Sideboard 2 Graffdigger's Cage
drop all the flunkies for hellriders tbh.other than that, looks good.
you want 4 hellriders and 4 aristocrats, most definitely.i dont like diregraf ghouls, especially in a deck with 12 other 1 drops you just dont need them.knight of infamy is also bad here. this deck wants to be attacking with as many creatures as it can, as often as it can so the exalted isnt doing anything and it's not a good agro card in itself.I would highly recommend running 4 hellriders, 4 aristocrats and 4 boros reckoners.put in 2 goddless shrines/isolated chapels (over swamps) to assist in casting the reckoners.PS: grafdigger's cage is better than tormod's crypt.
reckoners are only a defensive card if you don't attack with them like an idiot...attacking into 5/3 thragtusks is one of the most satisfying things i can think of as an agro player. (at the point of having thrags out your opponent will be on low health so you can out damage them even if they dont block and attack you with it.)youre not wrong about blind obedience, it's an excellent card and should go in but reckoners are the absolute last thing i'd take out for them.
TBH burn isnt viable in competitive standard atm.Can be a fun deck tho and for that this looks ok but needs some work.This isnt a creature deck so stonewrights are useless and even the hellriders aren't gonna do much for you.take them out, put in 4 boros reckoners and 2 more also put in a couple cure of bloodletting and blasphemous acts to go with your reckoners.
4th reckoner over odric is definitely the first thing to change.Fervor in a deck where 50% of your creatures already have haste is redundant.Gift of Orzhova is ok but im not a fan of it in agro.4 searing spears will serve you far better than those 2 cards.Rally the Peasants is unusual but I kinda like it. Gets good value with flashback too.Sideboard should have orings and blind obediences in it, rest in peace/graffdigger's cage and pillars of flame.
searing spears + orings > arelia's fury, bonfire, rangers path
deck with 4 dolls and 4 reckoners with only 1 blasphemous act? yeah, right....
definately needs sphinx's
How does this deck actually do at FNM?It's quite unusual for FNM at the places I play.A few things.What do you use the simic charms for? Azorious charms are much, much better.You don't have any removal. I'd put in at least 2-3 oblivion rings.Sideboard should have blind obedience in it. At least 2. (TBH i'd main board them over favorable winds but my stores have a lot of agro decks.)Not sure about Shriekgeist. Youre not playing a mill deck so it's a 1/1 for 2 mana which is generally terrible.Regarding Stormtide Leviathan, at 8 mana cost in a 22 land deck with no mana ramp at all i can practically guarantee youre never going to get to play it. Certainly not early enough to matter at all.This deck should also have sphinx's rev in it and probably geist of st traft but im suspecting that's a cost issue.
you dont need that much burn.take out the mortars at least and put in 4 burning tree emissaries.
needs 4 burning tree emissaries, 4 boros reckoners and 4 hellriders.
"you have a lot of mana ramp in this deck and I don't understand why." ^cos the deck relies entirely on an 8 cast creature.IMO this deck is WAY too slow to deal with agro reliably.At the very least you need 4 main deck Blind Obedience. Should also have 4 Supreme Verdicts, the Skirmishers don't fit this deck at all and you don't need the Gyre Sages. Soul Tithe is a weird choice too.Since it's anti creature, not much point using Cancels when Essence Scatter costs less mana to cast.
Mate, you don't out run RDW, there isnt any point trying.There are plenty of ways to slow down RDW but trying to out race it is a certain way to lose against it.For starters, if youre swinging with your geists into a RDW without any sort of control then you will lost them the first time you do.FYI, at a quick count my RDW deck can theoretically swing for 32 damage on turn 4 and can be lethal on turn 3.Realistically doing that kind of maths is pointless since all decks have some counters/blocks/negation/kiill spells ect that theyll use before turn 4.
I like this. +1 to you.Only thing I'm not sure about are the Stab Wounds. Would probably rather put in Ultimate Price.
needs lotleth trolls and 2 guild mages.also, where are your rancors?!?!you also need some removal.tragic slips are fantastic, ultimate price too.
Do not remove the reckoners, they are the best card in the set for a reason.Lose the skullcracks, theyre bad against everything other than lifegain decks. Add searing spears instead for creature removal.Good deck.
Not bad.Are the card choices based on what you have on hand or designed?There are some odd card choices, like Mark of Mutiny rather than a 4th Traitorous Blood, but the setup is right.I play an expensive RDW deck but if I was going to make it cheap I'd probably go something like this:Creatures(26):4x Rakdos Cackler 4x Reckless Waif 4x Rakdos Shred-Freak4x Burning-Tree Emissary3x Gore-House Chainwalker3x Lightning Mauler4x Rubblebelt RaidersSpells(12):4x Pillar of Flame4x Searing Spear4x Traitorous BloodLand(22):22x Mountain
legion loyalist is strictly better than raging goblin if you don't mind paying a little more.
yep, a nice cheap RDW.obviously filling it with rares makes it far more effective but also sets you back another 200+$1 note tho, definitely put in 4 burning-tree emissaries. they speed up the deck a lot.
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