How is Chandra not in here?
take out caged sun and put in something like adaptive automaton because in most cases, you'd prefer a faster way to uff up your creatures especially since they share the same archetype
What kind of budget do you mean? Its way past what the "budget decks" are suppose to cost :P
Not so bad to be honest. I like the Niblis of the urn card myself :P
I honestly knew this was going to happen :P
It depends on the match up, if it works well without counterspells, I dont see the urgency, but maybe on the sideboard against certain matchups.
replace traitorous blood with that M12 card that does the same thing and only has one red mana required.
Uhm you are wrong in that statemate. There are versions that use myr tokens, but not exclusively :P A token only tempered deck kinda sucks :P
I like what you are trying, but solar flare already has screwed up mana problems, and this kind of has a simillar problem only a bit worse. Maybe just making it blue black and adding more removal and counters would make this deck more consistent.
I actually play humans as well And the concept of the human aggro decks is having everyone as a threat. Try not to concentrate on mirran, especially against burn decks, 2 damage is simple for anyone with shock or arc trail. I agree about taking out tezzeret's gambit, because its good to draw, but if it is an aggro deck, the late game shouldnt worry you as much, in terms of removal, its either o-ring or a very good card in the form of Fiend Hunter, is both removal and creature, plus it helps against wurm coil. One way that humans can counter doj is either playing blue for counter spells or playing doomed traveler, you still get value if they die plus evasion. Hope it helps
needs more one drops maybe add in Gideon's Lawkeeper over Kruin Outlaw
How about some timely reinforcements for your sideboard against burn and other fast aggro decks Garruk Relentless against anti white decks and his first ability can kill of any small creatures and such Autumn's Veil is good against blue/black decks, if your willing. Prevents counters for your important spells like bladehold on turn five, and protect them from being doom bladed and GFTT'd
youre two cards short mate ^-^
I could see the synergy in the deck, but you dont seem to have enough to make the tap ability viable, plus it doesnt have much of a turn one option, which most aggro decks will take advantage of, but I guess thats up to your side board. My main concern is the mana, depending on what your i deal hand is, if you have more white and its an ideal opener, then it would be better to have 2 more plains over 2 swamps. Just a suggestion ^-^
Well it would make my title misleading :P But I'll add it, thanks for the suggestion ^-^
Oh come on mate, you are looking at a set were you are not very likely to see goblins or elves and stuff, plus this set was being designed since 1995. Humans were never that good as compared to the other tribes, but this time, it is their chance to be OP, even though I think vamps might get more OP.
In the front page because a lot of people agree that equipment and illusions were not meant to be :P
certainly a deck that only someone named Jace TMS could think up :P hahaha
hello, you commented on my deck and asked me about why I would prefer more creatures than spells, well, creatures in the right conditions last longer than spells (obviously) so the point to play more creatures is to provide more damage and get more than your mana's worth than get exactly what you ask and it ends up not being enough
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