Except for burning trees, flailers and cacklers...Turn 2 burning tree into mauler, swing for 6 with cackler? seems good.
this deck is extremely budget obviously so im assuming that's why there are no hellriders, aristocrats or reckoners. (all of which are far better than exava.)That said, you want 1 drops. 4 rakdos cacklers at least.grull war chants is meh, take it out.vamp nighthawk is a slow ANTI agro card, it has no place in an agro deck.you should also have at least 3 lightning maulers in there.need some removal. at least 4 searing spears.25 land is way too much. need 22 at most in here.
eh, this deck is way too slow for boros.you need 3 drops, at least 8 of them, and at least 4 real 1 drops.stromkirk nobles, ash realots, lightning maulers, burning-tree emissarys should all be there.the rhoxs should be hellriders.i do appreciate the seance + spark trooper combo but i dont really see it as worth while.
rhox faithmender is NOT an agro card...
You want artful dodge in there.It's +6 for the cyclops for 2 mana and it makes it unblockable.
Needs azorious charms.
But you can't protect them. Much better off putting counters on things like Lotleth Troll or predator ooze, or even varolz himself, as they can be regenerated easily.BTW, you also want rancor in here.
There's a red card that discards your have and draws 7, dont recall the name.
The problem with this deck is it runs out of cards too fast.Youre going to empty your hand, generally, in the first 3 turns. then what?If youre going to only run 1 drops, you really need some sort of card draw to replenish your hand.
Tormented Soul makes no sense here.Also don't really like the Nighthawks in this list.Would swap them all out for strangleroot geists/dreg manglers/predator ooze, up lotleth to 4, probably varolz too.
you could put in orzhov charms to save the geist and auras if youre that worried about it but youd need to be able to swing the mana.this deck needs some silverblades I feel.also, given the curve basically tops out at 2 cmc with pilgrims in there, 22 land at most IMO.
That single Mentor seems extremely out of place here.Take it, 1 Paladin and 2 other cards (personally Id lose the high priests, they're very slow) and put in 4 blood artists.Maybe leave the paladins at 3 and drop to 23 land, it should be enough in there.I'd also rather run 2 Obzedats main deck over the conscripts, it's a MUCH better card.
Need some vexing devils :P
If nothing else, Legion Loyalist is strictly better than Raging Goblins.
what kills this deck is fast agro since it's slow. once you get the legions rolling you'll be ok.i would take out the devils plays and krenko's commands and put in 4 pillars and 4 spears for creature killing.i would also take out the rootborn defences, you don't need them.put in oblivion rings for more defence.
searing spear over skullcrack.needs ash zealotsneeds stromkirk nobles.
Ash Zealot is better than a Strangleroot Geist if youre going for a double colour 2 drop.
Lol, I've seen a very similar deck played for epic lols.It doesnt do very well competitively but a turn 4 Grislebrand is always fun.You should put in a kessig wolf run for an alternate win con.i'd probably take out the amry of the damned and put in 2 forbidden alchemy and 2 rewinds.a great play for this deck it to float 4 lands worth of mana with several crypt ghasts out (you'll end up with 12-16 mana in pool hopefully), use 2 of it for think twice and use 4 more for rewind to counter your own think twice and untap your land, which you can they tap for another ton of mana and mind grind or wolf run for the win.
yeah, i can see how Serra Avatar is extremely useful in a reanimator deck...a lot of this deck maker no sense.faith's reward also isnt useful in this deck, hover barrier is a bit lol?
take out 2 parallel lives and 2 increasing devotion, put in 3 more land and 1 more lingering souls.also take out 2 grove of the guardian and put in more black sources for the lingering souls.
41-60 of 91 items