the creatures you just returned back onto the field. I understand it could be risky, depending on how late in the game it is, but it's basically a sure win if the combo starts to go off.
Since you're sitting on some open spots there, you might consider an Ajani Goldmane or 2, to help with your life gain. Elspeth Tirel can also help to do the same thing, or spit out some chump blockers if you need them.
Upheaval is another one you might consider. If you can get 1 or 2 high tides along with those creatures, you can end up with a fair bit of mana floating. You can then cast upheaval with some of it, use some of the rest to cast more of the things you returned, end your turn with several things in play, looking at an empty board on your opponents side. The odds of them being able to rebuild from that position is unlikely at best.
I'd say throw in Nissa Revane if you can. You're running the chosen, and she can fetch them from your deck and put them straight into play. That, combined with her life gain ability, ensures that you'll make it to the late game in casual.
Not a faerie, but yeah, painters servant makes Oona brutally efficient.
Have you thought of maybe Gauntlet of Power to add to your late game? Also, I think Frantic Search might work well with this deck.
Have you thought about Coat of Arms, or anything of the sort?
Nah, he's right. Turn 1 : Land, pass turn. Turn 2: Land + Silver Myr, pass turn. Turn 3: Land + Myr Galvanizer + Preordain, pass turn. Turn 4 Land + Splinter Twin on Myr Galvanizer, tap Galvanizer to make another Galvanizer, tap Silver Myr, use it's mana to tap the Galvanizer token to untap all myrs, tap make a token, tap for mana to untap, repeat. The only problem with this, is that a single piece of removal from your opponent while you're going for it on turn 4, and it all goes to hell.
I did just realize as I read that that you are right about the Chorus. It was way too late when I put that post up. In thinking about Darien's ability, I somehow managed to forget...about Darien's ability. I don't understand it myself, so I won't try to explain it, lol. With that logic though, I guess that the enchantment is certainly a good way to go about it.. The only flaw in the plan is the 5 mana cost of the Chorus, as compared to Soul Warden's 1, but in most cases it is less vulnerable than a creature, so if it resolves, it likely has a better chance of surviving. In closing, to each their own lol. Immune to most combat damage ftw!
I actually think you might be wrong about that. I don't think you get additional life for the creature if there are things in play that buff it. I think my friend and I had a similar discussion when he was making a fairly similar soldier deck. The only exception I think we found was something like Kithkin Rabble. It has power and toughness equal to the number of white permanents you control. If anybody can find a definite ruling on this, feel free to correct me. The reason I suggested the Soul Warden though, is that it makes you further immune to agro, lol. If they can't 1-shot you, or if you have a combo trick to let you take only some of the damage, you'll end up taking some damage, getting that many creatures, gaining that much life back, but having that many more permanents in play. Both are pretty effective, lol, and generally annoying for agro decks to bash through. One last card that can be a very effective game-breaker...Coat of Arms!
I agree with Ryan. Blightning is a very effective card. I would recommend putting it in instead the Hymns. It's an additional 3 damage to go along with the discard. If you're having trouble color fixing, you could try any number of the dual lands. Dragonskull Summit is perfect for a fast B/R deck. Lavaclaw Reaches is also pretty good. It does come into play tapped, but it doubles as an attacker with firebreathing.
"All cards that aren't in play, spells, and permanents are the chosen color in addition to their other colors." Last I checked, lands are permanents, so yes, they can be given a color.
Emeria, the Sky Ruin would be a decent land for you. Also, I know they're not soldiers, but I might recommend maybe 1 Soul Warden or Soul's Attendant. Them, combined with Darien=immune to any combat damage that doesn't 1-shot you. Take damage=get tokens=get life. Anyway, I'm also not a fan of all the 1 of's, but to each their own lol. Just my thoughts, take them how you will.
Vanquisher isn't standard anymore, and I think he's going for standard tournament legal.
They are in there to help him thin his deck. It effectively counts as 2 lands in one card, meaning he has a better chance after each one to draw a relevant card, instead of a land.
The difference here, as compared to the other deck I commented on, is that this deck has counterspells. The Fabricates also help in this case. The Splinter Twins especially, also help the combo go off faster.
For the builds that are running agro, I highly recommend Copperthorn Scout. If you've got an Archdruid already in play, you can tap him for mana during your main phase, attack with your scout, untapping the rest, then tap him again, usually for more mana. A card to swap out for him would be the Treespeakers. Your curve is topping out pretty low, so I don't think you need the 2 mana they produce, let alone their level 5 ability.
That pretty much sums up everything I've been saying about the myr combo ever since it came out, lol. You pretty much said it all. The combo in general, even with Splinter Twin to help speed it up, is just too slow and vulnerable to work in 99% of your matches. Agro blows you out, since you have no creatures you can comfortably chump with. Control just rapes you in general.
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