1x forest and 4x woodland cemetery/hinterland harbor is not a good idea. more basic land would might be good. also, not to be picky, but your t2 win needs a shore or cliff to work.
also preordain is banned in modern
if you have leonin arbiter, why not add ghost quarters!
magus of the candelabra would be awesome here
Lets focus this deck down (add more 4 and 3 of's as opposed to 1 and 2 of's). Kite shield isn't really necessary if you are just going to reanimate your creatures anyway. also, Reassembling skelaton and manor skeleton, while fitting the reanimation theme, don't fit the zombie theme and can be replaced by other zombies (like gravecrawler). geralf's messenger reanimates itself once and gets bigger in the process. if you're on a budget, i suggest more diregraf ghouls and maybe some black cats. in general, try to fit lots of zombies in and have the reanimation come in small cmc's (ghoulraiser and ghoulcaller's chant) or en masse (zombie apocalypse).
Seems like its not very focused. Are you trying to go for infect being your win-con, or damage? also, more lands might help.
Hmm...good idea. i'll make those changes. Thank you!
time walk is banned. try time stretch instead.
I realize he's not very mana efficient, but mindshrieker is a 2 mana flyer that can carry a sword and is still good without one.
Nice deck. Have you considered Mirran Crusader or Hero of Bladehold?
you can only activate pod as a sorcery
How about Day of Judgement or other field wipes. Your often facing many players in edh and removing one creature isn't enough a lot of the times.
No problem. Oh, i just remembered: Nemesis Mask
puresight merrow + paradise mantle
Some suggestions: Grappling hook: forces blocks and gives you two counters per block. also a budget card unnerve: field effect discard is better than single target mass discard. budget card lashwrithe or nightmare lash: excellent equipment in mono black and gives ridiculous boosts. both are budget but nightmare lash is cheaper Infiltration lens: the "other" skullclamp. budget card Kalitus, bloodchief of ghet: big bad vamp on a mission. relatively budget hex: "for when killing five just isn't enough"
can't believe i forgot Black Sun's Zenith
Thank you for taking the time to look at my deck. Kjeldoran dead seems good and so does cabal trainee. damnation would put me over my budget and i already have braids in there. I'm not completely sold on avatar of woe, but i'll trust you on this one. kokusho is banned so that's why he's not in there. i already have demonic tutor, but intent is a great idea as well. thank you for the suggestions!
Ah, now I understand, thank you for explaining it. Seems much better now that I get it. Also, nice combo with burnwillows and needlebite trap. if you could, could you please check out my Kuon, Ogre Ascendant EDH: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=234378 Thank you!
run glitterpost over refuge. it comes in untapped and you probably won't care about missing one white mana.
neither will kill your opponent. remember, they still gain the life so they'd be at 10 life not zero.
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