
148 Decks, 1,477 Comments, 183 Reputation

i have considered putting in chalices. but having even one other artifact could waste a shape anew, which to me, is too risky. and dont worry, i don't care what creature hits the field, they can hit, lol. thats what the doom blades and consume the meek are for. :D

thanks, :D glad you like it, and i'll check your deck now (:

Posted 26 January 2011 at 20:48 in reply to #121017 on Shape Anew


thanks! (:

but after playing this deck, I realised a couple things.
although its easy to get a blightsteel turn 3, he's still verrry vulnerable. and this is why i added skittles and plaguestingers. if my blightsteel dies, thats it. i have no more artifacts to shape anew. the second one is inthere just incase someone pacifies him, or by some miracle I get another artifact thanks to my opponent.
inkmoth, + plague + skithy is a solid backup in itself. and while diabolic tutor is still slow, i think it's a faster beat than hoping to draw into something I need.

green, would be nice, but i find black is the best color in this deck, for the option to control the board, and skittles/plagues.

i really do appreciate your comment, and i'll playtest your suggestions. thanks, as always, for your help. ^.^

Posted 26 January 2011 at 20:04 in reply to #121006 on Shape Anew


yeah, the sideboard still needs some work. but thanks for your comment, once again, and i'm glad you like the deck (:

Posted 26 January 2011 at 19:39 in reply to #107306 on U/B Control


yeah, i'll have to play this deck based on the deck i'm going up against.

like if there's no white, play it fast. if there is white, or blue (for the control) i mayyy have to play it a bit slower.
thanks for all the suggestions, though. :D

Posted 26 January 2011 at 19:22 in reply to #120437 on Shape Anew


I'll keep thinking (:

Posted 26 January 2011 at 19:20 in reply to #119374 on Shape Anew


haha, sick (:

and allthough selective memory would work, it'd just mean adding another card, and needing an extra card for the combo.

leyline of anticipation, however, is not a bad suggestioin... butt it would mean taking away a control element, which i desperately need to keep blightsteel alive D:

Posted 26 January 2011 at 19:20 in reply to #120978 on Shape Anew


actually, how do those changes look?
I took a jtms out because i realised I don't have the money at the moment to go buy another, lol. and plague stingers, combined with skithyrix and inkmoth nexuses, should ensure that any swing from blightsteel (using his trample) will win the game.

this way, i can hold off to drop a blightsteel, if I need to. or if he gets pwned, I have a back up defense. (:

Posted 26 January 2011 at 18:04 in reply to #119374 on Shape Anew


I'm sorry, but I can't resist. Your deck is called black sac. :P

Hahahaha sorry for the immaturity, but I couldn't help myself.

Posted 26 January 2011 at 17:57 as a comment on Black Sac (Please Help)


and @whiteandblue, thanks for the follow ^.^

Posted 26 January 2011 at 17:43 in reply to #120437 on Shape Anew


Well I don't know about you, but when I was in elementary school I knew what a virgin was, lol.

Posted 26 January 2011 at 17:31 in reply to #120475 on [ELF iZape]


i'm going to try taking out lilianna though. because yeah, she's good. for for 5 mana, it'll mean not dropping blightsteel until turn 6, which is just too slow.
so i took her out for another trinket mage, and a skithiryx.
when MB drops, i'll probably ditch a doomblade and the disfigure for 2 infect creatures. or more counter, i'll decide through playtesting.

Posted 26 January 2011 at 16:28 in reply to #119374 on Shape Anew


whiteandblue, I was looking actually for a sorcery or instant :/ if it's an artifact, then shape anew could be wasted and just run into another artifact. and liquimental coating cant be seeked out through trinket mage D:

and at fluffstar, the problem is hardly ever not being able to beat them down once colossus hits, it's keeping alive. the MOMENT he hits, you either have a turn left to deal with him, or you die. (: but with all the journey to nowheres, revoke existances, brittle effigys, and the new artfiact exiles in MB, it's going to be hard as hell to keep him alive. so, that's where skithiryx and inkomoth nexus come in handy. but still, this deck needs to be thought out a tiny bit more.

I'll have fun messing around (:

Posted 26 January 2011 at 16:25 in reply to #120437 on Shape Anew


haha no man, I'm actually glad. if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. ;P

I'm going to work on this deck a lot of MB drops. so until then, I guess it's just going to be brianstorming.

Glad you like it, and thanks :3

Posted 26 January 2011 at 16:21 in reply to #119374 on Shape Anew



Posted 25 January 2011 at 20:49 in reply to #120436 on MOST RATED DECK IN MTG!


Grow up, batman69. If magic isn't important enough to you, why'd you have to cheat your deck to the front? You're a hypocrit.

And virgins, nice one. Let's go back to elementary school next.

Posted 25 January 2011 at 20:43 in reply to #120475 on [ELF iZape]


what if you just treasure hunt into another treasure hunt, lol. its a cool/funny deck concept, but i just think it would amuse your opponents more than overpower them.

Posted 25 January 2011 at 19:38 in reply to #119342 on Turn one Valakut win


if a deck is hitting the front page, it's because it's a deck worth noticing. i've had a few decks hit front, and it took them a while to get there. it actually made me proud, seeing how i just recently joined. but if anyone can do it, where's the sense of pride?

sorry if I make it seem like a bigger deal than it is, but hey, cheaters never prosper.

Posted 25 January 2011 at 19:35 in reply to #119662 on [ELF iZape]


thanks so much for the landbase help. i figured with the mox opals 22 was enough, but 24 does seem more practical. and in regards to etched, what if I were to target him before he had protection?

Posted 25 January 2011 at 19:19 in reply to #119734 on Artifact Control #2


thanks man! (:

i'm realllly hoping for a card that could read "target permanant is an artifact in addition to it's other types until the end of turn". hopefullllly wizards will see the relation and make something of the sorts. liquimental coating WOULD do, but it's another artifact. :/
is mutilate standard? :O I'll have to check that out.

and yess, shape anew is crazy. but after playing my friend's deck today, turns out blightsteel is veryyyy vulnerable. which is understandable, seeing how if he was hard to get rid of, he'd be insanely broken.
i'm going to try and perfect this deck by adding more poison, keeping blightsteel a win condition, but not the sole win condition. skithiryx actually helped me a lot today. and also if blightsteel wasn't the main win, I could remove some of the search. like lilianna, I've grown to really hate her -.-

but again, thanks man!! (:

Posted 25 January 2011 at 16:52 in reply to #120437 on Shape Anew


i was thinking about it, but i think 4 is kind overkill. im going to change the tutor count to 4, so with 4 shape anew, 3 mage, the chalice itself, 2 lilianna, 4 tutor, and a bunch of scry, I should be fine.
i mayy add another, however. because you are indeed right, trinket mage provides a huge asset to this deck

Posted 24 January 2011 at 20:02 in reply to #119837 on Shape Anew


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