I kept Sunstriker because if you suit it up with ethereal armor and land which you most likely will, you can a shit ton of health.
I'll check them out and thanks!
Yea it works like that :D
Thanks buddy and not bad ;D
ok i'll do it :3
Have you thought of removing 2x Melira and add 2x plague myr? The reason why is you won't run into to many infect decks and plague myrs ability when blocked is great. I have my deck here if you wanna check it out. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403496
I'm keeping the Shimian specters but I added the Tormented souls and subbed out 2x daggerdome imps.
This deck actually has a lot of potential in standard for a really cheap deck. Good job! I might make this deck.
Here is one, it's 9 dollars and a change-up from regular decks. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=403543
Ah ok thanks.
Well I'm keeping the Myr Superion's because it's really nice having a 4/5 for free due to me running heartless summoning's in this build.
Forgot to mention, I'm keeping the Misfortunes because that's what gets most of the curses out onto the player without paying their mana costs.
Ok, I'll add the index's in because I really like this combo because I play a lot of multiplayer. xD
I know it's great! I just love how Blighted Agent is unblockable! xD
i took out the intangible virtues for the farseeks.
I agree with that and you could always side in the clinging mists if you happen to see huntmasters. I use it mainboard cause it's cheaper against other decks so yea :P
Could someone please explain to me why Dark Confident is good? I've never figured it out xD
Also why switch moonmist for clinging mist? No one will run werewolves so it will be fine.
True, I was just using delvers for a filler since I didn't find anything but I will make a switchout.
I could have done bant zombies but I don't like doing tri colors.
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