you stole my name!!!!
i think your right about that
Thanks you!! I've been thinking about making a creatureless deck with lots of land and this was what i thought of.
chancellor is their for turn one fauna shaman. that alone is usually a win if they have no answer. leyline is needed for the valakut matchup and vengeful pharaoh in grave is better for this deck than bloodghast in grave. vengevine doesn't work for this deck since i'm not going to be casting many creature spells. mental mistep is essential in this deck for surgical extraction and helps defend the leyline from nature's claim. oblivion ring is intereresting as was in there b4 i posted, but it only get's rid of one non-land permanent. beast within seems like a much better choice as it interacts with the reinforcements nicely. as for the reinforcements themselves, they act as a counter to grave titan. as for the lotus cobras, i'm not sure if you noticed, but i have two in my sideboard in case i need more ramp. the only real reason they're in there is b/c i needed a second thing to ramp into for chancellor of the tangle. finally, we come to the satchel. while it might not seem like much, when you get it out with a pharaoh in grave, it get's pretty beastly. it becomes insurance (a.k.a. more life) or mana ramp if they don't attack, and if they do, it becomes creature production. i needed to add in a 1 of at the end and the man sack fits its role nicely. grave titan i can add into my sideboard though, so thanks for suggesting that.
i'll probably add in the elixir when i make the standard version. thank's for the idea!
ponder is in my side and i also have diabolic tutor and distant memories, so it's not exactly topdecking.
It gives +2, not +3.
narcolepsy for bonds of quicksilver
the point of the lorax is to level him up once then tap for 5 turn three and still have 2 mana turn 2
emrakul is awesome, thanks for the suggestion, i'll add him in right now. as for not running green, i think i need to for tutoring the demon. also, 6 mana is a lot and i want to get it fast enough. i'll add in destructive force, reverberate, and world at war though for red (eeing as with birds and cobra, i might be able to cast them anyway).
sorin's vengence is a must, i'll definately add it in. i don't think i'll add in too many reverberates though, as it needs sorin's vengence to be worth while.
thanks for the ruling!! sorry i got carried away in the description.
you don't have to recast the demon. he stays on the field and can attack next turn. second, the point is to mill with demon into control cards to keep demon out and clear blocking creatures. and no, 6 cards a turn is not going to ruin me when i can deal up to ten damage a turn. thirdly, nobody plays any of the cards you mentioned. the only worry is day of judgement, a usual 2 of (mostly sideboarded). fourth, his ability compiles as i can cast the spells i mill with him whenever i want, not just the turn i get them (they don't go to my hand). the problem with putting in eldrazi is that the hellcarver will just die the turn he swings. with control this doesn't happen, plus i can protect him for future swings.
i couldn't think of anything else to put in that had synergy with the pharaoh, and i recently got a man sack (yes, that's what he called it) in a trade as a tack-on at the end. it's really fun to play, and even more fun with the pharaoh.
yeah i'd probably drop jace for his archivist. other than that, nice deck. it looks really affordable, especially since i got 2 graves at the prerelease (one foil in prize pack, one in trade).
i use in fact, if you click on card names when on mtgvault, scroll down to the bottom, and click (on the very bottom)," view (card name here) at on the right, it will display tcgplayer's listing of cards from their many vendors. the actual site is easy to navigate, and has excellent prices.
gideon is at $14.00 as of days ago and and is probably not going anywhere up. as for the deck, interesting combo. i never thought of him with vensner, only mimic vat. on another note, revoke doesn't work against twin because it's a sorcery. however, i've been thinking and i'm not sure, but could you target the deciever with apostles blessing giving it pro-red. not sure if that would work but whatever.
Muraganda Petroglyphs
no it cycle september 30, a few months later.
oh and i'd try to include leyline of sanctity. it completely shuts down valakut and burn. anyway, glad you chose the prison approach : ).
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