Once you figure out how to build a deck, then you can talk shit.
Looks pretty solid. Considering the budget, this is rather impressive. Since you run amulet of vigor, consider running the wedge lands (tri colored lands).
Looks pretty cool. Consider Mother of runes, and if you can get them swords to plowshares/path to exile. As far as keeping the heat off of you, ghostly prison works WONDERS.
Looks pretty sweet. I would suggest adding 20 more cards to the deck though lol
Looks pretty interesting. Some possible suggestions that fit very nicely with the life gain would be Serra's Ascendant and test of endurance. Test of Endurance makes you win when your life hits 50, and when it hits 30, serra's ascendant becomes a 6/6 flying lifelink lol. Unwinding clock might be nice too. Tap your chalice, use voltaic key to untap it, then on the opponents turn do it yet again.
True, true. BUT getting to the omniscience can be tough sometimes.
You should probably learn a thing or two about deck building. This is obviously a transition into Legacy zoo, something you must not know much about.
Yet again.
Another shit deck, tool.
Shit deck. Tool.
Stroke of Genius is a good idea. High Tide/gauntlet of power + palinchron could help too. Infinite mana!
If you can get your hands on them, fetchlands are a great shuffle. Use brainstorm, put two things back you dont want, then crack a fetchland, et a land, thin the deck, then shuffle. AS far as dream halls goes, id consider archmage ascension. It takes a long time to pop off. Try checking out some of the dream halls legacy deck primers on starcitygames or mtgsalvation. You might get some neat ideas.
Correct. And, cephalid coliseum is worht considering for lonely sandbar slots you dont end up using.
I think you could get a lot of fun out of the spell crumpler/hinder+ tunnel vision combo. have you considered brain freeze? It can be nice with enough storm. High tide + palinchron can be crazy too, if you have blue suns zenith, or even increasing confusion. Looks pretty solid! Maybe, if you can get ahold of some, replace mind control or persuasion with Treachery. Same thing, but untap five lands afterwards lol
It looks like it has potential. I bet dream halls would make dropping omniscience easier. And brainstorm might be nice as opposed to ponder, considering you can play it at instant speed, or draw into extra lands each turn on your own turn.
I see you tagged this as legacy. Remember that Tolarian acadamy is banned. Looks cool though. Maybe splash green and add exploration, maybe even high tide?
This seems like a solid storm deck. How hard has it been to pull off? It seems like a fluster storm or early canonist would be painful and hard to answer
Cabal therapy could be very nice, but thoughtsieze feeds the shadow. Phyrexian obliterator could do some serious damage here as well. a one of MAYBE. Perhaps volraths stronghold would fit in here as a one of as well
Got any suggestions for me? I feel like its...missing something.
Thanks very much. The idea is, get the cards i need for merfolk that are mutualy used in here, then ill start working on this. My local meta has never seen something like this. I think it will do quite nicely >:]
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