This website has a glitch that multiplies things...
I hate that glitch -_- but thanks!
I have that in another deck using that combo :)
I have thought of that but I'm not having the problems right now so until I get to these problems I won't be putting them in just yet :)
I like this! :D
they are good but you have to know what you are doing in order to be successful with this deck.
I like it, nice! :D
That is brilliant my good sir! xD
You could run it for pretty cheap also. :D
I know right! xD
It's modern legal so I don't know why people don't run this combo :P
Yea I know right xD The only real counter is a deck that runs mostly dual lands.
That's the plan! ;D
hmmmm.... Sounds interesting. I'll play test with it and see how I like it! Thanks!
true true.
I don't like to do sideboards because it mostly depends on your local meta.
Holy titty fucks. I'm adding that!
Geist is too expensive.
yea I forgot about that.
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