SO many lands.... Looks like a fun one!
Angel's Tomb?
Here ya go...
The Mana Curve in this thing is really high. I recommend running a few less bigger spells and putting in some Geralf's Messenger's. The card is insane and should not be left out. After that... Add some removal in the sidebord. Go for the Throat, Doom Blade, Bramblecrush.
No Geralf's Messenger? That card is even more sick-nasty with Soul Foundry...
I like the build, I actually just played in a Modern Tourney and placed 2nd with a sacrifice deck. It has a shit-ton of removal. Gatekeeper of Malakir, Consuming Vapors, Geth's Verdict, then i used Phyrexian Obliterator and Abyssal Persecuter to finish the beat down. And with each sacrifical card being "target player"it wasn't hard to remove the Abyssal Persecuter. I added some discard tricks like thoughtseize and extirpate for early game advantage. Side board with Pithing Needle, Gradiggers Cage, and Torper orb for control if needed. I seem to be rambling... and your deck seems to be more of a self sacrifice deck, not your opponent. It's a cool build though for sure.
Cheaper than or I've never ordered from star city, but i've had more than one fuck-up from troll and toad so i finally stopped doing business with them unless they are the only ones who have the card i need. Cardkingdom's layout kicks ass and they are always quick on delivery!
Oye, turn one thoughtseize into surgical extraction is still one of my favorite combos to abuse. My friends actually all started playing with mental misstep because of it... even my friend who despises blue! I appreciate the compliment on my drumming. It means a lot man. I'm self taught, so any compliment is always good. Have you "liked" us yet or are you still dealing with issues? Haha
I remember when Black Knight and White Knight were boss... those were the good old days...
Liliana turn one is just brutal... i try not to think about it much. Haha! No worries on not diggin my band. It's definitely not for everyone. But after all this time everyone calling me drumhead... I figured i'd "show" my skills. White and blue, ironically I used to HATE that song because when we jam on it in my garage i can never hear the bass or guitar for crap so it never sounded like i was playing the right thing or in time, but after we recorded it i fell in love with the song and understood why my bassist and guitar player loved it so much. I had fun tracking some vocals for that one. Both times you hear "I will show no mercy" it's me doing it. Little screaming and singing. Oh, and Sure... I wish i could play the Kazoo too... it's a totally underrated instrument... ha!
Favore cards... Black - Dark Ritual Blue - Counterspell White - Swords to Plowshares Red - Lightning Bolt Green - Llanowar Elves Artifact - Sol Ring Multi - Glimpes the Unthinkable My questions: What do you think of turn one Dark Ritual + Geralf's Messenger? Wanna check out my band? Keep kicking ass and makin decks my friend! DrumHead
I will sideboard the two Honden's! Thanks Ded! Also, if you like heavy metal... check out my band on facebook...
Thanks, yeah I figured with 4 of Neverending, the Honden's, and Paradox haze, that the fetch (Transmute) cards were't quite as necessary. The spellbombs add more to card draw later if cast early enough. And Geth's Grimoire is just mean with this deck.
I've decided to make this deck Ded and i will be play testing it very soon. I've made a few changes and it's legacy legal, so check it out when you have time and let me know what you think.
No sad faces allowed... This deck is fairly cheap to make.. I'm sure you'll get around to it some day.
I frickin hate Legacy/Vintage Goblins... it's so flippin fast!
I think I have most of these cards, and a few improvement cards like Reliuary Tower, Watery Grave and the sort to mix it up some. I just might make this beast. I love the synergy of the deck very much. I look forward to trying this deck out. Nice Ded, very nice!
I did throw 3 Maze of Ith's in the sideboard to replace the fetchlands for heavy creature decks. That card is overlooked a lot, but I love it.
You know, all I've read about the new block from Wizards swears it's a graveyard based set and granted flashback is there, but I have yet to see any decent speed at puting creatures from Graveyard to play. Unburial Rites is the closest thing and it's what... turn 5? Turn 4 if you're milling yourself... Dark Ascension doesn't seem to be offering any faster "Zombification" spells either. Sorry about venting, I have pretty much stayed away from Standard since Scars of Mirrodin dropped and went back to my roots and stuck with casual, legacy, and vintage. Overall the deck looks like a lot of fun to play but I can't see it really cutting the mustard against the current meta game.
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