I see, thanks :) i just remember the 4x silence, assault strobe, emerge unscathed and bolt. lol so I wanted to know why you made such changes, seeing how our decks were very similar. it's obvious you're a more experienced deck builder than I am, so I figured if you made certain changes, they were probably for the better. I'm still messing with my boros. but I'm digging the land base you go going on, lol
I see this deck has changed quite a bit :O if you don't mind, could you explain why you made such changes? I haven't really tested my boros deck in fnm, and I'd love some insight.
lol, i never read deck descriptions. if the deck doesn't look good, it doesn't matter which way you justify it :P if you just started again, and want to make the fastest deck possible, go with either boros or infect, easy to make, and good (sometimes) to use. poison is ify but boros is sweet. and in regards to the packs with singles; doesn't every pack have singles? lol, i've never opened a pack that had 2 of the same card in it xD
too many one ofs, the deck will be inconsistant and random if you have cards all over the place
yeah that makes sense :3 i love this deck now, its undefeated amongst my friends
then mill em out :P
Seeing how I was there when you made this, I don't really have any more suggestions xD
Comments would reallly be appreciated, lol.
im pretty sure this deck is supposed to be standard
sick, upcoming ^.^
any suggestions?
sure thing
You pushed my u/b control off the top :O congrats, lol (:
Lol, help with the sideboard would be swell
Yeah, I find Sorin very usefull in a few matchups. lifegain, which is very current where I play, is devastated when sorin makes waste of all their little lifegain spells. in a slower deck, controlling their turn is always nice. and Iunno, I just find around here, sorin is nice to have sideboarded :3
but, seeing as how you're wayy more experienced than me, do you have any suggestions as to what could be better?
why thank you (: and yeah sure, ill take a looksy
haha not maindecked, side boarded! yesterday, i went up against the best lifegain ive ever played. and after i swapped in sorin, he single handedly won me the game. and not to mention the midnslaver effect later on. he may seem bad, but in certain cases, he just owns.
i really dont see the need to kor cartogropher and terra eternal. kor cartogropher is a 4 drop, 2/2 with just a plains for a bonus? thats pretty weak. id switch it up for some lotus cobras, which could pump your omnaths. terra eternal, is half useless in t2. there are no huge land destruction cards that are frequently ran. id look for replacements. why all basic lands? :O id side in some verdant catacombs and some misty rainforests, they would give the lotus cobras more landfall as well. just ideas to throw around (:
really am too tired to think this out at the moment. too busy working on u/b control and wrexial mill. comments? suggestions? if you got 'em, leave em. may ditch the birds for something else, and am ify on ascetisism. trying to focus on gaea being the main win condition. but, w/e, lol.
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