See.... This is a prime example of why I hate red decks. There just annoying as hell to play against, but I personally never get much joy out of runnning them myself. Ugh. Stupid red decks... haha. But to be serious, it looks like a super stupid (in a good, I don't want to play against it kind of way), super fast, super annoying, and fairly consistent deck. The most important thing there is the consistency which is incredible to me. The best way it seems to beat KRed decks in the past has half the time just been to let them beat themselves as they mulligan, play a hand and you stop their one major turn and they lose due to having nothing left. This deck looks to be a bit more consistent and even has a bit of "late game" play in it (aka, past turns 3 and 4). Due to the more volatile nature of the deck, I'd maybe look at changing the sideboard much more. What I mean is making it transformational and swapping out cards to make it more of a "big red" type of deck with Koth's and Hero of Oxid Ridge. This will give it a bit more lategame staying power once they've boarded in plenty to stop the initial onslaught. Another thing to consider is Kor Firewalker who tears these decks apart if left alone long enough. I'd maybe make sure you can deal with this guy in some way after sideboarding. Other than that, looks annoyingly good.;) Well done. Just don't run it against me ok?;)
Yeah, Inquisition is ridiculously high right now... I wouldn't waste your money on it. It's good, but it doesn't support the deck structure you have all that much anyways. As for Surgical Extraction, I think it's honestly pretty terrible in here against control decks. Stealing their counters really won't do too much for them as counters are often actually just too slow and not good enough to stop you from killing them in a hyper-aggressive strategy such as this. However, it is AMAZING in the sideboard at stopping the Splinter Twin/Exarch combo (assuming you can kill one piece of the combo, first of course). Go for the Throat is good here, too as then they can't change the target with Spellskite. Anyways, Surgical Extraction is fine, but don't use it against a normal control deck as it simply wont do enough. With an aggressive deck like this, the best and really only amazing target you'd want to hit is probably Gideon Jura, anyways... Hex Parasite is a much better sideboard card vs. control decks I think as it's a fairly quick clock and rapes Planeswalkers.
Yeah, Skullclamp was clearly just nuts, but idk. I can't figure out what it is/should be but there must be some other card similar in function (drawing cards) that could work here and isn't banned. haha. I'm just not sure. But yeah, idk... Skullclamp I think definitely needed to be baned at the time, if for no other reason than allowing a ton of players to not be so pissed off for them ever printing it. However, I don't think it would be quite as good anymore with all the disruption and combo decks available. Still super insane, but not over-the-top broken like it once was, at least not in legacy formats.
Rancor is such a beating! I like the deck and the concept. I could see this being one of those decks that makes people really and truly want Mental Misstep! Overall I like the deck but can't help but wonder if there might be a better option for card draw than the Infiltration Lens. I'm honestly not sure what it would be for this deck, but in my experience it just ends up basically making one creature unblockable, rather than drawing the cards needed, until chumping is actually a must (in which case you usually are in a position where the extra cards don't matter too much). Despite that, I'm not really sure what other option I'd take but just want to point out that I feel like there must be some card out there that could replace it. Otherwise, I think it's a solid looking deck (especially for being so short on lands compared to a more typical deck).
Wow... Forget all that I just said. I was thinking of Redirect. Reverberate actually makes a copy of the spell (I think I was mixed up from your initial description, "re-direct theyre mana leak towards their own mana leak, counterting itself.") Redirect effects do not work. However, since Reverberate simply makes a copy, it does work.:/ Guess I shouldn't have just assumed but there are plenty of red cards that have redirection effects. But now that that's sorted out... Use Reverberate to counter counters if you want. lol
Same problem sort of... Mana Leak has to target something on the stack, but because of how Reverberate would work, as Reverberate resolves, it leaves the stack leaving Mana Leak with nothing to target. Not sure if that was clearly worded really... But I'm pretty sure that's right. You may want to check with an actual judge or something, but I'm just not thinking it works like that.
I'm not so sure it actually works to reverberate a Mana Leak onto itself. Mana Leak needs a legal target to counter and I'm not sure the same spell itself can be targeted by itself because at the time you choose targets, it's not a legal target yet. Idk if this really makes sense, but point is, you can't target a counterspell with itself (I think, though rules may have changed). Despite all of that... I agree with some things like the Manlands - Lavaclaw Reaches. Those are awesome in the lategame which your deck seems to be lacking a bit. I don't however agree with all the comments to cut your creatures as the point of this deck is to have quick, efficient creatures and beat down with them. Arc Trail is wonderful and in a pinch you can even target yourself for 1 damage if the board is clear and you need to punch through that last 1 damage. Another card that works pretty nicely I think is Staggershock. It works nicely with your Ascension as well as it is two turns of damage almost guarenteed. Also, Volt Charge would work guite well, also. Along with the proliferation theme, Tezzeret's Gambit helps you reload while also helping proliferate. Red and Black usually don't have too much for card draw and for 2 life and 3 mana, you can have that. Having more card draw lets you draw into your combo better, too. The last two cards I'll suggest are planeswalkers. Koth and Liliana. Liliana lets you complete your combo pretty nicely. Hope this helps a bit without completely changing the deck.:/ As for what to remove... Not terrible sure, though the double black on Geth's Verdict looks like it would stink to try to deal with..
I realize over $300 isn't exactly most people's idea of "budget" but the Jaces I already have had for quite some time and didn't spend a nickel on - just trading and one was when it was much cheaper and my friends and I didn't pay much attention to prices... Beyond this, the land base is quite expensive but is similar where I've owned all of the Fetch lands ahead of time and are worth the costs anyways. The Shock Lands I just recently bought, but at about $10 each, they're very reasonable compared to the Beta duals (Underground Sea is well over $100!). Most of the other cards are all under $5 each, except Tombstalker ($10). So sorry if the title is a little misleading. It is on a budget, compared to the "pro" version of Team America which is closer to $2000 to build... The land and Jace are really the source of the costs and if you don't own any fetchlands yet, you should invest because they're not going to drop in price any time soon, especially the blue ones.
Well, if you don't count the Jaces in here (which are $85 each)... Then the cost is about $70 for the actual spells and maybe $115-120 for the lands. These are fairly rough estimates which then I'd say put the deck at a little under $200 + 2 Jaces. Adding the Jace it's closer to $370 or so.
Ok, made room for a couple Mental Misstep and a fourth Hymn over a 2nd Duress. I think these should help shore up both matches quite nicely. I'm looking at building a sideboard now, too. What decks do you think I need to sideboard most against?
Yeah, I suppose, huh? haha. I'll have to look into a build. I already have 3 tops on hand.:)
If you get ONE hit in with the Jitte equipped, you almost litterally cannot lose to any aggro deck. Against combo storm decks you can gain extra life if you need to make them require a slightly higher storm count which can matter at times, and of course if they don't kill your guy, it essentially can have +4/+4 the next time it attacks. In short, no matter what the situation, if you get to attack with your Jitte Equipped guy and deal damage, you don't lose all too quick and the game becomes considerably harder for the opponent. Oh, and best of all... it has a simple cost of 2 to cast and 2 to equip which is actually significant.
@WhiteAndBlue: That's funny, although a bummer. I didn't think Countertop had been doing as well recently, although maybe it's on the rise again.:/ I think it's a neat deck honestly, but I could see how it'd be annoying to play against.
Haha. Yeah, so... I've got more changes to make. I played over half a dozen games with another friend piloting what is basically an extended version of elves and is crazy fast. I had many close games against it but in the end it was just far too much for my deck to handle due to it's speed. I ended up swapping in 2 Black Sun's Zenith over the Spell Pierce which did little against his deck. It may be beneficial in the end to actually construct a sideboard and put one of each in the main. One is good against Elves and the other is good against the non-aggro decks of the format. Black Sun's Zenith did seem quite good overall but at the same time never seemed to quite do enough. Any suggestions for similar, but perhaps better options? Something similar than can be good vs a variety of quick aggro? Also, 22 land seemed to be too much as well which still just seems odd to me but I cut one to put the 2nd Trygon Predator in. Against Elves he did little but was even nice if I got to the late game as just an additional blocked when needed. Against the elf deck, Diabolic Edict maybe would have been better as a 4th Go for the Throat though the Edict is occasionally more useful. So, I may go 1 Edict, 4 GftT. I'm also going to look into acquiring some Mental Mistep because I think it would actually be better than Spell Pierce in virutally any matchup. It can counter Dark Ritual, 1-drop Elves (can be hugely important) and so many other things. Counterspell, unfortunately, is a little slow for Legacy in general but was very good in situations. Force of Will would probably be much better, but there's no way I'm spending $90 per Force... I only have 2 Jaces in here because I got lucky enough to get them through trading type stuff. So... Final word: I'm loving the deck and it seems super good but has a bad aggro matchup. How do I fix this without conceding too much to the combo/control decks? Thanks for all your help so far.:)
Haha nice. Yeah, she's pretty insane. Funny how no one seemed to care about her until MBS though.:/ Now she even sees occasional play in Legacy! Have you ever had the experience of playing with Umezzawa's Jitte? If not, try it but not against someone you're afraid will enternally hate you for it. Haha.
Ok, so making some changes. Against my friends, Artifacts and Enchantments don't seem to be too critical in some games so I'm taking out 1 Trygon Predator for now. Also, my one friend tends to play a lot of black so the Snuff Out is coming out for now. Spell Pierces are coming in because he has a tendency to go turn 1 Dark Ritual, Hymn to Tourach, and sometimes Duress/Inquisition.:/ I've also got a few other cards I had to try out and have liked for the most part like Ancestral Vision. I'll be playing a bit more with my friends this afternoon so I'll give a nice update probably some time tomorrow and see if there were any other major changes that seem needed. The Predator may be coming back in, but we'll see. I'm just not sure what to drop for the 2nd one at this point.. I do actually tend to hit most of my land drops pretty well with the massive amount of card draw here so I may consider going to 21 land, but I'm not convinced just yet that I really want to do that..
Oh, I see. For some reason I thought you were saying Extraction was bad vs. combo... Not the other way around. That makes so much more sense... Haha.
Just for SOM. Otherwise it'd be seriously lacking and I'd have probably tried for a red splash for Assault Strobe...
Yeah? I'd honestly feel like combo/storm should be fairly one-sided. As WhiteAndBlue pointed out, the extractor really only needs to pull out their combo "target" (aka Tendrils) and that's usually game. Easier said than done when facing countermagic and whatnot but still... I do feel like besides the incredible speeds of some of those decks, it shouldn't be terribly hard to beat them. Idk. Maybe with their speed but extraction's easy win ability I'd suppose it'd be a fairly even matchup. I suppose you would know better, though.
Well, I just put the deck together so I don't want to say much yet about how it runs. Seems decent enough, though. I'm thinking Putrefax seems expensive and poor against control, but it does seem really sick to blast in when they're tapped out... Hmm. I'll have to look into that. Rot Wolf seems ok... I'm not really sold on him to be honest. Idk. I'll keep it in mind and while I do really like the card draw, it is only a 2/2 for 3 mana which is a bit slow and seems kind of rough. It could be a good sideboard card though, depending on what decks actually start becomming good in SOM block. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll definitely be looking into both.
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