whactha think? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=412260
Gather specimens thats what that 6 mana card was.
Stealing creatures is fun. Treachery would be one id add, as well as volition reigns. And sower of temptation of course. :] There's also a spell, i cant remeber the name, but its 6 mana instant, 3UUU, every creature coming into play under your opponents controls comes into play under your control instead.
Silvergill adepts ended up replacing my stonybrook bannaretts too just because once you have vials in here, you wont need your fish to cost less. Just keep in mind that Vial doesnt trigger merrow reejery.
Personally, i ended up taking out my Sovereigns for cursecatchers. Just having such a high level of counters gives you the control merfolk need to stick around. I think youd really like Daze and spell pierce as well, maybe instead of mana leak. Then theres force of will of course :P
What he said. Seriously. This is 10 different decks in one at the moment.
Because every creature is a wizard?
Aether vial is a nice one. As well as daze and spell pierce. Personally, i ended up replacing my sovereigns with cursecatchers, and i run a few silvergill adepts. Although they get pricey, mutavaults and force of wills can make this deck truly competitive.
Oh, and pernicious deed is a really fun mass remover.
Definitely. It was brought to my attention by my buddy who used to run teferi wizard edh. Thought it was pretty sweet. Do you run ertai the wizard adept? He can be kind of frustrating in a casual game , but without heartstone or training grounds, he doesn't get too out of hand.
Seems i've hurt some buttholes. I do apologize.
Oh look, another infinite combo. How original.
Very cool deck. I like that it isnt your every day wizard edh. Have you considered adding more turn production like time stretch and temporal mastery? Also, if you replace your islands with snow covereds, then your opponents wont get the bonus from extraplanar lens.
Mox Diamond, mox opal, thoughtcast, arcbound ravager, tezzeret, agent of bolas
Very nice deck indeed. I see you're considering replacing minds desire and a few other cards. Have you considered gauntlet of power and extraplanar lense? Me personally i also really like running isochron scepter. Its just fun, what with the versatility and all. Putting a high tide, a counterspell, or a trickbind on a stick is quite frustrating to the opponent. I have a ertai wizard deck i think you might like to take a look at. It's probably not as vicious as this, but there are some obvious distinct similarities. Back To Basics is a neat one, but i love having riptide laboratory open for venser, shaper savant. Also, reliquary tower and blue suns zenith wouldnt be bad additions. Blue suns + infinite mana is pretty mean, but it depends on how you wanna go.
The price of this deck is ridiculous, especially considering its just a standard deck, and all these semi ok cards (thragtusk, angels, jace) are incredibly pricey. If youve got that much to spend, i highly recommend picking up legacy!
Really liking this pox variant. Its making me reconsider running nether spirit. I just really like having Volrath's Stronghold and terravores in the deck, as well as bloodghasts. Would you mind taking a look at my black green pox variant? Im having trouble streamlining a few of the cards.
One of THE worst decks i've ever seen.
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