Gravecrawler is IN the deck. 4 of them.
4am syndrome, that's where.
Life's Finale was added to deal with things like Geist of Saint Traft and Invisible Stalker, two cards which are extremely popular and used in just about every tier deck their colors follow suit. I personally believe it was worth Main boarding for it, especially considering the current metagame. It's only 2 of them, so I'm not expecting it to be consistent. There is really no way to get them back, sadly, but I'll be there swinging with 4 2/1's while their locked out of creatures. The finale was fighting spots with Dismember/Tragic Slip, but I decided with the popularity that is U/W I would main board Life's Finale.
I wonder why some asspained virgin is getting so angry about someone calling their deck a "Tribal Deck", Seriously, get over yourself. You might want to remove those Evolving Wilds. They don't really help, and you've got all the muti-land love you could ask for. Add one more to each basic. Also, since you have access to blue, a little control might work wonders for you. Utilize Mana Leak, which is probably the most used spell in standard atm. lol
I dont get it.
I personally don't like the amount of spells you have in here. Being mono green beatdown, you want to go creatures > spells. I see Rampant Growth in the decklist. Why hasn't this been taken out for something like Dawntreader Elk? The only two drop creature you run is the Geist, which is cool but you've got 3 ONE DROPS. The Elk can swing, either deal combat damage and win or grab you a land at EOT. Also, put Grafdigger's Cage in the sideboard. At least 2 of them. Also cards you might want to consider; Autumn's Veil Caravan Vigil (if not the elk, use this over Growth. You swing, EoT use this and fetch a land) Skinshifter
Deck was made with flavor. Beast Within was added simply because (bar Desert Twister), Green HAS no removal.
Hex parasite. :3
Take out 1x Nezumi Shortfang 3x Nezumi Shadow-Watcher 4x Overrun 8x Forests Add in 2x Marrow-Gnawer 2x Thrumming Stone 4x Dark Ritual 8x Swamps Ta-Da, best Rat deck ever.
Uhhh, Mana Leak?
He can't change his general, otherwise this combo doesn't work. This is my Modern Goblin build. I'd honestly say add Tuktuk. Grenade + Tuktuk with a Chieftan out is fun as shit. Oh, take 5, I get a 6/6 with haste. Hit you for 8. Oh what, you're 7? Bolt, Bolt, Tarfire.
Trep blade really is only good in Limited. If I was, but I like the bonesaw idea. Maybe a Shuko, as well?
I guess I could, but I'm not sure. If I did, I'd also want to add Mana Leak, and some of the blue shadow creatures that also give me card draw.
You could use Emrakul in place of Darksteel. Blightsteel is enough hate of that brand, while Emrakul can get rid of responses and possibly give you an extra turn.
Traft isn't exactly a .... GOOD general. He's a 2/2 aggro creature with hexproof. He's like a bad Thrun. You'd be better off using Grand Arbiter Augustin IV.
No Mind's Eye? Drawing is fun, for everyone!
Personally, since I'd rather not splash the blue; I'd use Mask of Memory instead. You draw the same, but do then have something to do with the extra mana to equip.
>estimated deck value: $1,752 Cheap version plz. D:
I was thinking about splashing red and using Volt Charge and Tezz's Gambit along with Ion Storm.
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