Mann, i tried taking out accorder paladin for 2 spikeshot elders, and they work amazing. i upped the fetch land count to 12 (4 of each) and put an ad gear on spikeshot, dead turn 5, as soon as I had the mana to activate his ability, he died in 2 turns. deal 5, swing for 5. (: i really suggest changing the paladin for spikeshot
haha, anytime. there's no problem with asking for advice on somebody elses deck, but just telling them that they should flat out copy yours is.. well, being a bit of a dick. :P
Man, that was some good advice! Sorry to sound like a total dick, but you kinda just sounded like a total dick too, lol. Don't just say "yeah, this is a nice try but my decks better, so you might as well just copy mine". That came off as really rude, and it kinda bothered me. :P
take out necropede for etched champions
Anytime, man. Looks better already :3
Seems like basically what you have going on here is a knight deck that is all over the place, so my suggestions are going to be ways leaning more towards the knight theme of this deck. Well, with any knight deck, you need knight exemplar. She's so good, and when you have 2 on the field, it just destroys your opponent. So I'd deff. pick up 4 of those. Leonin Skyhunter is actually a really good 2 drop in a mono white deck. 2/2 flying for 2 mana, with potential for boosts off the exemplars. How nice. So again, I'd go with 4 of those. Signal pest is actually such an under-rated card. Equipped with anything just rapes. Mainly a sword of body and mind, which you could try adding, but I'll see how we can make that fit later on. The kors arent doing anything for you, so I'd definitely lose those. Linvala is most of a sideboard card, so that's where I'd send her, lol. And sun titan is good to run 2, but if i were you, i'd much rather run the banesalyers, just because. Yeah, the ability to get your knights back is cool,, but knights are usually fast, so it shouldn't exactly matter. So, changes timeeee; -1 linvala -4 kors (2 of each, so we're ditching them all) -4 wall of omens (yes, theyre defensive, but the best offense is a good defense) Anddddd if we need it, -1 sun titan. so total removed; 9 (possibly 10) Add; 4 knight exemplar 4 leonin sky hunter 1 mirran crusader. So you can keep the titan. lol. I would, however, consider ditching 1 brave the elements, 1 honor of the pure, and 1 journey to nowhere for 3 signal pest. the battle cry boost is really significant once you already have the exemplars out, alongside accorder paladin. Also, I'd ditch 2 emeira the sky ruin for 2 contested war zone. one again, +1 may not seem like much, but +1 times 4 creatures is an extra 4 damage. (: Hope I helped, (:
Sure man, I'll take a look
hahaha I totally just jinxed it. and bellabom, the land isnt the issue, the mana curve is. are you not mana screwed.
Hahaha anytime ;D
Once again, thank you. (: And oh, what's this? It seems this deck just hit the top list. Congrats ;D
haha, in regards to boros someone once told me "i run black sun" in reply, "i run boros, so that's irrelevant" :P I can see where zenith may come in handy there. And by all means, it was nothing. The amount of help you've contributed into helping me is farrrr more than the little I've helped you. I'm just glad I could help at all, really. :3 I never though the one who helped me from the start would ask me for advice, lol. And I was even more surprised when my advice helped! xD Out of all people on mtg vault, I think you and surewhynot have helped me the most. And I thank you both. :)
A lot of people at my local fnm card pool, but seeing how I've only been around since late summer, I didn't even bother asking to get in on it. I mean, I wouldn't really trust these guys with my cards, so it'd be foolish to think they'd trust me, lol. But I get by with my blue black control and boros. sadly, I've yet to complete my boros (still need those damn fetches) so i haven't played it at fnm yet, and my u/b does realllly well against slower decks, but gets crippled to goblins and other boros. :/ But I commented on your deck, by the way :3
the landbase is perfect, so no worries about that. But i would be concerned about being mana screwed. its like you once told me, some ramp decks dont even run 6 top end threats. even though it's only 6, that can make for some bad mulligans. i'd drop a wurmcoil for another treasure mage. this way, you can seek it out so it's as if you drew either a battlesphere, hellkite or wurmcoil, yet you get to choose which one AND you get a nice little 2/2. pilgrims eye is a nice touch, complete tezzeret abuse, and that way if by slim chance you're short an island, seek one out. overall I'd say it's looking good, (: and the sideboard looks good, but I never understood why so many people were immediately in love with black sun zenith. I'd chose a consume the meek over a zenith any day, lol. and though it saddens me to no longer see thopter assembly, I do agree that battlesphere in this case is a better choice. nice work (:
I'll probably never actually build this deck, seeing how it'll cost a fortune and I'm a broke 15 year old trying to get through highschool, but I make proxies in my spare time and might just make this a proxy casual deck. I love the genesis wave because it can realllly explode. I mayyy add a few more high-end threats, but I just got bored and thought "well, let's make an expensive deck" and threw this together in 5, lol. inkmoths are there simply because they're flying 1/1s for 1 mana. they get by planeswalkers, and are nice little chump blockers that leave their mark. so i figured 2 was good. (: i didnt bother trying to construct a sideboard because like i said, i was just seeing how this would look on paper. but yeah, I'll look at your u/b right now. :3 Thanks :D
sweeet :D
just a noob question, but are planeswalker abilities activated abilities?
meh, sometimes there's no need.
It can be hit by doj. tezz's effect overrides the land effect, so it stays a 5/5 artifact creature.
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