Well most people are finding out that 61 is better than 60 now a days :P Played a caw blade with 27 lands and answers to everything Who knew esper blade still existed :P
Well, its actually much better than you think, I get to four mana all the time, it must be the cutting and shuffling, but Angelic destiny and Vault Skrige = Baneslayer Angel and you can put it on anything else and its still devastating. I caught a guy off guard with an Angelic Inkmoth for the win :P so its also a very nice lol card, but its also a concentrated win condition, and everyone most likely wants to take out tempered steel as Ive seen, so adding the angelic destiny as another win condition is great :D espacially late game.
well with only 59 cards, IM surprised you even got in
Try out this fun ass card ever printed Adaptive Automation ^_^ I have in my Boros Ally deck, that I played in standard and now modern and the lord of allies is just beast
Well, it makes a lot of creatures, and it also helps with the Shrine of Loyal Legions Plus it has battle cry, the soldiers are like pawns in this case, willing to die.
the splicer is a 2 for 1 adding the creature advantage theme
you need summoner's bane :D It counters a spell then adds another illusion creature to the fray, I suggest adding at least 2 of them, maybe in the sideboard incase your opponent doesnt play non-creature spells, for example aggro decks play seriously few, most consistently they play removal, which is better for your deck since one point your deck is trying to do is make sure your creatures arent target-able And summoner's bane helps counter creature aggro decks like that, and only boarding two, you still have a good chance of using 2 of your remaining pierces to counter removal that could came your way when you dont have the hexprrof set up yet
I would suggest removing the exarch for tezerret's Gambit I think in most situations, this is good against a number of aggro, but may have some difficulty against other kinds of control, in my opinion, plus with sign in blood, you can rush your deck so hard you might have to choose how to beat the guy ;D
Keep the idol, man, I will combine the last two comments and say put in glint hawk over spined thopter. Its a good turn one card and very stable in a deck full of 0 drops And dude, I honestly play a near exact deck to this :D Ever thought of using Angelic Destiny, its seriously a good card competitively because in terms of black, it cant kozelecked, and if you ever decide on the hawk, that is one way to buff the hawk :D I only tried it after my ornithopters got into an accident T-T and its lifted me up since
well thats why I have gitaxian probe and tzzeret's gambit
DoJ is out of place. In this type of deck, using protection like stave off is a better option.
no birds of paradise? The elves, sure But birds of paradise makes a turn two pod more likely than if you were just using the elves
take out etched monstrosity. put in etched champion, because he is nearly untouchable with the right cards on the field
you need some removal, get oblivion rings, works with the theme and takes out almost anytthing useful your opponent can dish out
You mana is seriously solid. The main problem is not having liquimetal coating by turn 2, and with only 4, there is a lot but you might not be likely to actually draw it when you need it. Maybe some serious back up plans that dont need an artifact on the field to be cast. Plus I would rather play the red guy from the core set over the viridian corrupter, because if your main damage is not infect, it might work against you. Based on experience against other decks, when he played that and Im down to 10, my opponent had exactly the numbers he needed to beat me,but the damage was split between infect and regular damage, and since I had 0 infect before he attacked, so I simply took whatever. Just a suggestion mate ^-^
I believe its a serious back up plan, plus if you have it, flaunt it ;D I would do that in my tempered steel variant and almost every deck that I play white with :P
Take out terramorphic, if it is near impossible to find the good fetchlands, then maybe add more forests instead, because if your first turn focus is a green creature, and birth pod, then it kinda makes more sense to get some lands that dont enter the field tapped, and reducng your lands may put a titan in your hand when you seriously dont need it there Just a suggestion mate ^-^
this a solid deck... mostly, one draw back for me is the porcelain legionnaire, mean, phyrexian mana add up if you choose to only pay two life, and with no way of getting it back, its not so strong against other serious aggro and even aggro-control decks. My suggestion would be to take out the white guy, put in more burst lightnings for more removal and win conditions, and use the extra two spots for maybe another bloodthirst creature, like for example, the possible 3/3 for 3 and first strike and bloodthirst. He is solid, and it make you want to take the opponent's life more than take your own. Just a suggestion mate ^-^
the guy with all the changes might be over exaggerating. but replace the pride guardian with two plains for consistency and a higher likeliness of getting out a titan and replace the guardian's pledge with two oblivion rings, more removal is good no matter what deck.
you need more indestructable stuff to make this deck anywhere near solid It aint solid mate, sorry I like th concept though, and I will suggest darksteel myr, its te most epic myr out their if you get the right cards out in time
21-40 of 382 items