I do not, have the cash. Lol that's why there's only one. If i pull more, hellyeah. but until then..
Thanks for getting this deck to the front page, guys! First front page ever (:
Hahaha spoke too soon!
Even though I know control is supposed to be slow, it seems that when I'm going up against faster decks, it's not what I'd like to be running. any suggestions?
thanks ^.^
Stompy seems sweet, lol, but in regards to the sideboard, why kozilek?
I could not understand a single word of that,
any comments for the sideboard?
..thats just not cool
my favorite card, abyssal persecutor, wouldn't do too bad in this deck, lol. and by the way, with nantuko shade, can you pay like.. several black mana to get the ability more than once? ive always wondered that. (clearly I'm not a very experienced mtg player, )
hahahaha true enough. my bad, dude. I am so tired today, i just looked at the pictures and thought "well, that's not very festive" sorry xD
to my understanding, wont the 4/4 just be killed by the first 8/8? even though he only needs to deal 1 damage to kill the 8/8, they're both dealing damage at the same time. trample or not, if he's dead before he can move on to the second, doesn't matter what effect he has. now if he had first strike and trample, he'd hit the 8/8 first, deal one damage before getting hit, then go on to deliver the rest of what he's got left. ive used that strategy with basilisk collar and sword of vengeance manyyy times.
I don't get how this is christmas, lol.
Andddddd; sickkk, made the upcoming list xD
changes made, mainly just looking for sideboard ideas. once again, thanks ^.^
Thanks man! If you don't mind, whenever I make a deck I'm not too sure on, I'll be leaning towards asking your opinions; you seem as if you know what you're doing. I was if-y on the land count, and I think I'll cut it down to 20, and add more burn. that's a good point on the adventuring gears; i could just sideboard stoneforge in the case that i need to whip out some other equip. All in all, thanks man (:
It seems that on mtg, you've gained a lot of respect. so i recently made a nice little boros deck, and then i came across this deck. same colors, same landfall principal, and i was wondering if you could maybe take a look at my boros deck? (type 2) nothin fancy, just a cheap deck to get the job done. thanks man :3 nice deck by the way, not the same concept as mine, but the landfall is amazing. http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=124120
id take out the thrumingbirds for ichor rats. if you have a praetors on the field, you can deal 2 counters when you drop the rat. I'd add 2 mystifying maze and 2 tec. edge, just in case, plus 24 land is always good. if you can find them, jace the mindsculptors would be nice. id sideboard some consume the meek, just because they rape weenie decks. i dont know how I feel about the artifacts.. ive used a b/u infect/control deck, built by the best mtg player in my city, and even though the control was slow, the poison was fast. defffinitely add 2 more skithiryx and 2 hand of the praetors, they're the key components of this deck. just stall til you draw a skithy, drop him, and within 3 turns after wards you should be set (assuming you haven't already dealt poison damage) and to the comment above me; this isnt expensive what so ever. to not like a deck because of price is foolish. make a deck that will pwn, and work towards it. buttttt, anyways, hope this helped, lol.
silence will prevent a bunch of little threats coming in, or somebody else condemning my pumped lynx or geopede.
maybeee its just me, but I don't see a mox opal in this deck, lol
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