Reverberate is nice. If you copy goblin grenade with it, you get 10 damage for 3 mana, and you only have to sac one goblin. Reverberate copies the spells affect, BUT goblin grenades "sac a goblin" text is referring to an additional cost to cast the spell, therefore if you copy it, you dont have to sac another goblin.
Nice. Sounds pretty sweet!
Im cant quite see it. Im guessing you just target boros reckoner to itself over and over again?
I had a goblin deck a while back that was pretty incredible. Won a lot of local legacy tournaments. The bread and butter of the deck was goblin lackey, goblin piledriver, goblin matron, and goblin chieftain. Aether Vial dumps goblins for cheap, cavern of souls keeps them from being countered. If you spash black, warren weirding gives you instant speed creature removal, and wart, boggart auntie. If done correctly, goblins can win turn 3 VERY consistantly. Id run:4 goblin Piledriver4 goblin Matron4 Goblin Lackey4 Goblin Guide4 aether vial4 goblin ringleader2-3 cavern of souls 4 gempalm incinerator (card draw AND removal that can only be stifled? yes please!)Other than that, id just do some research and see what fits your style the best. Good luck!
AS far as fast mana goes, i think it would be a great idea to just add grim monolith. No one can complain about banned cards, and it produces wuite a bit of mana. Put a power artifact on it and all of the sudden, you have infinite colorless mana. Imagine dumping infinite counters on primordial hydra x] And although they are a bit expensive money wise, since you have 4 chromatic lanterns in, you could totally run mox opal and ancient tomb. Ancient tomb taps for 2, and with chromatic out you can just tap it for 1 of any color later game and skip taking the 2 damage.
The only problem with preordain and ponder is the fact that they're sorceries, or i totally would. Since the deck runs Reset instead of your typical Time spiral tide deck, i need spells that i can play on the opponents turn. There isnt a spell in the deck that isnt instant speed :]
lol, no really, i win.
I cant believe this is an archetype. Its awesome! Really like what youve done here, its inspired me most certainly. I bet Genju of the Realms could make a cool one or two of in here even. The whole land enchantment thing is pretty neat. Have you had trouble keeping your enchantments on the field, or getting them to resolve?
I neverthought about blasting station. I usually went with forge, mycosynth lattice, then unwinidng clock. After that id get nevinyrals disk, kill switch, or winter orb and then beat face with some big guy :]
Dont get me wrong, its till crazy. I was just saying its not the same boring old show and tell omniscience, emrakul, win deck :]
Its definately a solid and well built deck though, i gotta hand it to you.
Im all for it as a win condition in edh. I just hate that the official rules say its 10 poison counters to a kill. My house rules are 20 counters to kill. Ive had to eladamris call or tutor up a melira too many times :P
Looks cool. I had an arcum daggson deck (even had a foil general) but i took it apart to build sharuum. If you can get your hands on it, power artifact works WONDERS in here. Kill switch is a lot of fun once you have mycosynth and unwinding clock out. I found my darksteel forge getting o ringed a lot, so i kept a killswitch in hand as a win con instead of nevineryls disk just in case. With the release of gatecrash, there have been a couple cards that make this deck even better. illusionist bracers on daggson is just plain dumb, especially if you have rings of brighthearth and thousand year elixir out. I see you have a venser in here as well. Riptide laboratory goes great with him, especially if you have a tolaria west to transmute for it. Your build has a lot more control than mine did. I had a lot of trouble finding room for counterspells so i just ditched them all. My build worked very quickly, but had a lot of trouble against control decks. My azami deck beat it almost every time. Does this build pop off more early game, or do you tend to stay alive into the later games? Because it seems like the way you have it built you dont get as much heat in multiplayer. If i didnt win quickly, everyone killed me first in multiplayer once they figured out the ridiculous things the deck did. oo, and a fun little combo with sensei's diving top i stumbled upon mid game on accident one day is etherium sculptoy and future sight. Basically, you draw as many cards a turn as you want. I would just draw until i hit reliquary tower and do whatever i felt like at the time. Usually, id end up with power artifact on a monolith of some sort, and then dump the entire deck, making daggson pretty much obsolete towards the end. IT usually just ended in everyone else scooping at that point though :Pagain, sweet build, its got me considering rebuilding daggson with a different flare.
This is cool. Really cool. Ramp till you kick ass with a wurm, then beat face. Considering colors, abrupt decay and vindicate would be good additions. crucible of worlds as a one of would help it alot too, getting fetches back and whatnot, and getting back lands sacked to smallpox. maybe replace vess, with lili of the veil? Little more control opportunities n such.
The idea here is to, basically, keep yourself alive long enough to flicker things in and out. I dont play standard, i play legacy and EDH, but this looks like it would be fun. Use ghostly flicker on obzedat and geralfs messanger for consistant damage, with a few counterspells and charms as control.
Really. infect edh. -.- kinda defeats the purpose, dont you think?
looks really cool. NOT your typcial show and tell emrakul craziness. However, unfortunately, mana vault is banned in legacy
Hmm, very good idea's. Hadn't considered avacyn. She seems like the best option overall. one thing i see here is a vulnerable door upon entering. Maybe a couple temporal masterys? Lots of mana means you dont have to miracle, and you can get that extra turn to untap door. Maybe being able to support it with some syncopate's or other counterspells to help the door stay alive could help too.
Whoops! youre right i am, i meant to ditch several lands, throw in putrid imp. Im skipping tireless tribe sincei cant ditch it to an ichorid. Thanks!
I like it. Still haven't put my sharuum variation on here. Have you considered running platinum emperion? With Ad Nauuseam and Necropotance you can draw cards indefinately. also if you running sensei's divining top, etherium sculptor, and future sight/magus of the future, you can draw your entire deck. its neat. :] Also, how does this hold up in one on one? I kinda took my old Arcum Daggson deck when i got FTV:Legends and turned it into sharuum, so it isnt very comboey right now, but it seems pretty solid in 1v1. i havent tried it in multiplayer yet. i've also had a lot of problems figuring out what counterspells to run. Arcum Daggson just doesnt use them because it's essentialy a turn 4 - 6 mycosynth lattice, darksteel forge, disk combo.
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