3 path of bravery
Go re read farseek.
Jund is probably the single worst match up for agro, what's your point?
Yeah, I'm sure there's no reason they're played in every single even slightly agro deck in any serious tournament...
lol, ok. My mistake.
Reckoners. Youre missing them.
^this. the abundant growths still need to go. seriously, this isnt bant auras, they do nothing.
yeah or at least that if you dont want to go unburial rites
This deck seems incredibly slow. Literally the only thing youre doing before turn 4 is farseek.Having the aim of the deck be a hard cast angel of serenity will lead to fun times for any semi decent agro deck as they will run you over long before you cast anything dangerous.TBH, it just looks like a reanimator deck that's being played for hard cast costs.changes id make:-4 keyrunes-2 orings-2 rangers path-1 armada wurm-3 abundant growth (these literally do nothing here)-2 garuk+4 mana dorks+4 unburial rites+6 mulch/grisly salvagetraditionally diciple would be rest angels but saccing a thragtusk to it seems good. *shrug*
Swap the flunkies for +1 flinthoof boar and +1 dreg mangler
As a tip, this guy is either trolling or has no idea how this deck is meant to play...
boros reckoners and lightning maulers are creatures...together they make this deck WAY more powerful.there is also almost no point running burning trees without lighning maulers.
yeah, chromatic lantern in a mono coloured deck seems odd...especially with a missing Sol Ring? what's that about?Sphere of the Suns also seems a bad choice in a slow format.Use Darksteel Citadel over it any time.
Too many 1 drops.-3 loyalists-4 experiments+4 boros reckoners+3 lightning maulersalso:-1 rampager-1 land +2 rancoryou dont need more than 20 land in this deck tbh.i would probably drop a 2nd one for a 4th hellrider.also, drop all the forests.land base should be the 8 dual lands, 2 temple gardens (for more green while being able to cast reckoners off them) and the rest just mountains.
zealot has attacked for 4 on turn 3.it's not good because of the graveyard hate, it's good because it's a 2 drop for haste and first strike.
marks > SB, falkenraths > main deck. most definitely.
You seem to have accidently put ash zealots and boros reckoners in your side board.both are unquestionable main deck cards. both as a 4 of.daring skyjeks and skynight legionnaires can both go, as can aurelia's fury (it isnt good).drop 2 lands, should have 23 in this deck.put in a 4th searing spear and another medic in their place.id prob go 2 boros charms and 2 legion's initiative.
It's 'fly you fools'... just saying....
+4 burning-tree emissary+3 lightning mauler+2 thundermaw kellkite+2 pillar of flame-2 traitorous blood-2 stonewright-4 volcanic strength-2 mizzium mortars-1 mountainSB should then look something like:3 traitorous blood (vs midrange, take out pillars/cacklers)3 graffdigger's cage/tormod's crypt (vs reanimator, take out pillars/cacklers)2-3 skullcrack (vs fagtusk/sphinx's rev, take out pillars)2 mizzium mortars (vs midrange (basically resto angel and baron), take out pillars)2-3 volcanic strength (vs mirror, take out maulers)2 pithing needle (vs planeswalkers, take out pillar/traitorous blood)tbh, i'd probably drop 3 of the skullcracks and/or volcanic strengths for 3 blasphemous acts in the SB. put them in against anything that manages to stall you out game one and drop them on your reckoners.
put in real dual/shock/check ect lands instead of guildgates
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