skull clamp is banned? why? it does simillar things as the spinning top in kamigawa and is less useful :P haha I mean the draw two is not that bad :P And I really like this deck, finally, an elf deck that doesnt look like its full of pussies :P
thopter assembly would be terrible for this deck, because of the other thopters in the deck, which would make that card a simple 5/5 flier that people could pick off later, I'd rather have its signature ability on before anything. And steel Hellkite sounds good, I will test it out. Thanks for the suggestion :D
I have always been going Boros :P Although this is a good deck, it looks similar to my Boros Fliers deck, Yeah, red fliers, who knew :P, but I like your deck concept. And who he hell said it was the death of Boros? this set couldnt be more blatant about which colours they are trying to match up, its like saying feast and famine ended a lot of infect decks at the time, it didnt do it. Just saying Nice deck though, oh and if your wondering, chandra's spitfire was what I used as the only red creature, because you put a sword on it, its awesome, you get some bolts out there, its suddenly so much better with life link :D
I just got why the suture priest is there :P haha nice one and everything else seems to be in order, I like it :D
with only 20 lands, good luck going through 1.5
dude, you stole my deck name :P
I think you mean Arid Mesa
I like it :D
no where close enough for craft 4x memnite 4x ornithopter 4x etched champion 2x mox opal 4x Signal pest 4x Wall of Tanglecord 4x dispatch 4x galvanic 4x stoic rebuttal 3x Mana leak 1x Slagstorm 2x Lightning Bolt 8x island 6x plains 6x mountain Are just the number of suggestions I think would make this deck a bit more formidable. Anything that does anything too specific, like destroy artifacts, are better sideboard than main. Hope it helps
this is good, it will be extended by the time the phyrexian cards come out :P but a really good attempt at this deck
30 lands is too much get six other cards for this deck, otherwise you will just mana flood
add tumble magnets to get the venser ability out in a very entertaining fashion :P and even any card which is epic when you recast turn after turn :P
get darksteel axes too, its a one drop that will help make it more likely for you to get that darksteel indestructability you may need to keep consistent
I dont think this deck is getting that Tezz ability out to the fullest. it can make your artifacts 5/5, including your infect creatures, put more in there, imagine a 5/5 Ichorclaw Myr :P it can't even be blocked by titans if you think about it ;) And Phyrexian Crusader should be in there, not a side board, but a main board, a first strike infect card is worth having.
Annoying :P
well, it still couldnt break this deck, because darksteel anything wont break :)
vedalken certrarch (might be misspelled) Metalcraft ability to tap target creature artifact and land, now that can help keep you in the game as you mill them
Thanks for the suggestions :D
I like the deck, my suggestion would be to add that instant card that puts two ally soldier tokens in the field at once. Could be a very useful card in the deck :)
Quest for the holy relic Sunspear shikari Kemba, Kha Reagent Take out the scythe, not good unless you play mono colour really.
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