^ or, to keep with the synergy, Thrun the last troll/troll ascetic.
This deck certainly doesnt need 22 lands. Most decks really dont need that many mana sources. Consider dropping 2 lands. If you're worried about having to sacrifice geist, consider a possible lingering souls? Gives you some chump to absorb attackers with, and gives you fodder if they're making you sac critters.
Its nice simply because it gets rid of those big nasty threats. However, cabal therapy looks more and more appealing now that you mention it.
I think everyone here is missing the point with vexing devil. Forget the backwoods, they're weak and this isnt reanimator. Golari charm is a good idea, as well as rakdos charm. If you're worried about exteneded games, why grim backwoods when you could throw in a possible thundermaw? How about -1 vexing devil, -1 dragonskull -2 rancor (since you have rampager)+1 thundermaw+ 2 tragic slip+2 falkenrath aristocrat?Looks good all in all, i must say.
Tin street is risky business. if you have a warchief in play, you cant get the benefit. Consider splashing black? It gives you the option of a much better one of, boggart auntie. It also gives you, more importantly, warren weirding. Have you considered thalia as well? Seems a shame to not have her in a deck with nothing but creatures in it.
You know what could really make this deck broken? Imagine building it for the sole purpose of getting ad nauseam, and building ANT edh.
Vampire hexmage + dark depths :] also, dark ritual and phyrexian obliterator/bloodghast.
Permanents and creatures tend to be BIG targets for "exile target____" abilities. High market makes sure your big fatty thats getting swords to plowshared/path to exiled ends up in the graveyard, NOT removed from the game, which gives you the option of getting it back through return cards such as eternal witness/regrowth/restock, etc. Phyrexia's core works in much the same manner, but for this particular build, it is literally here for spine of ish sah, so i can cast it, sack it, cast it, sack it.
The only issue there is why spend 3 mana on a sniper, when you can spend three mana on a lightning helix and a lightning bolt.
now THAT is legacy on a budget. Nice.
I had this same idea a while back, after looking at ashling the pilgrim 99 mountain builds. I think there is a better way to make this the same deck, but more consistant though. Maybe adding in things like rites of flourishing, howling mine, font of mythos, and some mana ramp can help speed things along. Harmonize, and other card draw cards like it, could also help. The thing you have to worry about though is someone putting your general in your library, or playing things like declaration of naught/meddling mage/nevermore, etc.
Dammit, why did i ditch my fully built mono red goblins. Thalia wasnt a card at the time, and now i want to build this deck all over again, playset of judge promo piledrivers and all!
I have a legacy fish deck, its the only one thats BUILT as of right now, and i gotta say, i really like running aquitects will. I honestly prefer it to standstill. I took my stills out for 2 ancestral visions, and 2 aquitects. I cant tell you how many times ive played aquitects on an opponent, then blasted through for the win (considering i run 4 master, 4 lord, and 3 phantasmal image). The problem with still is you HAVE to have a vial and a mutavault to use it at top efficiency. I like the addition of stifle though, i must say. I makes me consider dropping a couple counterspells. Right now i run 2 spell pierce, 4 force, 3 daze, and 2 spell snare. Keep up the good work!
This is very neat. It makes me wish i still had my B/W/G pox deck :[ Only suggestion i could make for this build would be to add a couple green spells. I think abrupt decay(on a stick lol), pernicious deed, and worm harvest could find there way here. Hell, maybe even a crop rotation or two, to grab that hard to find tabernacle.
Such a fun deck. :] It's like show and tell, but much neater.
I feel like, for the S B perhaps, lightning helix should be here. It's GREAT in a "mirror" match against burn, and keeps you ahead against the mono red builds. I think Bob is a neat addition here as well, id never really considered him. :]
Ya know, dryad militant has been rolling around in my head for a while now. At first i thought "hey , zoo!" but it would just kill of grim lavamancer in zoo. In here, that could be neat. And i must say, misdirection hadnt even crossed my mind. I dont know how i feel about having midirection AND force in here though, what with the whole two-for-one deal. Thanks for the advice!
yeah, still figuring out what to drop and change :P
I think i will drop the life gain in here. Id like to replace beacon of immortality with wall of reverence, just because it seems a shame to not have at least a little life gain in here. :] Hero of bladehold and odric are on my list, as well as the new frontline medic. Just have to figure out what else to ditch. Thanks for the advice!
All very good questions. I haven't actually built this yet, im play testing it. Im working on the old Bant counter slivers deck, with plans to turn it into this. It seems to do well in cockatrice, but abrupt decay is a massive problem. The only response for it is venser, and it just isnt very efficient. I'm not a fan of the whole natural order Progenitus thing personally, but im thinking it wouldnt be a bad idea to add black to this deck. I think adding a couple black sources could be GREAT. It would allow me to run 2 very specific cards: abrupt decay and thoughtseize. I think thoughtseize would be a great addition, since it can take those pesky decay's from my opponent, and help shut down combo, and really just anything. I think i may very well try to find a slot for spell snare as well, mainly to keep away stoneforge and other disruption like smallpox, hymn to tourach, snapcaster, etc.
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