..why pridemate and soul attendant? if I were you, i'd add some mox opals (3) and an indomiable archangel. this way your artifacts are indestructible.. or have shroud, I forget, but either way that's sick. anddd if you dont like that idea, linvala, keeper of silence could help against some titan decks and other popular decks atm and kor duelist couldnt hurt
anytime man. sorry I couldn't offer much advice, lol. the only suggestions/change i'd make is ditch the black and add counter. I'm a sucker for a good counter spell
I mayy try that. i have a load lying around (sejiri steps) but I'm ify on the tapped part.. I like being able to just drop stuff left right and center, then by turn 4 drop an angel. and titans... eh. theyre 60$ here, and I don't really want to spend money on them. to be honest, I don't know what I'd take out for them anyways, lol.
an ideal hand for me, is 2 lotus cobras, 1 forest, 1 plains, any sac land, a steppe lynx and a kahlni heart expedition, drawing into an admonition angel :D i find this deck really consistant, i usually get shit going out pretty fast. but i am considering removing the 2 journey to nowheres for another admnition angel and a baloth, or 2 emeria angel. ima mess around a bit and see what I come up with. (:
this is actually a sick deck, lol. great balance of landfall, :D the only thing id suggest, out of personal preferance, is ditch halimar depths. i have a personal hate for that thing, lol
i dont see the need for the golems in this deck, or the tainted strikes. if you're running mimic vat, id focus more on cards that realllly pack a punch when they enter or leave. i.e. wurmcoil and grave titan :D getting one of those on a vat is sick. trust me. anddd black offers either lilianna vess or diabolic tutor to seek them out. (: if you want to add more removal, you could try an abyssal persecutor. him, with consuming vapors and or gatekeeper of malakirs, pwns. andd brittle effigy is an artifact alternative. :3
yeah, this is true. and sure man, ill check your deck and get back to you asap (: and i find this deck rapes if it hits a big guy, but if not... ehhhhh. lol so im probably removing a few cards and adding emeria angel. :D
i just may do that. theyre like 25 bucks each though, so not right away :P andddd i most certainly will check your deck, (:
i was looking at those, but the oracle gives me potential for more landfall, which puts her over the top.
hmmm.. opiniond on eldrazi monument? If I have a good few tokens to sac, dropping a monument could prove me well. if I do add a monument, i may look at emeria angel, early game sacrifices. just ideas to throw around. opinions would help
and thank you, I'm glad you like the deck :D
Haha, I'm only 15, the only income I have is saved lunch money, lol. But magic has taken over my life, lol. nothing to do where I live, so this is how I pass my time :D I don't look at it as spending money on cards, I look at it as spending money to be good at the thing I do most xD
if you read some comments above, I was considering that. but I usually get one of my bigger threats turn 4, so it's not really a worry of mine to have chump blockers. i may sideboard her, in the case i'm going against a swarm deck. but you never know, i'll mess around with her. i am thinking about dropping the journey to nowheres though, for another angel and baloth
explore is good, but it's hit and miss. i like harrow over explore because it's automatically 2 lands hitting the field. and if by chance i dont need to pop a land just yet (like a misty rainforest), i can leave it on the field, then next turn sac it with harrow, and get 3 lands. with a lotus cobra, i can drop a baloth turn 4. :3
well, i only started playing when this block went out, so, i can't really offer all that much. butttt, why not try a tempered steel or 2? you're running white, and a pumped wurmcoil is nasty. sphinx and open the vaults is nasty though, man. nice combo. this looks pretty solid, as far as I can tell. sorry if I cant offer much, ive only been playing since summer, lol
sure thing, man
Might take out the 2 journeys for 1 more admonition angel and 1 more baloth.
Haha, well I'm glad you like the deck. :D and it's honestly not that hard to find cards at a decent price. but compared to my u/b control, this deck is cheap, lol. i'd definitely spend 150$ on a deck, to me that's nothing. when it hits 300+ is when it's if-y. :/
Frontier guide seems like a bit of a waste. land is pretty consitant in the deck, so I wouldnt really want to have to pay 4 just for a tapped forest/plains. usually, whenever a baloth, angel, or avenger hits, it's game over. lol
But on a side note, I was considering using silence. this way, i could make sure i can drop a big guy. may take out the journeys for them. because by the time this deck gets going, I should be able to take out most creatures.
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