Nice deck!!! Maybe inkmoth nexus for faster kills. I made one of these before, but i used a lot less creatures. Maybe you could look at it? Deck link:
Except that's banned. Also you might want some sort of discard mechanic or someway to get rid of in-hand miracles.
I'd take out the dragons and the increasing confusion for 4 more lands and any arrangement of thunderous wrath, devastation tide, ponder, and vanishment. They all work nice with Merfolk looter (the miracles that is).
Not sure how to improve other than 1-2 more land for the dragon/tutors
Sure. I'll comment soon. :)
Hi!! Maybe Mortarpod could help or Falkenwrath Noble for extra blood artists. I made a deck like this too, and your help is wanted ;) Deck link:
i think its supposed to be standard
thats banned
Also Fiend Hunter is a great idea. I'll add him right away! Thanks!
I only run a hero if i know I will get all the mana I need to play it. With only 22 lands and no other mana sources, I'd like to keep it within 3 mana.
Yes but i made it for the deck challenge that required U/R/W human or delver deck. Also, mass appeal is fantastic.
Blood artist is good with the aforementioned cards as well as fumespitter, mortarpod, and skirsdag high priest.
I'll comment on it soon. :)
Why not run postmortem lunge instead of the unsummon? even as a 2 of, it still goes well with vexing devil and phantasmal image.
How about Gut shot? It's a great way to activate morbid for brimstone volley and tragic slip. it also helps against inkmoths in ramp. Prob. only good as a 1 of though, since your not running shrines it loses utility (which is the only reason I run it).
The thing is, with Tormented Soul, I have to have a pike or seclusion to be able to deal any real damage. Also, fitting them in is a problem, as i don't have much space.
I agree with this. However, I'm not sure how to fit them in. Any suggestions?
No Problem
I'd add more land. I understand you have a low mana curve and infernal plunge, but Geralf's Messenger can't be played on red mana. Besides, I'd rather have 21-22 lands and some other mana sources if most of my spells were 3 drops. Especially with no library manipulation.
Sure i'll check it out soon.
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