Increasing Confusion would go well in here I think.Lose the Murders, Ultimate Price or Tragic Slip are both much better removal for cost effectiveness.I would probably also take Invisible Stalkers over the Latch Seekers for the cheaper mana cost and hexproof.You mention siding in Armored Skaab against agro decks. I wouldn't do this if I were you.A fast agro deck can swing for lethal on turn 3-4 if they're very lucky, certainly on 4-5, so bringing out a defensive blocker on turn 3 is way too late to start dealing with agro.What you need to be siding in against fast agro decks is fast removal. Namely Tragic Slips, Ultimate Price, Unsummon ect, or hard creature counters if you prefer (Essence Scatter).Take a look at this (what I play) for an idea of what you might face in an agro deck: it's hard to have answers to everything in your 15 sideboard cards but I figured I'd throw some tips in for dealing with agro.
I'd lose the Skirmishers for 2 more Serenity I think. (Or 1 Serenity and 1 Reckoner.)
IMO you need at least 4 1 drop creatures in any sort of agro deck, preferably 8.Legion Loyalists are very nice at any point in the game due to their battalion too.I'm sure this deck will do very well against most decks but I'd be fairly comfortable going underneath it with a RDW deck and by the time this deck gets into swing, so do control decks which may cause you issues.Personally I'd drop all 5 enchantments and a Frontline Medic for 4 Legion Loyalists and 2 Stromkirk Nobles/Rackdos Cacklers.
100$ in caverns of souls can easily be dropped.the other 2 costly cards, Champion and Paladin, don't really fit here IMO anyway, would swap them out for something else.Definitely agree on Rhox Faithmender. Need at least 2, preferably 4. They stack beautifully.High Priest of Penance is also a nice card to have.Play 2 Ghost Councils if you can afford them.
you have 2 blue cards in the whole deck. Lose them.Only thing theyre doing is mana screwing you.You want stromkirk nobles in this deck and some 2 drop creatures.
LOOK A SQUIRREL!!!Theme decks are so much more fun than serious decks, +1 from me good sir!PS: Massive bonus points for the unglued cards :P
I always liked ward slivers.pull 1 or 2 and youre effectively immune to whatever deck youre facing.personally i'd lose the caravan vigils and put in some chromatic lanterns and dual lands. should be more than enough to solve any mana issues, especially with gemhides.i'd also aim for a 60 card deck. land wise i'd stick to 20 assorted dual lands and 4 chromatic lanterns tbh.
I would drop 2-3 olivias and all the neonates (all they tend to do is get killed).put in 3-4 vamp nighthawks and some vampiric furys.i find uncanny speed is also very useful.Falkenrath Marauders may cost 5 mana but theyre very good if you can play them with a guaranteed hit on their first attack.
Sliver Overlord
Look into these 2 card for some ultra heavy burn.Blasphemous ActInto the Maw of Hell
If youre going to keep black in there, I would have a look at Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis
81-91 of 91 items