
105 Decks, 648 Comments, 77 Reputation

Made my own version of your idea. I simply couldn't justify a third color in it.. have a look and see how I made it.

Posted 04 June 2012 at 13:56 as a comment on Cloudshift Zombies


My kind of deck! I got a couple of decks with similar ideas ;D

I'm guessing the Cloudshift is partially to protect the captain and partially to do some damage with the messenger?

If so, I'm not sure that it's enough of an impact to be worth the mana problems.. but maybe it is, especially since it gives you the use of vault of the archangel..

Hmm, anyway, like where this is going :)

Posted 04 June 2012 at 10:43 as a comment on Cloudshift Zombies


Here's what was supposed to be my mono R.. I couldn't keep my fingers out of the blue color (as usual )

Posted 01 June 2012 at 12:11 as a comment on Mono-Red Humans, mark III


I agree here, 2 of them can make for a good surprise on turn 5 :D

Posted 01 June 2012 at 12:07 in reply to #260847 on Mono-Red Humans, mark III


I've been working on a mono R human deck too, I like the idea a lot.. In the end it turned out R/U, but I still would like to see a mono R work.

I'd concider switching pillar of flame for Gut Shot, just so that you can get the Stormblood in on round 2.
I'd also concider switching Somberwald Vigilante to Stonewright as they can be very usefull even mid-late game.

I personally also prefer Kruin Striker to Riot Ringleader, mainly because of the trample, and paired with Lancer or Stonewright he becomes really nasty.

I'd also reduce somethings to 3 instead of 4 to get total land count up to 22 or 23.

I'm gonna keep checking in here because like I said, I'd really want to see a mono R human deck as cool as possible :D

Posted 01 June 2012 at 12:06 as a comment on Mono-Red Humans, mark III


I've had splinter deck since he came out and just recently updated mine for avacyn. I have a bit different approach however with less milling cards and more cheap creatures that I can use for blocking (I want them to die anyways to feed the GY)

Have a look and let me know what you think, I like your version, but I prefer more creatures :D

Posted 31 May 2012 at 14:42 as a comment on Splintertree


Wonderful deck m8, well done!

I don't quite understand the Captain of the Mist though, what is it that you want to untap? I think I'd change that for 2 Elgaud Shieldmate's to protect your galvs and delvers.

Posted 31 May 2012 at 14:22 as a comment on R/U Miracle Delver Deck


Ooh fun!, but where is the burning oil? (you know, the one you pour from over the walls?) ;D

Posted 31 May 2012 at 14:05 as a comment on W/R Wall


So, you told me to have a look, so here I am.

Compared to mine ( ) you have very limited mana ramp, and very limited defense. You have tons of land destruction, but what will you win the game with?

Switch Rampant growth for Emissary, it's the same thing except you get a blocker.
Llanowar could be BoP's instead.
You can lower the amount of land destruction spells and get either some more ramping or something to finish the game with. For me my finishers are Red sun's Zenith, Bonfire of the Damned and Vorniclex. But on top of that I have a lot more creatures then you that will pick away on the enemy wile h eis on a tighter mana budget than me.

Posted 30 May 2012 at 08:27 as a comment on Y u no play no more


I've been running a splinter deck for a long time and at first glance I would say you are missing some milling. I'd switch Ponder for Mulch and then skip merfolk looter and get screeching skaab instead.

You can bring Boneyard Wurm, Kessig Cagebreakers and Ghoultree down to 3 since they all need some stuff in the GY before they will really come out and play. I run 4 Phantasmal Bears and 4 Llanowar elves for early game. I've never found I need any card draw with my splinter deck.

I've currently revamping my old U/G splinter however to R/G, it brings some other nice things to the board, have a look if you like:

Posted 30 May 2012 at 07:49 as a comment on Splinterfright Stompy


I love the idea of a different draw-pile for lands, Takes away those boring games where you only draw lands or no lands at all, plus it makes it a tactical choice when to pull land or when to draw something else.

Posted 29 May 2012 at 08:11 as a comment on New Format: Self Mill


For a draft deck it's frickin' awesome :)

Posted 28 May 2012 at 09:05 as a comment on Acacyn Draft Deck


Heh I made an anti-blue deck my self back in 2000 based around Scragnoth :D
Today most of my decks are blue or contains blue =P

Posted 28 May 2012 at 08:35 as a comment on Fuck blue


I was thinking of a similar build before and the way you have put this together seems great!
Would be a long battle if it fought my :

Posted 16 May 2012 at 10:29 as a comment on U/W Tap out


You asked me to come have a look, but if this is a sealed deck build, I'm not sure what to say ;)

Posted 16 May 2012 at 07:58 as a comment on Acacyn Draft Deck


removes 1 rat and 1 viper and 1 revenged of the hunted to add 2 Polluted Dead and 1 Creeping renaissance (to get back creatures in case you have lost a lot of them early on.)

Posted 15 May 2012 at 09:29 as a comment on Joined in death


Haha cool idea :D

Posted 15 May 2012 at 07:22 in reply to #255839 on Joined in death


Very good to it, if you have any suggestions, please bring them on :D

Posted 13 May 2012 at 16:04 in reply to #255443 on Joined in death


Get Bonfire of the Damned instead of Zenits :D

Posted 09 May 2012 at 12:38 as a comment on Modern R/B Deck


Love it. If only the price tag weren't so high :/

Posted 29 February 2012 at 13:20 as a comment on Surgical Mill


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