
105 Decks, 648 Comments, 77 Reputation

Nice to hear Thrandir, I am aware of that I will need to rebuild it some in October, Mimic vat as well as the titans needs to be replaced then. But until the spoilers back to ravnica starts dropping I can only guess what to replace them with, But as you note, Doomsayer is very nice and I will keep him in mind :D

Thanks for your input :)

Posted 29 June 2012 at 07:52 in reply to #266967 on The Malcontents


I'm adding Jakoran's "American Pie" to the list of decks I've commented on :)

Posted 28 June 2012 at 12:40 in reply to #268755 on Advertise! Returns :D


I like this, but it seems to lack some control and looks like it could get stomped pretty easy.
I'd consider switching Probes for Bonfires or DoJ's perhaps?

Posted 28 June 2012 at 12:38 as a comment on American Pie(k)


Commented on Corpse_Core's Turbo Fog, Sbsmith14's RB Suicide and raginggoblin's "Garlic wont do"

Still not a single comment on any of my decks :(

R/W Human [Standard] -
GDW [Standard] -

Posted 28 June 2012 at 12:33 as a comment on Advertise! Returns :D


Liked it and commented :)

Posted 28 June 2012 at 09:39 in reply to #268670 on Advertise! Returns :D


I like that these types of decks start popping up, I made one before Blood Artist came out, but now it's even better :)

We have a different approach on this type of deck tho, I prefer more creatures that have effects when they die :)

Have a look you might get some ideas or have some pointers for mine :)

Posted 28 June 2012 at 07:46 as a comment on (Standard) BR Suicide


Hi all, hopefully the few people who actually cares about helping each other out congregates here :)

I am a Standard player, which limits my ability to comment to other Standard decks, but I tend to do so when ever I see something I think I could improve.

So far I have only commented on the "American Humans" deck here, but I'll keep going through the list and look for more standard decks to comment on :)

It would really help if people notes down here before the link what type of deck it is :)

Here are my two ongoing projects I'd love some input on:

R/W Human [Standard] -
GDW [Standard] -

Thanks :)

Posted 28 June 2012 at 07:33 as a comment on Advertise! Returns :D


Deffo like it, and I left some of my thoughts for ya on your deck :)

Posted 28 June 2012 at 07:29 in reply to #268667 on Advertise! Returns :D


Hey, saw your deck on the "Advertise Returns" and I must say I like what I see :)

I have some personal thoughts to add to the build:

Invisible stalker is a great card, but you have nothing to boost his power with and in my eyes then he's not all that useful, I'd prefer some Berserkers there instead.

You said on the Advert one that you were looking for replacement for the Hero in October. I'd suggest Riders of Gavony. Human Tribals will still be very much in use in October, and Goblins will be back as well as merfolks, which makes the Riders very nice to break through with or to help defense.

Just my 2c :)

If you'd like to drop some notes on one of my two ongoing projects I'd be very thankful :)

R/W Human -

Thanks :)

Posted 28 June 2012 at 07:28 as a comment on American Humans (standard)


What Tremorth says is very viable, you could also go for a spirit deck with Drogskol captains :)

Posted 27 June 2012 at 12:14 as a comment on Hex this


Apparently I removed it..So I rebuilt one the way I'd probably do it if I went for a hexproof deck now a days :)

Posted 27 June 2012 at 12:13 in reply to #268404 on Hex this


I like your idea here, Hexproof is very nice :) My first thought is concerning your mana, you have some white casting cost in Sigarda and traft, but I see no white mana in the deck. Cavern of souls won't do you much good in a non-tribal deck so you could switch them out for Evolving winds and then switch out your ghost quarters for 3 plains.

Your plan is to make sure to counter any threats, but you need to remember that to counter you need to keep mana, so when will you cast your creatures? I personally have never been a counter-player so I can't answer that for you, hopefully someone else can :)

Since all of your creatures aim to have Hexproof, you don't really need to care about anything but creatures. So maybe bounce would be better than counters?

I built a Hexproof when M12 came out, I'll give you the link to that, maybe it will spawn some ideas.

Posted 27 June 2012 at 11:25 as a comment on Hex this


Well I use all of those except for Restoration Angel (but it was in from scratch) and Gisela.

But what scared me a bit with ONLY relying on the malcontents damage was how many sweepers there now a days :/

Posted 21 June 2012 at 17:51 in reply to #266967 on The Malcontents


Love it dude :D As always with your decks I have little to suggest, partially because you always put them out as near perfect and secondly because I'm just a standard player ;)

I am working on my next project to buy cards for and would really appreciate your input as always :)

Posted 21 June 2012 at 14:37 as a comment on Walled In


Thanks KJSJ :)

Posted 21 June 2012 at 14:29 in reply to #266070 on The Malcontents


Now, I hate infect, but I liked this one anyway. Mainly because of the smart use of Wild Defiance and Livewire Lash. If you want to prevent early game removal I guess a pair of Swiftfoot Boots perhaps?

If you wouldn't mind I'd appreciate some feedback on my ongoing project as well :)

Posted 21 June 2012 at 10:06 as a comment on U\G Infect Deck


Like the combo :D But don't you want some way to protect Gisela? Some swiftfoot boots, or maybe the Shieldbearer?

If you'd be so kind to see if you can help me on my current project, please, have a look :)

Posted 21 June 2012 at 10:01 as a comment on Gisela's Vengeance


Looks nice, but I think I'd switch Mind Shrieker for Latch Seeker since you don't want to spend mana on shrieker when you have counterspells etc on your hand :)

If you don't mind I'd love some feedback on my current project:

Posted 21 June 2012 at 09:59 as a comment on Blue Blue Bop


Looks very nice and I think it's the first deck I see that wants to unburial Massacre Wurm (which is nice!)
I'm a little bit curious about the ONE llanowar elves, what's he there for?

Nice amount of draw and milling, not much to add to this.

Perhaps you could be so kind and see if you can add anything to this?

Posted 21 June 2012 at 09:56 as a comment on I don't lose, I want frites!


Looks awesome man, I love the Blasphemous Act/Doll combo!

Like Eduardo mentioned however, you could use something to look for the dolls with, maybe Switch the Think Twice out for Ponder or even Forbidden Alchemy?

Your Creativity has spawned and Idea of my own version of this, but right now I am working on a different project and I'd love some input on it if you find the time :)

Posted 21 June 2012 at 09:45 as a comment on Playing with Dolls


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