Thanks man! (: And yeah, i would love thoughtseize. That card is amazing, even the artwork is fantastic. But sadly it's no longer in standard :[
if I were you, i'd add more artifacts and add tempered steel. pumped up little infect guys. how swell. (:
^ well that's pokemons opinion. but yeah, time for some actual advice. why tezz? you only have 5 artifacts. he's more or less useless with 1/12 of your deck artifacts. id ditch the 2 negate for more mana leaks, too. negates are always situational. vampire's bite is alright... but i'd add more xontrol elements. up to you, though. w/e works best (: you can check my u/b infect control for ideas, if you wish (:
...what if blightsteel dies?
You know what are swell? COMMENTS! :D
whooops, thought koth made 4/4 dragons with flying. LAME. I'll find something else. But I still love koth. :3
Really? you think I should lose koth? yeah i got 5 mountains, but in order to play over half of the stuff in my deck I need at least 1. I'd use him for his +1, a 4/4 flier swinging with a bunch of battle cries seems sweet. Care to enlighten me more on him?
haha, well I hope mine can match up. if you dont mind, can you take a look and tell me what you think?
well if you want landfall, use 4 arid mesa, 4 marshflats, and 3 scalding tarn, lol. plus contested war zone can really pay off, too. then just do a 5/5 split between red and white, 5 mountains, 5 plains.
after reading my own goblin guide comment, i realised with battle cry, he won't be such a bad drop later on. lol. thanks ;P
he's actually not bad, lol. may find a spot in my sideboard. (:
whoops you said crusader,. I'll check him out xD
LOL before i even saw this comment, I was checking your deck. :P and accorder paladin is... ehhh. his toughness is only 1, which is a pain. i'd just use him for the battle cry.
I know you're probably using mox opals for the kuldotha rebirth, but 4 of them is usually a bad idea. plus, only 12 artifacts doesn't really garauntee a strong metaslcraft. so if I were you, i'd ditch 2 for 2 ornithopter. with battle cry, they're not a bad 0 drop. (:
boros will be HUGE
Lol, this is reallllly similar to the deck I just posted. I decided to ditch the golbin guides, though. I found they were only good early game, and late game they sucked. They might prove well with the battle cry, now. But mehhh, we'll see. I like this one, man. Props. (:
May remove 1 steppe lynx and 1 geopede for 2 accorder paladins. also sideboard is still ify, seeing how I don't know what to really expect out of MB
I have the new tezz, (pulled him last night, sweeeet) but he's too... if-e to just include for inkmoth.
I would add duress, but I simply just don't have the room for them D: I could MAYBE ditch 2 swords, and add 2 duress, but i feel the swords are key in this deck. i'll mess around and get back to you (: and yeah, im pretty sure if wrexial did damage twice (i.e. double strike) you could use 2 spells (:
Nemesis of reason would be good, but it's not standard. D: and whispersilk is just too mana intensive :/ thanks for the comment, though ^.^
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