I want another awesome threat or two (besides Tombstalker because I don't want to go buy more and it feels too much like netdecking). Any good suggestions?
After making most of this, I guess I realized it was basically just a cheaper version of Team America, which is fine to me I guess. Copied some of the ideas after that (like Tombstalker) though not all by any means. Any suggestions would be great. I'm not planning to enter tournaments with this so I'm not building a sideboard. More just to play casually with friends...
Oh another maindeck idea! The new rare white splicer card - Blade Splicer I think. Works nice with Precursor and is still on it's own 4 power at 3 mana...
Umm, about the Slash Panther thing... It has haste soo... It comes out and (with Tempered Steel) beats for 6 on turn four and 6 on turn five and 6 on turn six - a total of 18 damage. Now look at Precursor.. 0 on turn four. 0 on turn five. 15 on turn six. Panther still wins! Granted, it gets much worse later and I can't fault you either way as they both seem good. Just an idea to run with is all. I guess I can see that being fine for Dispatch. Suppose as fast as you plan to kill them the exile isn't even needed half the time.:/ Umm... Sideboard... I think artifact removal may be awesome right now so some Kor Sanctifiers seem fine for mono-white or else Divine Offering is great, too. Maybe running Tectonic Edges in the SB? Swap them in for the Inkmoth Nexus? It's an idea... A blue splash is also possible using the dual lands to splash in cards like Spell Pierce which I've seen people do in a mono-white quest deck before and it seemed ok. Leyline should be good vs. Valakut. The new Apostle's Blessing could maybe be ok against UB control decks with lots of spot removal.. Umm, idk. it's really hard to say right now with the metagame about to shift in pretty significant ways. I'm struggling with sideboard stuff right now, too without knowing what people will be playing all of the sudden. Oh! The new Exarch deck looks like it could be pretty popular for a while at least so you need some way to not auto-die to it. Actually... Apostle's Blessing would help you there by giving their Exarch protection from red as they cast the enchantment.. yeah, I'll be done ranting now.:)
If you could aquire some Verdant Catacombs it may be possible to splash 1 single forest into the deck to run Doran the Siege Tower. He's not a wall but his stats make him look like one and turn all your walls into major threats - even allowing an awesome card like Wall of Omens to do serious work. I'd probably cut Necropotence, Painful Quandry, and maybe Sanguine Bond (as a one of it doesn't seem to do much). Pillory of the Sleepless would probably just be better as Oblivion Ring or Swords to Plowshares. I think I'd also probably cut the Valor Made Real as well as they're just often not that good in my experience. Final suggestion is a gargoyle from Ravnica Block, whose name elludes me at the moment but also can let all your walls attack each turn and flys as well. Hope this helps a bit. Good luck with it.
Wow, nice deck! I've been trying to think of good block decks for a while now but have been to lazy to actually put one down on paper (or a website). I'm a little wary about the 4x Dispatch, simply because it is fairly situational, even with a deck like this but idk.. Testing will sort it out a bit, I suppose. Overall it is solid looking, though. I can't help but wonder if Slash Panther may be a bit better than Precursor Golem just because it can connect a solid 2 turns earlier and bashes planeswalkers that are maybe otherwise undefended on an open board. Idk. Something to consider. Not sure if I would even make many other changes (though a sideboard would be nice, haha). Solid start to what looks to be a solid deck!
Not quite true! If you have a Karn out and another stuck in your hand, what could possibly be better than exiling your own Karn and resetting the game with another one already in play!
The best part of the Wildwood is actually that they're much better and more mana efficient for a quicker kill with Garruk but I do see your point... I just always hate seeing the Scars lands past turn 3 where at least I can be fine with a manland... I feel like the 6/5 split is fine for now but I'll definitely look into that more. Thanks. Sun Titan seems ok, but at the same time... Does it really help much to bring back any of those cards besides Jace? Idk.. I'm trying a one-of Consecrated Sphinx for now because it just seems pretty good in the meta that is fairly short on instant speed spot removal so it will most often net some form of card advantage and blocks sworded creatures pretty well. I agree that it's a bit bottom heavy though. Thanks for your input.
I'm sorry but you're kidding right? I mean, what doesn't stop this that is a real deck? I'm gonna sound like a dick here, but w/e - you've made some pretty bold/arrogant statements so I feel fairly justified in bringing that down a notch. Well, major problem is the fact that you have a total of 12 creatures for your 16 equipment. Ouch dude. Odds of a turn four play like you've displayed are highly unlikely and very inconsistent. Furthermore, your equipment package is really fairly attrocious. Basilisk Collar is underwhelming in this deck without pingers or anything super exciting with it. Infiltration Lens is actually fairly horrible for constructed magic as they'll just flat out kill your dude rather than block it (you know - with Day of Judgment, Condemn, Go for the Throat, Doom Blade, Lighting Bolt, etc. Hell, even Disfigure will kill every single creature in your deck in response to equiping). Argentum Armor will ONLY be good in here with metalcraft active on your Paladin - Assuming you've also cheated it into play using the Stoneforge Mystic, already a lot of things to ask for to go right. Accorder's Shield is soo laughably bad in really any deck, even with a free equip. I mean, really? For constructed? I don't even usually want to play this card in the limited format! As if that wasn't enough... Norn's Annex is not a real card if you want to actually be winning. Aggro decks just pay the life and kill you, control decks don't need to. It's just terrible all around. Remember the Fallen is possibly ok, but still very situational and still not very good. Past the poor card choices, this deck is slow. Control decks will kill all of your creatures before it matters or simply counter them before you can do anything relevant. Aggro decks will run this over soo fast you won't have much chance short of the nut-high draws (and it's likely in some cases even your play up above won't help much). So, to construct a deck that beats this, here are my following suggestions - combine them in any way you see fit and it will most games win. - Mass Removal - Instant Speed Spot Removal - Instant Speed Artifact Destruction - Counterspells (cheap and hit creatures - think mana leak/deprive) - Blazing Fast Aggro (think Goblins, Kuldotha Red, Affinity, etc.) - Big, cheap creatures that have abilities (Titan Cycle, enters the battlefield and kills stuff guys, etc.) - Well... Almost any deck that interacts with the opponent in a meaningful way - Pinpoint Discard (Duress, Despise, etc.) Anyways... Sorry about all that but after seeing how harsh you were against raggedjoe I felt you had this coming. Crazy rant aside, I'll provide some positive feedback now.:) 1. Swords - particularly war and peace - would be awesome in this deck! Much much better than the bulk of your current equipment. Without pingers, you're probably way better off with War and Peace over the collar in most cases. 2. Interaction with opponent is a must. You really have no ways to do this besides the Argentum Armor. Your deck isn't fast enough on average to not have some way to interact with your opponent. Even cards like Journey to Nowhere are excellent. 3. Cut the fluff. You have a lot of stuff to try and make the deck "work" but it's too all in and there are not enough creatures to really support that many equipment. Living Weapons can help with this, as well as cards like Squadron Hawk which also net card advantage which is key. 4. It looks like a fun, interesting deck to be sure. It just needs some work, especially before you basically flaunt it off as "unbeatable" or something. Good luck with the deck and have fun. Again, sorry about the above rant...
What's with the Soul's Fire? It's really honestly not too great, especially in a deck like this. It's really only good with Master of Etherium and still costs 3 mana which is a lot for affinity decks. Also, the lack Arcbound Ravager is slightly odd. Overall decent though. Looks a little short on creatures and the ability to kill as quick as traditional affinity...
Well.. wish I could help you but I'm not sure how. Oh wait... maybe by commenting.;) Congrats man! Almost over 200! Crazy stuff!
Thanks. I'm planning to continue playtesting, although NPH could shake things up a bit - whether than means this deck will be better or not I guess only time will tell. Sideboard is likely going to need some major changes. I'll check on your deck now though.:)
Haha, thank you I think. ;)
Yeah, if you've ever noticed, even from the original affinity decks, the most "broken" or powerful cards were the ones that didn't say affinity anywhere on them (Ravager, Skullclamp, Vial, Artifact lands, etc.). This deck just pushes the power level far beyond the original deck (short of Skullclamp which is still banned for legacy) by updating the old affinity cards which were once good, but now a bit more underwhelming.
Nice list. I like it but I think I'd agree with Ethan on the Goblin Gaveleers although I suppose you are seldom going to be lacking an equipment for it... One other thing.. Why not Batterskull? That is such a sick thing to grab with Stoneforge! Also, what are the maindeck Crush for? Jw. Solid list overall.:) Now for Sideboard... I like a lot of the cards but I'm just curious what you have some of them for - like Khemba, Porcelain Legionnaire, and SoBM. Personally I feel like SoBM is a strange card to sideboard but idk - maybe in the right matchup.
Haha, awesome! The double jace package is two-part and fairly simple. 1st, I only own 2 JtMS but occasionally can borrow 1 or 2 from friends. 2nd, Jace Beleren is excellent on his own and can help stop opposing Jace decks as well. As a hint for breaking it - At this point, Squadron Hawk and Baneslayer are the best routes to victory, though the planeswalkers are more difficult to deal with once down for a typical extraction deck so I'd probably just remove the Gideon and Garruk first, then pull all hawks at once with the new Extraction. Haha.
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=173886 ^^ Bant deck (Standard) Yeah, I guess I can see the argument for consistency. I just love the explosive power Disciple offers, though I guess I could see why you may not want it..
Yeah, off color is especially nice at times with cards like Lotus Cobra. I have been enjoying the options the bant colors have to offer though, lately. I mean, UW Jace decks are solid normally but I like the addition of green for more speed/power. Garruk is quite the beating with Squad Hawks, too! What about the Explores? Ideas on that? I would like to include them somehow but I'm not really sure what to cut... Also, what do you think about a sprinkling of Titans in here (I'm thinking like 1 Sun Titan and 1 Frost/Primeval perhaps)?
Disciple can drop the average kill of this deck by 1 turn and even have a new "God draw" of turn 2 kill. Turn 1: Vault, Opal, Drum, Ravager, Memnite, Disciple Turn 2: Disciple, Disciple, All out attack and sac all artifacts to Ravager. Combo also works with Atog, btw. Not too likely, but holy S*** fast! The fast kill before was turn 4... THIS is the power you often need/want to beat the fast combo decks. On a completely different note, I commented back on my Bant deck Raggedjoe. I'd really appreciate some follow up feedback.:) Thanks for your help.
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