Thanks mate! C:
I just wanna say, running 24 lands in a deck with mainly low costs isn't the best idea, just drawing sample hands I kept getting mana flooding which you never want (unless playing a green ramp deck). Try cutting it back to maybe 20? That seems like a good round number and you pretty much will still have 24 lands with Noble Hierarch.
I wouldn't suggest running a Wreath of Geists. It would slow down the deck and it has a chance of being a dead draw if you come across it. I'd rather have a card I could play then something that relies on a creature in play (which could be killed at anytime). So that's why I don't run it.
I run deathrite shaman because it helps with the curve better and it uses my graveyard to a fuller potential. I'd have cards at desposal that I won't need and I can just drain them and be defensive with my big guys if I need too. He's just really versatile all around in this deck.
I understand Bfrick. Since my purpose is to not mill my whole deck out its just to mill portions to pump up my dudes and stuff.
Thats what I was thinking Dream12 xD its so speratic and unreliable...
Very true! Surprised I missed that excellent card! xD
I decided to remove a Stinkweed imp and put in one chant. Should work fine c: Thanks!
Thanks for the info? lol
This is just another version of this deck. It gives it more versatilty with black in it. This is more aggro than pure mill.
Thanks bro! :D and I looked at it!
Gotcha gotcha c:
Very true lol
So I'm guessing that your win condition is Angelic Accord? Seems kinda risky :/
A good Minotaur to add in would be Boros Reckoner.
Thanks, just wanted to make something for this card since it's awesome as hell!
Okay, I'll do that. :)
True it would ;D
This is just a fun deck I threw together. :P
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