just as a suggestion etheral haze is better than holy day IMO (stops pingers)
Cards I like: path to exile, endless horizons (thanks for not including land tax), gideon, abolisher, extraplanar lens, Swords to plowshares, trade caravan isolation cell (forgot this taxer), and sun titan (FINALLY a budget crucible). my overall response is that you did just what i needed. you gave me the famework to build upon. i already own many of these cards, and i can trade off some planeswalkers for a FaF. my plan is to see if either a classic budget or an odd voltron build will work out. some lands i'm going to add: remote farm, karoo, and ruins of trokair. also, my budget for the deck has increased due to the $20 rise in lowest value of breeding pool.
that's not useless. it grants hellbent, which might not matter much but makes it enough to not be the worst.
screw that, bind's in, and so is lifeforce
i put in avoid fate. does that count?
I can't use colors outside the general's. i could make it blue as well (momir vig), but then i lose the voltron goodness
dark ritual isn't modern
time vault is banned in edh/commander
nope. not in EDH
looked and commented:)
how bout negate or spell pierce over dispel.
fine, i concede the point. how about gitaxian probe so you can instantly draw turn of even if your tapped out.
no it would not work b/c you are revealing cards, not drawing them
mimic vat for haze and spore frog
ooh i remember!!! serra ascendant! XD
good idea. shroud is always nice. i'll try out some of that, then put in black hate if it doesn't work.
leyline is tasty...but i prefer true believer. thanks for the idea though:)
love the name too.
looked at it and commented :)
awesome dude:) i really like the harmonize and elvish undertone. good job. as a suggestion, how bout farehaven elf instead of wayfinder.
301-320 of 559 items