you want stony silence/kataki for affinity, not engineered explosives.
Deck's looking better now.The mistcutters still need to go, they should be polukranos most likely.Magmajets are pretty awful in standard right now. Id cut them all and run 2 more fatties of choice (colossus, dragon, polukranos) and 2 mortars or flesh//bloods.the one of scooze isnt doing anything, cut it for a 4th caryatidPS: you CANNOT run anger in the side of this deck, it completely hoses you. you need those dorks for this deck to work at all.
it's really bad, dont play it
put in some temples.i think you want at least 3 angers in side. 3 slaughter games is excessive, witchstalker is really quite bad.
like 98.7% sure this deck needs Jace
You cant play Doomgape in this.
This deck is hella fun to really should drop a mountain, phoenix and the mortars for 4 main deck fanatic of mogis.theyre the main reason to play this deck, not having them gimps it can play them turn 3 for 5 devotion, or later or for a ton. i hit for 10+ with it fairly regularly, all the time against low removal decks.other than that, I just run the 1 phoenix and have a second chandra main but that's personal preference.i don't see the ember swollowers doing much in the side, I have 3 mortars, 4 angers and 2 pithing needles there.PS: note that the main thing you want to side mortars in for is actually esper. yeah, sounds all sorts of wrong but they all run blood baron now and you must kill it.if theyre NOT running blood baron you should destroy them fairly easily so having the dead cards isnt a problem.
still needs card draw in underworld connections.
Looks ok though i'd make a few changes.I've been running BWR myself.You want 4 demons and 3 dragons in this.You also want 2 read the bones and 2 thoughtseize in the main, as well as 1 whip of erebos.Cut 2 doom blade, 2 mortars and the magma jets.This deck also really wants 25 land. If you stumble on lands you just lose.Sideboard needs 1-2 more thoughtseize and 3 underworld connections.Either go 3 colours and run elspeth, chained, obzedat and blood baron or cut the white entirely. If you do this you want to cut the dragons entirely as theyre MUCH worse than obzedat or blood baron and die to all the removal those 2 dont which means they die immediately when you cast them as your opponent finally gets to use their dead removal spells.The 3 colour list I've been running looks like this:Creatures(12):4 Boros Reckoner4 Desecration Demon 2 Blood Baron of Vizkopa2 Obzedat, Ghost CouncilSpells(21):3 Anger of the Gods2 Dreadbore3 Hero's Downfall2 Doom Blade2 Chained to the Rocks2 Devour Flesh1 Rakdos's Return1 Whip of Erebos1 Rakdos Keyrune2 Thoughtseize2 Read the BonesPlaneswalkers(2):1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion1 Chandra, PyromasterLand(25):4 Mountain2 Plains4 Blood Crypt4 Godless Shrine4 Sacred Foundry4 Temple of Silence1 Temple of Triumph2 Rakdos GuildgateR: 15W: 15B: 15Sideboard(15):1 Thoughtseize3 Lifebane Zombie3 Underworld Connections1 Rakdos's Return1 Mizzium Mortars2 Shock1 Anger of the Gods3 Sin CollectorPS: Im not convinced the W is needed in this deck but if youre gonna splash it at all, you may as well do it fully.
you have next to zero life gain, archangel isnt good in this deck. Elspeth is way better in any case.
immortal servitude, X = 1? I think so ;)
main deck at least 2 mortars. being able to hit stormbreaths, blood barons, smiters ect is extremely important.22 land seems very low for a deck that expects to be casting end of turn opportunities.aetherling is a much better win con than chimera since it doesnt die.there should probably be some Jaces in this list, possibly chandras too.
this deck will do fine but it purely loses to stormbreath dragon.i played a red splash white deck against this deck at my first theros FNM in the final round and while i lost the first game due to having lots of dead cards against it, post board i was fine.glare of heresy takes out elspeth really easy and you can't hit stormbreath with anything other than verdict (guy wasnt running flare, i like the 2 of in this deck).blood baron is another card this deck strictly loses against.the deck is ok but i dont think it's particularly effective. i feel control currently needs black for removal spells and general dont need more than 2 elspeths either and playing mill jace and elspeth is redundant.
Honestly youve picked the wrong colours.Red is fine but green 1 drops are bad.You should be playing red/white.white have 4 excellent 1 drops in soldier of the pantheon, dryad militant, boros elite and favoured hoplite.i'd go with something like this:Creatures(27):4 Favored Hoplite4 Soldier of the Pantheon4 Dryad Militant4 Boros Elite4 Akroan Crusader4 Rakdos Cackler3 Legion loyalistSpells(17):4 Shock3 Chained to the Rocks4 Gods Willing4 Coordinated Assault2 Weapon SurgeLand(16):4 Sacred Foundry4 Temple of Triumph4 Plains4 MountainPS: do not play firedrinker satyr, he's awful. at best a 4 of in sideboard against control.
up all your other 3 ofs to 4 and cut the fellhides
Favored Hoplite over Soldier of the Pantheon seems like a very poor choice.
21 is not even remotely close to enough for this deck. Needs at least 24.
Ah Innistrad, I will miss you....Not you M13, Thragtusk can bite me.Basic lands have no business in a 5 colour deck.
sure, except this is a standard deck
drop the hellkites for 2 more think twice tbh.if not, at least change them to thundermaws.turn//burn would also go great in this deck and you should have at least 2 i would say.
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