Thanks and sure
Is the expirament using koth and worldfire? If that's the case then it won't work. A good combo I know of is Thragtusk and Worldfire.
I don't know why but it just is for me :/
The new liking system on here is really awkward and unrewarding. The deck looks really good though! :)
It's a good combo it's just not legal in the format since it is an infinite non controllable trigger.
I added them in.
I'll get to the enlightened tutors right away!
oh good god... O.o
I was just thinking about that, I'm going to fix that asap.
Like i've stated before people will not expect this deck. :P
I have thought of this and I've never seen anyone at my local meta play parasalene either mainboard or sideboard so I will be safe. No one will expect this deck but thanks for the criticism anyways! :D
The only thing you named that was standard legal is Invisible Stalker.
Thanks, I'll replace them right away. :)
I don't like doing side boards. It's a more of doing it on your own kinda thing.
I totally forgot about trepanation blade xD I'll shimmy it in there for snapcaster mage to use that way he isn't useless after being played.
I know right!
Wow, that is dirty. You could possibly get a turn 2 with this deck :D
NO sphere of safety? D:
I don't see how this is low cost for the lowest cost being 350.
Done and done.
61-80 of 162 items