
32 Decks, 612 Comments, 53 Reputation

Yeah, the Ghost Quarters are probably quite bad, but I just wanted to try it out right away. It could be handy if some of the non-basics start proving better than expected, though I kinda doubt it. Idk about maindeck Grudges just because I do have Acidic Slimes which are at least always an out to artifacts. As for SoWaP, it's another card to test. I'm thinking I'll keep it as a one-of for now, but it may very well be right to swap swords.
Anything you feel I'm missing? I know there should be something more here, but idk what. I think I need to work on the curve issues, too.:/

Posted 02 October 2011 at 02:03 in reply to #203809 on rG Standard Crusher


Hey guys. I hate doing this sometimes, but I've got a new brew (finally) up on here. It's VERY rough at the moment and it could use a look. Any help?


Posted 02 October 2011 at 00:10 as a comment on The New White-Blue


Ok, thanks guys. :) I know they're long at times, but I like being specific I guess. haha. And I do tend to ask a lot of questions at times... haha

Posted 02 October 2011 at 00:04 in reply to #203757 on The New White-Blue


Very rough sketch right now - especially the sideboard. Any ideas?

Posted 01 October 2011 at 08:00 as a comment on rG Standard Crusher


In addition, the fact that the Mage provides a decent body for it's cost is quite relevant, too. A 2/1 with flash would already be a "decent" (not major constructed) card. Tacking on the rest is just insane bonus.

Posted 01 October 2011 at 07:06 in reply to #203363 on The New White-Blue


Ouch dude. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that but it's honestly slightly offensive.

Posted 01 October 2011 at 06:59 in reply to #203757 on The New White-Blue


Interesting list Ethan. I can't tell you how much of a relief it is to come back on to this site, though, and see a familiar name with a real deck! I've been a bit more bored with standard at the moment with rotation so soon and new deckbuilding seeming pointless so I've rarely been checking out the site and it's been dissapointing every time seeing a bunch of junk - not even worth trying to help with most of the time. This deck you've created looks pretty solid, though.

Questions for ya -
Have you tried some split with Sphinx and Titan? Sphinx is just soo good in some matchups where Titan is a little more lackluster, though I certainly understand using either.

I'm seeing your point on Visions of Beyond, but it still seems like plenty of matchups it will be fairly lackluster and I would maybe just try a split with something like Think Twice. They both have great benefits and Think Twice is often better after an Alchemy. Dismember is also a great spell and amazing with Snapcaster so I'd maybe reconsider a 2nd as they can always easily be boarded out when bad. I understand the issues with it, though.

One other question is the 3-2 split with Mana Leak and Negate. I feel like this format is shaping up to be pretty heavy aggro until things settle down and largely creature based. I feel like going 4-1 in favor of Mana Leak just seems better as a more general catch-all. I could be wrong here and your meta may be very different, but Mana Leak just seems too good over the situationalness of Negate.

One last thing - 3 Phantasmal Images? Why? They really don't have as much to copy anymore while quite good, 3 seems like a bit much. I could be wrong here obv. but I'd like to hear your thoughts.

The deck is really solid and obviously harder to really fine-tune until the metagame really shows itself a bit more in the next couple weeks. I think I'm going to try and brew up some Gx deck that fully takes advantage of all the fun/good new green spells we have now, as well as fully being able to utilize GSZ!:)
Glad to see this site getting back on track - Keep of the good work!

Posted 29 September 2011 at 05:03 as a comment on The New White-Blue


While I am fully in support of Snapcaster, I do feel you're off on a couple points. I really doubt he'll be so overpowered as to be banned in multiple formats, especially since they banned Mental Misstep in Legacy instead already. He's stellar, but I don't think a 3-mana, one time Brainstorm will be banned until Jace, the Mind Sculptor is first for sure.

The second part you're getting wrong is that he's not the best "blue" creature ever. Obviously that'd be Tarmogoyf silly.;) Tarmogoyf has been the ultimate win-con for blue control decks from the day it was printed. Snapcaster's close though. haha

Posted 29 September 2011 at 04:44 in reply to #202805 on The New White-Blue


Yeah, this deck really probably doesn't even need the swamps if the goal is to combo with Flash-Hulk. Instead, I would suggest dropping the artifact count a little bit and add in Islands over Swamps and Forests. I would add in some blue cards like Force of Will and/or Brainstorm and Mental Misstep.Just an idea.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 17:29 as a comment on Protean 0 turn


Splinter would be insane in here like everyone else seems to be suggesting. Also, Shattering Spree + Mycosynth Lattice is just soo sick. The Lattice would be good even without the Shattering Spree, anyway. Also, Ancient Grudge is sick. Just some more options. Hope it helps.

Posted 15 September 2011 at 04:51 as a comment on I Am Sorry I Really Truly Am


Yeah, Mindbreak Trap helps, but often the 12-Post decks run 2 or more Emrakul and they ramp so stupid fast that with that extra turn (from hardcasting a freaking Emrakul) they use their Eye of Ugin to find another Emrakul and hardcast it again.:( Stupid how powerful it is, really.

That's cool to hear about Rune Snag. I suppose with the format as generally fast as it is, 2 mana will be hard to play around until it's late enough where you'll have at least another 1 in the graveyard.

Posted 05 September 2011 at 04:15 in reply to #197049 on Breaking Modern


Haha, this is true. Gotta say though, class really isn't quite as fun as magic. Haha. But anyway, I'm just happy to help how I can, when I can. :) The removal thing makes total sense - I just love control too much to really give up that aspect I suppose.:/
Yeah, Modern really is seeming to be a great format, though it is a bit ridiculous how powerful combo decks have now become - with so many different options for it, too. I like that there is variety, but in some ways it just makes it harder to beat and prepare for.
Standard is just great, of course, though I can't wait for Innistrad to be legal!

Posted 05 September 2011 at 04:09 in reply to #197047 on MUD Forgemaster


Hey Ethan. Nice deck! I love this style of deck, honestly. Against any non-aggro deck, turn 2 Luminarch can be such a beating! 12-Post looks to be quite the deck, though, so I'd maybe look at some more answers to that right now. I mean, they essentially just win against this deck on the play if they manage to resolve a titan on turn 3 (which happens with annoying frequency!). I'm not saying you don't have game, but against a hardcast Emrakul on turn 4, you basically only have Rune Snag to try and slow the deck down...

You should rock most of the field outside of that, though. I'm honestly not even sure what great answers there are to 12-Post right now, either... So while I wish I could help more, I'm not really sure what to tell you. Haha. I'm working on it, myself. If you find some better solutions, please let me know!

As another thought, how's Rune Snag been working for you? I can see the advantages over Mana Leak or Remand, though I'm personally still not quite sure on any of them yet. Same goes for Wall of Denial vs. Wall of Omens, btw.

Posted 01 September 2011 at 23:40 as a comment on Breaking Modern


Wow. This is quite the interesting deck for sure. And to be honest, I'm not even really sure what should change. It looks like a pretty solid "workshop" deck ported over from Vintage (obviously losing workshop which sucks, but works well enough). The only 2 cards that I could see wanting to play much are potentially some number of removal spells in the form of Swords to Plowshares (assuming you can get white easy enough - I'm not sure just looking at the list right now) or Dismember. Dismember obviously is better in that it's colorless (sorta) while Swords to Plowshares is most often the clear winner at other times.

1 main thing I would almost certainly change, though, is to make sure there are at least 4 Lightning Greaves (by "at least" I mean potentially even using Swiftfoot Boots as well). The biggest problem with most decks like these is that your most important cards are cards like Kuldotha Forgemaster and Metalworker. They're great, but they only function if they can sit around and not die for an entire turn first. Lightning Greaves allows for them to be "safe" the turn they enter play, and even potentially be used then. Greaves also means the same for your Blightsteel. Rather than taking 1 full turn for Forgemaster to survive + 1 full turn for the Blightsteel to survive, you need simply your turn without instant speed removal to win.

Mindslaver is also certainly a card that could be just as solid as Blightsteel in various matchups (think combo). Just a thought, though maybe not even worth a SB slot - depending on your metagame I suppose.

1 final note... Sorry for being sooo slow to respond about this! I just have been really busy with classes starting up and just generally not checking by this site as much recently.:/

Posted 01 September 2011 at 23:31 as a comment on MUD Forgemaster


Right, and I understand that. I was just noticing how crazy cheap the "bulk" of this deck is when you consider that of the $125 for the deck, over 100 of it comes from merely 2 of the land is all!

Posted 20 August 2011 at 05:49 in reply to #193435 on Diet 10L


Wow! This list is pretty insane and incredibly consistent looking. I personally would probably cut one of the KotR, 1 or 2 Pridemage, and 1-2 other guys for 3-4 Green Sun's Zenith. It's just handy to give you so many different targets and it's always exactly what you want it to be when you need it (ok, not Goblin Guide I suppose and Loam Lion and Kird Ape are just usually worse than Nacatl anyway). GSZ is just a preference thing, though. You have a sick list. Just throwing it out as an option.
1 other idea that might be worth testing or considering is just a 1-of Mutavault/Tectonic Edge or some other form of utility land than you can occasionally fetch out with KotR in a pinch. Just an idea. Good luck with your deck. Looks super fast and fun!

Posted 19 August 2011 at 20:34 as a comment on Modern Naya ZOO


Those cards aren't legal in Modern - it's all 8th Edition and forward (the original Mirrodin being the 1st actual expansion set legal in it).

Posted 19 August 2011 at 20:29 in reply to #193889 on Modern Naya ZOO


Dude! I understand that they're uber good and everything, but you could even cut the cost down way further if you replaced the Cradles with some other landish card or something - not even sure what to be honest, but the Cradle itself makes up like 85% of this deck's cost I'd bet!

Posted 19 August 2011 at 19:46 in reply to #193435 on Diet 10L


Yeah, I understand the weirdness. It's certainly a slighlty different from normal list but I think it has potential - it certainly needs tweaking, though.
Venser!! I can't believe I forgot about him! He seems like a solid addition for sure. Thanks!
Fatespinner is a card I'm honestly a bit iffy on. I guess I just haven't had the besrt of luck with it in the past (though admittedly most of my experience comes from casual multiplayer games where it just results in a massive target painted on my head..). It's also really fragile and doesn't seem to do enough most times, but it's certainly a card I'll keep in mind and toss in and out as I test and tweak the list.
I agree that I am a little short on creatures, though. I'll keep looking for other options.

Cryptic is a card I really love and is such a powerful utility spell. I only added 2 simply because of the mana and I'm still not sure on it. I did try to warp the mana to work a bit better with Cryptic, but I guess I'll find out how well it worked through some testing. This is definitely a card that may either need to be cut or require the mana-base to change. I do only have 8 total land that can't produce blue in some way, though so it doesn't seem like it'll be dead too often.

Punishing Fire is actually such a great card with Grove of the Burnwillows. In fact, I'd rather cut a Lightning Bolt before Punishing Fire I think, simply for its built in card advantage and everything. We'll see. Thanks for your help as always though. I'll be making some changes later today/tonight.:)

Posted 17 August 2011 at 20:03 in reply to #192962 on Willowing Burn Control - A Modern Experiment


Oh, ok. I guess I hadn't really thought about all the ways to get out Doran in the deck! :/
And I guess I also hadn't realized just how aggressive your curve is and how many 1-drops you already have! I mean, I'd probably run 4 IoK/Thoughtseize in a black aggro sort of deck if my main threats were at 2 or 3 mana because it's just such a good turn 1 play. I see now that you already have turn 1 pretty well covered without it. And I totally understand just bashing face. Haha. Pretty much the best thing in magic - probably part of why I'm just not a huge fan of insta-win combo decks (storm, splinter-twin, etc.). Even reanimator (sort of a combo deck) gets to bash face a few times!

Posted 17 August 2011 at 07:19 in reply to #192705 on Of a new age


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