I like the deck idea, you have about every way of getting the cards you need, my only concern is that this deck doesnt have a side board, may I suggest boarding wurmcoils, and flashfreeze for questvine decks :P
Thanks for the comment man :D But how about some sideboard suggestions?
Put in a darksteel axe for good measure :D a one to cast indestructable with the ability to keep your lich alive
I like your suggestions, I will look for those cards, at least spin engine, I dont think bone saw is legal standard man :P
thats what the mox opals are for :P
Well, from reading this, I worked out that this guy wants to make a deck that has no rares and works. But back to this deck. Well, if yuor planning to make a copy, its fine, but originality could make better things
I like it, control and burn decks are really difficult to make, and I think you made a good version
You need more artifacts, take out staggershock and arc trail, put more lands in and take out goblin chieftain
uhmm, how about that creature card that destroys artifacts as you enter the battle field, maybe side board?
yep, makes your landfall percentage more consistent, and give more opportunity for landfall triggers. An you need more lands like, 2-4 more and thats it
uhmm, more fetchlands, yep, thats it more fetch lands
tectonic edge Mana elves Melt terrain
Ok, thanks, but it's not really my deck, it my friends', will take note of it and talk abot with them, thanks for the suggestion
These are the cards I have. Sorry mate, will look for those though, thanks for the suggestion
well, landfall is not actually the strategy here, the strategy is metalcraft plus flyer plus battle cry mostly. But thanks you for the comment and like
The title cracked me up :D nice one I suggest sword of vengeance :D vigilance, first strike and trample, imagine that on a titan :D
Take out two contested and put in more mountains, because you need more colour mana when playing enemy colour decks. And I would take out masters call and put in origin spell bomb :D It gets you creatures and gives you a draw, and that could be a very important draw, or gives a better chance for a better draw :D
Maybe cultivate for more lands, its a bit fast for what it's worth and two lands is great, especially if you made a drop, thats three lands you dont have to worry about in one turn, and then you are sure to get the lands you want depending on the flow of the game
Not in here mate, in the shop I go to, they dont have any zendikar left
Well, I think I should have added that I made this to show that an all common deck is very effective, and it is, I was lucky that I never faced a deck faster than mine yet :P Thanks for the suggestion, but Arid Mesa is like a super mythic rare now, no one is printing them and no one is selling them. So yeah :P
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