The fact that it has it's own song is a plus too. It's done by Six Feet Under for those who don't know.
S1: Phyrexian Obliterator S2: Surgical Extraction S3: Mindcrank S4: Jace, the Mind Sculptor S5: Despise A1: Sol Ring A2: Chaos Orb A3: Demonic Tutor A4: Mind Twist A5: Dark Ritual
Why not just run 4 clones instead of Vesuvan Shapeshifter? He changes to frequently. Plus drop the doppleganger too, if he end up cloning a clone, it'll be nothing and that's bad. Besides Jwari Shapeshifter is the cheapest clone you can get...
So other than 1 Pillar of the Paruns and 1 Ancient Ziggurat.... how do you cast Mishra?
I'm guessing this is based off what cards you own, so i will be as nice as possible and try not to come off as a douche bag. If you can run 4 Gatekeeper of Malakir and 4 Vampire Nighthawks you'll be off to a good start. I highly recommend getting your hands on some Vampire Nocturnus if you can, they will increase the power of your vamps quickly. Since this deck looks like it's for casual play i recommend another Malakir Bloodwitch and maybe 2 Sengir Vampires. Sengir is about to be reprinted in M12 so you should be able to get a hold of some soon. Vampire Hexmage is great for killing your opponents Planeswalkers, so if you have a friend who annoys you with them, pick some of those up as well. Petilence Demon doesn't function well here, it will probably tend to kill your vamps faster than anything... Royal Assassin is not exactly a Vampire, but he's one of my favorite black cards of all time, so if you wanna keep him in there i totally understand, cause he's a badass. If you can get your hands on 4 dark rituals do so, being able to drop Nighthawk on turn 1 is always good. If you want more help, post a reply and let me know.
Fun deck for multiplayer or for casual, but without any sort of mana ramp... this deck is way too slow.
I hate Stuffy Doll... usually see it in white with Paraiah and Guilty Conscience on it though.
Just tired of Spamers like you saying "please check this out"
That would be the previous deck which didn't get as much love for some reason.
Nothing costs over 4 mana to produce in this deck. Cabal Coffers is not needed with Dark Rituals there to gain the early advantage.
Yeah... those are the best ways to start the game i'd say
Well i have a friend who plays a very balanced black deck that does very well. Usually has answers for most things, small control, no real combos... it just works. I'll get the decklist and post it tomorrow.
I just go to for spoilers. They are always good for spoilers. Usually about 95% accurate.
Guy... you would play that for that reason alone. You're a crazy bastard. W&U, why no love for Jace 2.0? I'm excited about Jace 3.0, he looks like a lot of fun with a free Glimpse the Unthinkable... and an inverted Horrifying Revelation.
It's taken me a long time to get the great cards that I have in my collection. Juzam is right up there as my favorite, but Chaos Orb was the first "big-time" card i ever traded to get and Underworlds Dreams (when it was worth 20+ dollars) was after. I still remember staring at the original Nightmare forever because of the nice bright artwork and the fact it was such a powerful creature back then. It still is now, but to drop it too early is pointless. Favorite 4 CMC in magic right now is a tie between Nether Void, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, and Phyrexian Obliterator. Honorable mention; Nevinyrral's Disk.
Wolfbriar Elementals and Beastmaster's Ascension.... and maybe Aspect of Wolf for flavor.
I used to run 4 Grinning Demons instead of Juzam in the Vintage control with Nether Void, but occasionally i'd get stunned by Force of Will and the Grinning Demon tended to hurt me way too quickly compared to Juzam. He is by far a cheaper route to go though.
Doomsday with Hellcarver demon seems like a very specific stack you need... I don't like relying too much on certain combos unless i can make sure it goes off each and every time. Tombstalker is boss for sure, but I'm still a softy for Grinning Demon. Afterall he's Juzam Djinn's younger and more abusive brother.
Updated Sideboard...
Ah yes, the recursion is definately a good bonus. I think i just have a soft spot for the Wurm. I originally learned magic with green and Craw Wurm was my favorite along with Force of Nature. That is until someone hit it with Terror and i instantly fell in love with Black. So anytime a Wurm shows up in black i tend to like it and the fact is kinda works like a Bloodfire Colossus/Magma Giant is just an added bonus. I was running a Demon of Death's Gate for a while, but it was too inconsistant. I'm still trying to figure a good deck for Hellcarver Demon...
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