You may need to revise the deck so it will be consistent.
I decided to make it standard because it would really look funny to other players playing midrange, jund and all those decks.
This is aggro, not control.
I feel stupid, thank you. xD
Very true Razka.
Oh yea! Sorry, I don't know all the cards so I missed a lot.
I haven't played it before buy it is really annoying to face.
cause I'm doing more blink effect lifegain then straight lifegain.
Maybe add deviant glee? It's a good turn 2 with Cackler so you can have a 4/3 with possible trample.
What's up with all the hate?
Two cards you would want to add would be Rakdos Cackler and deviant glee. You can have a turn 2 4/3 and a chance to make him have trample if you want :3
I'll check it out.
Have you thought of adding a Staticaster in the side-board for Selesnya decks? It's good against tokens and creatures with same names.
I don't like doing sideboards because it mostly depends on the local meta and what they will play.
also guttersnipe in the main deck
Try adding in the sideboard a few staticasters for selsnya deck bulds :P
It is good ;D
Have you tried adding Staticaster in the sideboard for Selesnya decks?
Well the reason why I'm keeping the Increasing Vengeance is because you never know if you will need that extra flashback for just in case and I'll add them in there because I totally forgot about them! xD
Also the Runechanter's pike is there for just damage while you are controlling the board, it's for finishing them off later game while you throw monkey wrenches in their greasy rotating gears.
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