Haha, yeah I suppose it will be. But you play green anyway, so you at least get to use it, too! Haha. Batterskull and the new Sword are just sick... Honestly, I wasn't too impressed initially with the new sword's abilities, but honestly... just having protection from red and white is huge! Even in legacy formats! I really would love to pick up a few of those new equipments soon. I'd love to make a fun Legacy Stoneforge deck - Take the swords you have now, add in Batterskull, and best of all: Jitte! Such a freakin' beating!
While I'll admit that extraction is probably not the best matchup for my deck, I would like to at least point out that I do have a fair number of counterspells and Hymn to Tourach can ruin almost any deck. I mean, extraction still probably beats it MOST of the time, but I wouldn't think it should be entirely one-sided.:/ But thanks. So far the land base has seemed great, which is nice.:)
Hey, ok so... I finally did it. I built a SOM block deck and was somewhat inspired by your run with block decks you've been starting. I know standard is your thing, so any ideas for the deck? It's mono-green poison instead of white.:/ http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=183545
Wow, I'm really liking your ideas for block constructed decks! Seriously, I like this a lot, although I can't help but feel like there's something missing. I can't quite put my finger on it either... Idk. I feel like it's going to be a little slow for the major lack of interaction it seems to have with the opponent but idk. Sorry. Not sure how to explain what I mean or how to really improve it even, although a 4th Clasp would maybe be good (or in the SB, along with a Contagion Engine perhaps). Anyways, I commented a while ago now on your GW landfall deck like you'd asked. Idk if you've noticed yet or not...:/
Ha, yeah... I'm not a big fan of English classes. I usually do well in them but they really suck.:/ I've never taken Deutsch before. Sounds cool, though.
Well, I've had very little time to test it actually at this point with finals week at college... I'm planning to get more playtesting in this weekend though. I'll update you a bit more after that. Thanks again for your help so far, though.:)
Hmm. That's really weird. I guess I just assumed almost any deck in legacy (other than affinity) got better with the dual lands if it was multicolored... Makes sense though.
Why is Dredge better without the old school duals? I love that deck, btw. I considered making one of those types of decks instead of this but in the end decided this gave me more flexibility to play a bigger variety of my favorites.:)
Awesome! :) Legacy seems great, but I can't afford the beta duals so I'm just goin "cheap" for now.:) Yeah, Team America is interesting and I'd never really known much about it but as I built this list I started noticing how similar it was to lists I'd heard of or seen briefly before so I looked it up. Looked solid enough so I kept goin with it.
Haha, true true. Most of my friends usually only play standard or casual multiplayer stuff but a few are getting a bit more into legacy so I had to brew up a deck.:) Glad I can finally pretend to "fit in" with you legacy buffs. Haha.
Not entirely sure honestly. I'd ask raggedjoe for his opinion. He's got a lot of sick affinity decks and usually has pretty good answers for these kinds of things.
Haha, fair enough. Thanks for tryin' though. I'll just be sure to hit you up with my next standard/block deck then.:)
Yeah, originally Probe was meant as a sick combo with Cabal Therapy but as I continued building I realized that there weren't enough creatures to really take advantage of the flashback cost... I've still got one just for testing purposes but I could definitely see it being cut so thanks for that. Trygon Predator is an Excellent Idea!!! I can't believe I didn't think about that! Thank you so much! Making changes now! Llawan seems great, but more as a sideboard card and I'm not really planning to use this much out of casual play so I'm not too sure about it but I'll keep it in mind for sure. Thanks again!:)
Well, originally I just wanted to play some awesome older cards that I owned or had been planning to acquire... Then I realized green didn't do too much for the deck besides provide the awesomeness that is Quirion Dryad and as it developed it ended up looking much more like Team America. Basically, Team America plays 4 Tarmogoyf and 4 Tombstalker as creatures plus a bunch of hand disruption, counters, and filtering/card draw. Turns out, my deck is basically the same type of thing. It's kinda like a psuedo-control deck that goes a bit more proactive with awesome, cheap threats. Speaking of threats, that's part of where this deck is currently lacking a fair amount. I'd considered Psychatog but it didn't seem too great in here to be honest. Any ideas on cheap, but powerful (for killing people) creatures I could run that don't cost a fortune (a.k.a. goyf)? Also, for now it's fairly spread out as far as the card selection goes, but it's the start of the deck so I'm not sure how much I'll need/want a lot of the cards and many are for testing. Originally I wanted to have 4 Gitaxian Probe to use with 4 Cabal Therapy. While I still think this is sick, I don't have enough creatures to really make the best use of Cabal Therapy...
Hmm... I tried Mystifying Maze in a variety of decks and just have never been overly satisfied with it so that's one card I'm not so sure on. Maybe with the rotation... Overall the deck looks solid, although Khalni Heart Expidition is not very good IMO. I would usually much rather have Explore or Cultivate. It's a fine card in valakut where you just need mountains to trigger and kill them, but in a normal rampish deck, not so much. Plus, it's pretty aweful late game. Another card to consider is Harrow as it's not my favorite ramp spell but is soo sick with landfall creatures and actually gains you mana for the turn with Lotus Cobra out. Other than that, it's hard to say without some testing but it should help for a start anyways. I like seeing Beast Within. Looks sick. Other cards to consider - Journey to Nowhere, Nature's Claim (which may be better than Acidic Slime now due to the Splinter Twin combo deck) and ready for it? Act of Aggression! In general, it may not be the best but if the Splinter Twin deck ever gets big in your meta, play this card. Here we go - They cast deciever exarch, then on their turn they cast Splinter Twin on the Exarch. In response, you steal the Exarch and at the end of your turn when it should go back to them, you combo off, untap, attack, and win!
Yeah, that's understandable. I think the Evolving Wilds should be just fine, though occasionally annoying but at least they can also get you your white mana if needed.
Ok so.. big issue I see? 10 green lands to your 17 white lands. 21 green cards (most of which you want to play early) to your 9 white cards... Something just isn't adding up here. Land base needs major fixing. Plus, it's a Karn deck right? Karn = 4 of! Karn can exile himself when you have another in your hand and you want to restart the game and go for even more "Karnage."
Besides playing a non-artifact deck? ;) Maybe try a card like Crush or Shatter. You just float a red mana as they cast their null rod and you crush it once it's in play before phases shift...
Ok, so... Made a BUG deck that is legacy legal but mostly just casual. It basically turned out to be Team America but cheaper... Any suggestions on some cheap, efficient beaters for it? Thanks. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=182418
Remember though that Doran requires a green mana to cast so you will need 1 Forest somewhere in the deck..
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